I’ve never been more glad that I’m getting my PhD. Apparently it’s a great way to keep away misogynistic idiots who think educated women decrease men’s happiness because they aren’t sexy. Because you know, fuck becoming educated and pursuing a career you’re passionate about – you should be acting sexy for some guy! Sorry lesbians and bisexuals, you don’t count. I know it sounds like nonsense, but he has a GRAPH!
Can’t argue with something made in Excel! How did he come up with this highly scientific, objective measurement of femininity and education?
A good test to see if a girl is over-educated is to add the word “sexy” before her job title. If the resulting phrase ignites arousing images in your head, then she’ll most likely have what it takes to satisfy you.
Sexy Waitress? Unf. Sexy Professor? Get the barf bag. I guess this explains why you never hear about Sexy Librarians or Sexy Nurses, and why nerdy girls universally repulse guys on the internet. …Wait.
Anything beyond a bachelors at a public university is a near guarantee she’ll possess a large basket of masculine traits that will prevent boners.
I’m getting nervous at this point. Why, I’m pursuing something beyond a bachelor’s! Though at least I’ve never attended a private, elitist, feminazi university. What terrible masculine traits have I been subjecting my boyfriend to?
1. They’re fat. (This guy probably thinks so)
2. They’re constantly glued to their phone. (Only men are allowed to do this)
5. They think being funny and witty is a quality that men love. (We all know women can’t be funny, right?!)
8. They wear flip-flops even when they’re not at the beach, pool, or in their house. (Comfort be damned, you should constantly be subjected to only the highest of heels!)
9. They have condoms in their drawers because they expect to have random sex with strange men. (I’m such a slut, using condoms)
10. They cannot dance. They also do not know how to sing or play basic musical instruments. (Doing the “shopping cart” counts as a dance move, right?)
12. They acquire pets instead of putting effort into landing a quality man. (I do have more photos of Pixel on my phone than my boyfriend…)
18. Their idea of travel is going to the beach or France. (Paris was awesome!)
24. They make lame excuses for not putting effort into their appearance. (Like “I look fine without makeup and don’t care enough to put forth the time or effort.” LAME!)
25. They obsess about the environment above what is reasonable, even though they pollute more than 90% of people in the world. (#1 pollutant is apparently the rays of masculinity I’m exuding)
33. They insist on eating pizza or otherwise fattening food after a night of binge drinking. (I guess only guys are allowed to fulfill their late night munchies with some nice biscuits and gravy or a Seattle Dog (hot dog with cream cheese and sautéed onions, mmmm))
35. They care more about maintaining their career than a good home. (Pay no attention to the mounds of dirty dishes and laundry)
36. They rarely wear high heels. (Because I don’t own any)
40. They like Ikea furniture. (But it’s like adult Legos! It’s a furniture amusement park! LINGONBERRY SAUCE!)
Pixel enjoying my Ikea furnishings
42. They go on and on about the stupidest shit. (Well, I am a blogger)
That’s only 15 out of 42, which is probably around the Average Masculinity Unit for 3rd year graduate students. By the time I’ve graduated, I’ll probably have picked up a few more terrible traits, like getting acne and watching too much tv.
But this is the money quote for me:
Unless you’re a latent homosexual, you won’t get many benefits from a relationship with a woman on the right side of the chart.
Wow, I never knew my current boyfriend and all of my exes were secretly latent homosexuals! Apparently it’s easy to confuse “latent homosexuality” with “not being an idiotic misogynistic jackass.”
(Via Man Boobz)
“Boner Softening
Sexy IT specialist
Sexy business manager
Sexy tort attorney
Sexy civil engineer
Sexy anesthesiologist
Sexy research associate
Sexy financial analyst”
What I’m getting here is your penis can’t function unless you feel superior to the woman you’re attempting to fuck. Which sounds like a “you problem”.
Your boyfriend & my husband should get together to commiserate (and maybe have an affair, since they’re both obviously latent homosexuals).
– Unsexy lawyer :)
I can’t even process the stupidity here. Instead I’m going to imagine rubbing Pixel’s tummy in that first picture.
Last on his list:
That just has to be a witty self-referential meta-commentary on his whole article. Right?
It true. I’ve seen it happen. This girl I knew got a PhD in something that only men are allowed to know and understand, and when they handed her her diploma she curled over. They had to take her to the hospital. Later we found out that she grown two penises right there, right then. Now she has a beer gut and talks about the Washington Redskins all day. Swear to male god, it’s a true story.
Wow. Just wow. There is no way this can NOT be a Poe.
Can it?
Please say ‘No’; otherwise, my faith in humanity will be irreparably shattered!
Come to think of it – even if it’s a Poe, who makes up this kind of fetid drivel?
[*Goes and hugs wife who is also a PhD and wonderful human being*]
So, let me try his reasoning out… Apparently Aron Ra is a latent homosexual because he finds intelligent women sexy. Hmm..hadn’t thought of it that way does put a kink in our relationship.
