My blog archives are back up, at last

My back catalogue of blog writing used to be hosted on OnlySky, until it shut down earlier this year. For a while, my archives had no home. I’m happy to report that situation has been rectified.

You can now find all my older writing on my personal website,, which I intend to keep online forever. It’s very simple and bare-bones at the moment, more a holding area than anything else. I’d like to improve it over time, adding features and making it look spiffier.

But the important stuff is there. It has my entire archive, including all my blog posts back to when I started writing regularly in 2006 (!). It encompasses the eras when I wrote for Big Think (2011-2012), Patheos (2013-2021), and the first iteration of OnlySky (2022-2023). There are index pages organized by year, so to browse the archives for, for example, 2019, you can do:

This archive is complete through March 2024. All my posts since then are on Freethought Blogs.

Compiling this was an exercise in personal archaeology. Unlike people who are wedded to a dogmatic worldview, I don’t believe changing your mind is a bad thing. As is proper for a rationalist, I strive to always be open to new evidence, and to be amenable to persuasion when I’m presented with a good argument.

As a consequence, my views have evolved over time. Not about everything – I’m as fierce an atheist as I ever was – but about some other subjects, my views have evolved. For instance, I’ve become more skeptical of capitalism as time goes by. I also see a lot more complexity and nuance in defining sex and gender than I used to.

Because of this, a few of these posts now feel outdated or obsolete to me. But I hope that the majority still hold up and still represent what I believe. As for the handful that don’t, I’m leaving them as is. I’m not editing or deleting them, in the interests of honesty and transparency (and, frankly, because it’d be too much work to go over every one with a fine-tooth comb).

Although I haven’t altered the content, I’ve done my best to clean and tidy it up. I’ve updated the links to be internally consistent, so posts from different eras that link to each other all go to this site and not to Patheos or OnlySky versions that no longer exist. Despite my best efforts, there are probably still some errors and omissions. If you’re perusing it and you come across anything that’s missing or broken, let me know.

One of my great regrets is that I couldn’t bring along the comments. I’ve learned a lot from my commenters over the years, even some of the ones that criticized me. Some of my older posts, especially the Atlas Shrugged series, had truly excellent discussions I wish I could have preserved, but I wasn’t able to. That’s one of the biggest flaws of commenting systems like Disqus: your data is held captive by a third party, you can’t download it if you go elsewhere. It goes to show the benefits of open-source interoperability over capitalist walled gardens.


  1. garnetstar says

    Thank you so much, Adam! As I said before, I really enjoy reading your archives. Will be back doing it soon!

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