Figure 4A-C from Ueki and Wakabayashi 2018. Ca2+-dependent changes in the direction of axonemal beating. (A) Experimental setups for observation of live or demembranated spheroids in a chamber. (B) Frames from high-speed recordings of regions near the anterior (Top) and posterior (Bottom) poles of a live spheroid. The observation using setup A was under stationary conditions in continuous light (Left) and after photostimulation (Right). (Scale bar: 100 μm.) (C) Typical sequential flagellar waveforms in a single beating cycle under each condition. Waveforms recorded as in B were traced (time interval of 1/500 s). (Scale bar: 10 μm.).
Last month, I reported on mad scientists Noriko Ueki and Ken-ichi Wakabayashi’s reanimation of dead (demembranated) Volvox rousseletii spheroids. PhysOrg is also carrying the zombie Volvox story: