Nothing new in Bangladesh » « As they were Freethought in Bangladesh The BBC Bangladesh World Service talks to Taslima about the murder and about the safety of freethinkers. Her segment starts at about 4:20 but the whole thing is interesting. Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditGoogleMoreEmailPrint Nothing new in Bangladesh » « As they were
Taslima Nasreen says February 27, 2015 at 11:49 pm It’s BBC world news, not BBC Bangladesh service. The woman who was interviewed before me was from BBC Bengali service.
SC (Salty Current) says February 28, 2015 at 7:00 am His daughter Trisha Ahmed has posted on FB asking people, especially in the US, to spread her father’s story.
Ophelia Benson says February 28, 2015 at 8:22 am Oops! I knew I should have watched the beginning again before typing…
It’s BBC world news, not BBC Bangladesh service. The woman who was interviewed before me was from BBC Bengali service.
A million thanks to you for your support.
His daughter Trisha Ahmed has posted on FB asking people, especially in the US, to spread her father’s story.
Oops! I knew I should have watched the beginning again before typing…