I was going to write a long diatribe… but honestly, the simple story is more moving than any framing I could possibly give it. I am late to the table when it comes to this story. But, frankly, to let that stop me from saying something would be wrong. People should be stopping each other on the street to tell one another this is wrong. Which, in some places… they are. And, no, it isn’t even close to an over-reaction.
When a tragically dying fetus was threatening the life
Of Rick Santorum’s wife
They performed what, without the Catholic church’s (and the Santorum family’s) quite understandable contortion
Was an abortion
Which saved the life of the mother.
You might have thought that the lessons learned from this incident might perhaps be applied to another.
But not so much.
Because the Catholic Church, in Ireland and around the world, is out of touch.
And when they feel the absolute control they exert over their subjects start to slip
They tighten their grip
So yes, when Savita died—died!—because a hospital refused to perform a routine but life-saving procedure in deference to religious proscriptions, a decision which should, now and forever, be for the hospital an unending source of shame
And you’re wondering who to blame
You don’t have far to search—
It was the church.