What have you got against flamingoes anyway?

Latsot (Look at the state of that) lists some of the tropes, in a comment at oolon’s place. Quoted with permission.

It would be too depressing to describe all the ‘arguments’ against rape culture I’ve seen, but it might be fun to list some of the tropes. For an especially masochistic definition of ‘fun’. Some of these you’ve already mentioned.

1. Women all the time be faking accusations
2. Being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped
3. Someone you admire once accused someone of rape so accusing people of rape is always bad (never quite understood this one)
4. You SJW types say you should always believe the victim no matter what (rather than you should always believe the victim PROVISIONALLY unless there’s a good reason not to, which is what we actually tend to say)

5. The slymepit has lots of examples of FTBullies behaviing badly, therefore…. and I get a bit lost here… people who rape or threaten rape or enable rape are…ok…?
6. FTBullies are evil. Therefore anyone evil is an FTBully. Therefore FTBullies are evil. Why are they evil? Mostly because they are not fans of rape culture apologists.
7. He was joking when he threatened to rape someone or said he was glad they were raped.
8. It wasn’t a real threat because it was on the Internet.
9. He kindasorta said he was sorry when the entire internet condemned him so he’s presto-changeo forgiven by the internet jesus.
10. He hasn’t said anything unbelievably shit in the last fortnight, so he’s totally not a horrible bigot.
11. Look over there, a FLAMINGO.
12. What have you got against flamingoes anyway? I’m not changing the subject, YOU ARE. I don’t even know of ONE flamingo who’s a rapist.
13. Being liberal is somehow and inexplicably a bad thing
14. Caring about people is somehow and inexplicably a bad thing
15 Atheism is only about not believing in gods. Unless we are telling off believers for the same things we refuse to tell non-believers off for.

Your turn.


  1. Al Dente says

    FTBullies are evil. Therefore anyone evil is an FTBully. Therefore FTBullies are evil. Why are they evil? Mostly because they are not fans of rape culture apologists.

    Circular reasoning at its finest. With added “they’re mean to me because I’m an asshole.”

    He was joking when he threatened to rape someone or said he was glad they were raped.

    This is one that really annoys me. “It was a joke” is the excuse bullies use when they get caught. If TAA was joking then how come nobody’s laughing?

    It wasn’t a real threat because it was on the Internet.

    Law enforcement has a different attitude towards internet threats. There are people doing time in prison because they made internet threats.

    He kindasorta said he was sorry when the entire internet condemned him so he’s presto-changeo forgiven by the internet jesus.

    The Internet Jesus forgot to tell the rest of us about forgiving TAA.

    He hasn’t said anything unbelievably shit in the last fortnight, so he’s totally not a horrible bigot.

    Who knows what he’ll do ten minutes from now. As Shrub put it so well: “Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

    Look over there, a FLAMINGO.

    Is it a real flamingo or just a lawn flamingo?

  2. says

    Blanche: I believe #15 is referring to the apparent hypocrisy where some skeptics will point out the horrible misogyny and sexism and such perpetrated by religion groups, but then get upset and lash back when someone criticizes atheists and skeptics for the same thing.

    When we’re telling them they’re being sexist, then atheism is only about not believing in gods. But then they turn right around and attack religious groups for the same thing they’ve been blowing off.

  3. says

    That bloody show boating latsot outdid my post with a comment! I called it Comment Of The Year for my blog, but given I usually get anti-FTB/blockbotters commenting on there that doesn’t give it justice.

    I’ll add;

    16. Rape culture isn’t real because feminists made it up, everything they say is made up, also they are victims!
    17. Rape culture isn’t real because only some barbaric places in Africa are rape cultures, which is something I just asserted isn’t real, but this doesn’t seem to stop me.

  4. Stacy says

    Oh good, now I have yet ANOTHER blog to check out daily (or I will, once I get a working computer.)

    Well, at least I have a cyber-life.


    P.S. Great comment, latsot

  5. qwints says

    The flamingos chased it away.

    I seriously saw someone claim recently that 60% of accusations were false based on unavailable “studies” by some guy named McDowell that a bunch of MRAs have referenced around the internet. The willful ignorance required to believe that is just unbelievable.

  6. says

    @qwints, I take your 60% and up you an 80% figure from an MRA I was arguing with on Twitter. Couldn’t provide a reference for that, unsurprisingly! I referenced the 0.6% study in the UK and pointed out all big studies show it is *at worst* the same as other crimes. Then we have antifeminists like Sommers in the post after this saying feminists are reckless! Over a fairly meaningless stat, not one that has been shown to have a direct effect on conviction rates and men’s proclivity to rape -> see rape myth acceptance studies.

  7. freemage says

    oolon: I was surprised at the lack of an Evo-Psych Bio-Truth argument in your list. I KNOW I’ve seen these shitheads argue that all of this reprehensible behavior is just the result of evolution and thus totally shouldn’t be something the be worried about (this so heavily falls into not even wrong territory, it’s depressing, of course).

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