They said, of PZ Myers, “why, the man has got no heart!
He’s the bastard son of Satan, don’t you know?”
Now it’s off to Minneapolis, to crack his ribs apart
And determine if the situation’s so.
He’s a man who deals in evidence, a man who deals in facts
Why, he’s writing all about it in his book!
When the doctors said they didn’t like the way his ticker acts,
He’d be first to tell them, “hey, let’s take a look!”
If you’d like to say a prayer for him, just hang your head in shame,
That’s a waste of time, complete and utter loss!
But to really make a difference (you can do it in his name)
I’ll give blood, at the American Red Cross!
So… why not a PZ Myers Blood Drive? I know it’s not an actual poll, but to pharyngulate the blood bank would be a very worthwhile cause. I personally think this week would be an excellent one for such a call to action… and that way, cracking open PZ’s chest can be good, not just for him, but for many others across the country and perhaps across the world!
Squiddhartha says
The local blood bank holds drives at my workplace, and I donate every chance I get. I was already scheduled for the next one, but I'll be thinking of PZ while I'm filling the bag…
Anonymous says
I would be glad to, but the Nation Blood Service (UK here) won't take mine – it's very annoying.ShaunOTD
Cuttlefish says
Sorry about that, Anonymous–of course, were I the arm-twisting type, I'd ask you to convince a friend or two… no one said it had to be your *own* blood, after all…
Cuttlefish says
Oh, and good on you, Squiddhartha! That's pretty much the same case here–I try to schedule in advance to make sure they have the double-reds machine, but this one's for P-Zed.
Elisheba says
I gave blood a few days ago so I won't be eligible for another month, but I am retroactively doing it for PZ and not for the free ice cream.
chgo_liz says
Unfortunately, I too cannot give blood, but I'll remind everyone I know this week.
Anonymous says
I'm not eligible to donate either but my husband has agreed to donate an armful, with best wishes to PZ.Jessie
Theophylact says
I'm not eligible to give again until about September 7 or so, but it'll be my 14-gallon mark. I will, as the Quakers say, be holding PZ in the light, but not, of course, praying.
Monado says
I guess I'd better stroll over and see if the Red Cross will take me this time. And we can tell people we're doing it godlessly for PZ.
Xhakhal says
They won't take mine either – if I give an armful, I collapse for a week -_-' But I'll be thinking of PZ and linking to this post!
DM says
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Jeromeo says
Damnit, just got a new tattoo, so they wont take my blood for another 6 months. Maybe i can bleed markuze dry instead…
Anonymous says
I tried twice to give blood here in the UK but was turned down both times. I would guess with the rat poison they're giving me now the answer will still be, "No".Someone mentioned getting an ice cream …? Only ever heard of a cup of sweet tea round here (Yuk!).Alan B
Dan Gambiera says
Just gave blood for the first time in five years – a few weeks after getting the "Five Year Cure" news from the doctors. Dedicated it to PZ
Anna O'Connell says
I became eligible to donate blood again the day before you originally posted this. I have an appointment to donate Thursday, and will make this pint "for PZ". My usual dedication is In Memoriam, Robert Heinlien, but I change it up whenever a friend or family member needs surgery…
Anonymous says
Well, I got a tattoo this summer, and before that I travelled to China, but I've been tested for all the things they are looking out for, so……I think I'll just lie. O_O