Because I am an atheist: kagekiri

Today’s contribution was submitted by kagekiri as a comment.

Because I am an atheist…

…I can take reality as it comes and with free honesty, instead of trying to cram evidence into my pre-conceived notions of reality and running away from anything that doesn’t fit.

Because I’m an atheist, I don’t have to ignore thoughts and desires lest they cause me to fall into “sin”. I can assess them more calmly and still find reasons to not do evil besides “because if I do them, I’ll go to Hell!”

Because I’m an atheist, I no longer have to blame myself or others for our suffering or short-comings. I can love myself as and others as we are instead of tearfully thanking God for loving us despite our sinful selves.

Because I’m an atheist, I can be happy now, instead of suffering with depression and self-loathing for the sake of an afterlife.

Because I’m an atheist, I love my family even more than ever, because I realize life isn’t all about worshiping God: it’s about those we love and interact with.

Because I’m an atheist, I can take a clear look at how my life will impact the world beyond Christian evangelizing. All meaning is relative, but the world is important to our species, so I can fight for it rather than feel guilty that I should be doing things to get people to a better afterlife.

Because I’m an atheist, I care about our collective future, because God isn’t going to magically step in and fix everything/blow everything up.

Because I’m an atheist, the world has become far less black and white, and I’m far more able to understand and empathize with others and their differing outlooks and experiences in life.

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  1. says

    I enjoyed reading your post “Because I am an Atheist” very much. It seemed very honest and truly hits points right on the head. I however am not an Atheist, I am a Christian. I do not wish to argue with you in any point as I am not here to debate, especially because your post was so personal. I hope to also share “Because I know Jesus”, in a respectful way. That can bring a second perspective and taken with an open mind.

    Because I know Jesus… I can appreciate the beauty of everything created in a way that brings joy and curiosity, with an open mind knowing all things have a purpose.

    Because I know Jesus, I don’t have to worry about any guilt or shame I have for doing wrong, because I am forgiven. I can relax and know that I do not have to do good works to be forgiven, but I am free to do good works because I already am forgiven.

    Because I know Jesus, I can forgive others who do wrong against me, and not just love those who love me, but love those who hate me as well.

    Because I know Jesus, I can be truly content in the knowledge that each day is a gift and that there is a plan beyond me and my little world.

    Because I know Jesus, I love my family greatly, because Jesus teaches me what true love is, that no love is greater than one person giving up their life for another.

    Because I know Jesus, I can feel accountable for my actions and know there is an eternal consequence for what I say and do. I can look upon the world and see a gift given to us that we must take care of. Knowing we are not just part of the world, but have a responsibility to care for it.

    Because I know Jesus, I can always have hope. His spirit comforts me in difficult times. And I know that he is relational, a loving and wise God, in control even when it may seem like it is not so.

    Because I know Jesus, I am able to listen and love others with a compassion beyond my own understanding. I can learn from others but stand strong in who I am knowing I have purpose. Not because I am forced to, but because I have chosen to follow him.

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