I first came across feminism, or Women’s Lib as it was called then, in the late 60’s. Many things have changed for the better, the King’s Arm no longer has a men only bar; but employers still find sneaky ways round equal opportunities/pay legislation and attitudes have changed surprisingly little.
While acknowledging that I know why the frustration is being expressed, it’s still important that we are still arguing over these things because there are quite literally millions of people who don’t know about them. Gotta keep edumacatin’!
Your Name's not Bruce?says
Don’t forget the special supplementary issue “Watch While we Turn Back the Clock to the Sixteenth Century”.
Musical Atheistsays
Nor the centrefold article on how to make modern movies more sexist and erasing of female agency than films made almost half a century ago.
I’d subscribe, too.
Personally, I look forward to the “how in the ever-loving hell is this still a problem?” and “oh look, the media still hates women” columns.
Bernard Hurley says
I first came across feminism, or Women’s Lib as it was called then, in the late 60’s. Many things have changed for the better, the King’s Arm no longer has a men only bar; but employers still find sneaky ways round equal opportunities/pay legislation and attitudes have changed surprisingly little.
Captaintripps says
While acknowledging that I know why the frustration is being expressed, it’s still important that we are still arguing over these things because there are quite literally millions of people who don’t know about them. Gotta keep edumacatin’!
Your Name's not Bruce? says
Don’t forget the special supplementary issue “Watch While we Turn Back the Clock to the Sixteenth Century”.
Musical Atheist says
Nor the centrefold article on how to make modern movies more sexist and erasing of female agency than films made almost half a century ago.
NateHevens says
I’d subscribe, too.
Personally, I look forward to the “how in the ever-loving hell is this still a problem?” and “oh look, the media still hates women” columns.
Greg Laden says
I’m in.
carpenterman says
With a name that long, there won’t be room for the obligatory hot woman on the front cover.
CT says
that’s okay, we can just cut her head, arms legs out of the picture and she’ll fit.