When Bachmann accused him of selling his vote
Perry quickly composed his rebuff;
It wasn’t the principle, viewers may note–
But five grand wasn’t nearly enough
There are hundreds of donors who’ve given donations
Of one hundred thousand or more
If you want to be one of Rick Perry’s temptations
It’s six figures to get in the door!
There are two different worlds–there’s the people with money
And the people without it, like me
Which is why I just laugh, even though it’s not funny
When they tell me that freedom ain’t free.
Brief comment, after the jump:
Money buys influence. To a very real extent, money buys freedom–not in an abstract sense, but a very concrete sense; the freedom to take some time off from work, the freedom to take a jet to the coast, the freedom to choose foods without the first priority being price.
“Freedom isn’t free” is traditionally used when speaking of the sacrifice of members of the armed forces. (Actually, I remember the uber-patriotic singing group “up with people” singing a song “Freedom isn’t free, about just this.) But people with money are disproportionately missing from the military.
So yeah, we have two kinds of paying for it–blood and money. Guess which one gets legislation written?
Well said.
Yes, as a veteran, I inwardly groan when I hear another veteran or someone mouth the line “freedom isn’t free.”
Freedom isn’t free
No, there’s a hefty fuckin’ fee
And if you don’t throw in your buck-oh-five, who will?
“We’re all whores, the rest is just haggling over the price”, as my friend J used to say.