He talks the usual holistic bollocks, which the newspapers duly solemnly repeat for him.
The Prince Of Wales called today for a health service that recognises “the core human elements of mind, body and spirit” as well as treating disease.
Charles said health professionals should develop a “healing empathy” to “listen and honour what is being said and not said by patients” so they can find their own way towards better health.
Writing in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, he set out a vision of healthcare that includes “the physical and social environment, education, agriculture and architecture”.
Writing in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine? How does someone with no medical or scientific training of any kind get to publish an article in a medical journal? Was it peer-reviewed?
The editor explains:
Dr Kamran Abbasi, the journal’s editor, said: “The Prince of Wales is a prominent and influential voice.
“When he sets out his vision for health, something he clearly thinks deeply about, speaking directly to medical professionals is the best way of allowing a constructive debate to flourish.
“This is an important article and The Prince’s vision for health is engaging.”
Well of course the prince is a prominent and influential voice – that’s because he’s the prince! That’s the only reason. That’s a seriously crappy reason to publish an article by him in a medical journal.
Toffy McToff doesn’t have any special wisdom merely because he was born a Windsor.
Please, when dismissing the idiocy of the concept of royalty, be as dismissive, condescending, and ridiculing as possible. Do not hold anything back.
The only reason people listen to that idiot is because of whose vagina he was squeezed out of. That’s the only thing that makes you a prince.
Hey, if you can become a head of state (providing he outlives his mother) through no other qualification than just being born, why can’t you become a doctor the same way?
I’m no fan of the “royal” family and prince Charles is the worst of the lot – a self importance arse who when he becomes king will be a total embarrassment to the whole of the UK. Ben Goldacre’s Bad Science says all you need to know about him.. When researchers produced a study into the anti-vax shit thrown around by homoeopaths ….
That fucker Brian should have been sacked, unfortunately we cannot do that for some reason.
‘Charles said health professionals should develop a “healing empathy” to “listen and honour what is being said and not said by patients” so they can find their own way towards better health.’
In other words, Prince Charles has absolutely no experience of what it is like to be a health professional as this is exactly what we’re all taught to do even in the most mainstream, evidence-based schools.
I have to respond to these outrageous slurs against a man who, as we are often told, can’t answer back.
The idea that he is not qualified is laughable — Charles is a fellow of the Royal Society; a Doctor of Law, Civil Law and Letters; and has his Art degree. O.K. None of these are strictly medical qualifications but he has opened more hospitals than you’ve had hot dinners and that must count for something.
Also nobody is highlighting the sacrifices he makes for the country. As he has often championed the best treatment is a kind word and some sugar water. However when his family have the slightest sniffle they are forced into the best hospitals in the country and subjected to the ministrations of the countries leading medical men using the most advanced technology available.
I hope you all feel suitably chastised.
While al always willing to have a stab at medical types who don’t listen, are dismissive and rude, are incompetent, who have their own agenda, or any of the above, I don’t understand what P Chucky imagines he is accomplishing, given his support of quackery.
In the UK some formerly well respected Universities are now run by Quacks, Charlatans and other new age fraudsters. These Uni’s have been transformed into “Woo-niversities” and now offer degree courses in Homeopathy??. I presume that their science departments now offer courses in “other ways of knowing”.
F****ng unbelievable.
If interested apply to the Chancellor Mr Terry F**kwit
Charles’s main function is to ask every morning: “Did Mummy die during the night?”
Charles is a runner-up.
@ 5 – very good. I thought it was for real at first.
As a rebel colonist, I must thank George Washington again for not crowing himself king. The British Royal family seems to me to be a useless bunch of professional celebrities. Queen Liz seems rather likable, but Prince Charles is a major-league goofball.
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It’s almost as though just having a royal family in the first place isn’t quite embarrassing enough.