A Milestone Of Sorts

One Hundred, now number my followers;
I’m not really sure what that means.
I think those are people who follow my posts
On electric computing machines.

One Hundred, who read silly verses
On science, religion, and more;
They each clicked a link that said “follow this blog”,
Though I’m not really sure what it’s for.

One Hundred is twice more than fifty;
At least, that’s what I understand.
And more might be better—if that is the case,
Then a thousand would really be grand!

One Hundred delightful companions!
One Hundred intelligent folks!
One Hundred to argue, critique, or just comment,
Or laugh at my miserable jokes.

One Hundred! One Hundred and counting!
I hope that the growth never ends!
Today I invite you, encourage, incite you,
To share all the fun with your friends*!

*or enemies, depending on which verses you choose to focus on.

So, yeah, I looked over there to the right and I see that, as of recently (today? yesterday? before?), I officially have 100 followers! That’s gotta be a good thing, right? (Seriously, is it a good thing? I assume it is, but I have no idea what it means. I am not internet savvy, nor computer savvy, nor all that happy with a pocket calculator. I write these things on a coal-fired difference engine, which represents a major step up from my previous waterwheel powered device.)

Thank you, all of you. I don’t quite know why, but I thank you, because it’s a nice round number and I am easily impressed by stuff like that. Friday is my second blogoversary, and I would never have guessed two years ago that my blog would still exist now, let alone have more followers than ever before (and we are on course for the biggest month in terms of visitors and pageviews in all that time)! So anyway, thanks, and feel free to pick your favorite verses and send links to your friends, cos as cool as 100 is, I have heard that they make even bigger numbers! (oh, no! He’s a follower addict!)



  1. says

    Dearest Cuttlefishy:It's so VERY to celebrate. And so deserved. Perhaps you should mark the 111th or the 666th or such. In any case, I mark you.I must ask, whither poetry? I believe you to be a Renaissance of sorts, a Rood Runner. Blaze away, brother, blaze away.

  2. says

    Dearest Cuttlefishy:It's so VERY to celebrate. And so deserved. Perhaps you should mark the 111th or the 666th or such. In any case, I mark you.I must ask, whither poetry? I believe you to be a Renaissance of sorts, a Rood Runner. Blaze away, brother, blaze away.

  3. says

    I briefly considered un-following the blog, just to see what would happen if your post became incorrect, but then I realized that I'd have to check back manually to see your beautiful verse up there on my screen. So I didn't. Congratulations on your hundred followers, Cuttlefish!

  4. says

    For what it's worth, I follow this blog via a feed on Livejournal, which wouldn't count towards that number… so you may have more "followers" than even that!

  5. says

    I suspect I don't count in those numbers either. You may feel that this is a blessing.Anyway, well done on reaching your century. I shall applaud politely.

  6. says

    So . . . . that makes me Follower Number 100 and Number 99. I like it. It makes me want to rhyme.nine nine featheredgedone zero zero full-fledgedthat's me acknowledged

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