Latent homosexuality is the perfect explanation for why my husband decided to marry someone whose figure is constantly compared to a taller Christina Hendricks.
– sexy DVM
I’d never heard of the shopping-cart dance. Google and YouTube answered my question, with humorous results.
I’m happy to say that this idiot would run a mile from me. Happy because I want him at least that far away. I only have a bachelor’s, but it’s in Mechanical Engineering.
I’m also happy to say that my husband likes me the way I am. Just as well really.
It’s a trap I consistently fall for
pfft, the Shopping Cart is for amateurs. Real dancers do the Bus Driver. ;)
Sadly, if you look at his blog post, right below the “Game Tips Newsletter:” is a picture of a sexy nurse. So, I can only conclude that he is so turned on by reading his own words that he has to post pictures of sexy “nurses” up so that he doesn’t spooge all over his keyboard.
What’s wrong with wanting to travel to France? :o
Sexy Event Specialist?
It’s clear, the SSA has to sex-ify all of their job titles!
Glass half-full: I’m glad this member of the bachelor herd at least has e-list-making to keep him busy. Better he does this than gun collecting.
But wait…as a scientist AND an artist am I sexy enough or not? I must know! Does my artistic talent override my boner-killing education?
+1 this comment :)
>>33. They insist on eating pizza or otherwise fattening food after
>>a night of binge drinking. (I guess only guys are allowed to
>>fulfill their late night munchies with some nice biscuits and
>>gravy or a Seattle Dog (hot dog with cream cheese and sautéed
>>onions, mmmm))
IMO, the only thing sexier than braininess is nerdiness. But then, I’m a homosexual, and not at all “latent” (btw, if someone asks, I can unpack the homo- and transphobia in that little gem of a line, it’s like a matryoshka doll of stupid) so maybe I’m just being attracted to the “masculinity” of those traits⸮
Hush now, we all know the problem can’t possibly lie with a sad, desperately insecure man who can’t get it up unless he knows his partner is dependent on him to stay out of poverty!
But is it a Sexy Event-Specialist? Or a Sexy-Event Specialist?
Cats are more adorable, aren’t they?
Nice takedown of this turd. Ed Brayton linked to a similar rant by British weightlifter Zoe Smith earlier. I found myself wanting to cheer.
Funny, I’ve been happier, get more attention, and have way better sex the higher up the boner-killing ladder I do. (In as much as I am still mostly seen as a woman.)
Hold on. I don’t mean to make this about me, but those are supposed to be masculine traits? Before I even get to the other stuff, can I be offended that this guy seems to think men are fat, culturally void, shallow, pet-collecting environmentalists (ok, that one I don’t mind) who can’t dance? I’m not sure why he would list those as “masculine traits”.
I sincerely think this guy must be deluded, for a number of reasons. First, I see nothing “boner softening” about the idea of a ConLaw attorney. I’m pretty sure the “sexy” is implied there. Secondly, the comments on this guy’s blog demonstrate that even if this were a Poe, the sheer volume of people who agree with this sort of nonsense is disappointing. Sixth and lastly, I find it endlessly amusing how many of those on the list are addressed to women “doing things for themselves,” but they seem to be aimed specifically at pleasing somebody else (presumably the author).
Well, the slope on my version of that graph is positive.
Ack, way to finish a thought, self. I get way more *worthwhile* attention.
Fewer misogynist douchebags also explain a lot of my increased happiness.
>>Before I even get to the other stuff, can I be offended that this
>>guy seems to think men are fat, culturally void, shallow, pet-
>>collecting environmentalists (ok, that one I don’t mind) who
>>can’t dance?
LOL Great catch! I hadn’t even thought about that.
I wonder how much is “reasonable” concern for the environment? Perhaps any level of concern that requires any change in lifestyle or policy at all is “unreasonable”?
Could we send this clown to some other planet? Preferably one without Internet?
It’s one of those “the patriarchy hurts men, too” things. As much as women are expected to be evil devil things out to destroy men, men are also stereotyped as witless dolts who could never notice a woman trying to manipulate them with sex to steal their money and have their either dumb or manipulative babies, dependent on gender.
“Sexy IT specialist” gave me a boner, and I don’t even have a penis.
What now?
Meh, all of the women I find sexy are intelligent. Often, too intelligent to reciprocate… Maybe that’s his problem with educated women, in fact I’d bet on it.
It’s expensive? It’s not fun if you hate French people?
I’m tapped out.
You people make fun of him, but look he’s an accomplished author.
“Day bang”
“Bang Poland”
“Bang Iceland”
“Bang Colombia”
“Don’t bang Denmark” which is ironically about banging Denmark.
“30 Bangs”
“A Dead Bat in Paraguay” which I can only assume is about banging dead animals south of the border.
My wife has a MS and watches more sports than me, wears flip-flops, is very witty, can’t carry a tune in a bucket, and very rarely wears heels (which I appreciate since we’re the same height). I guess I’m gay. I never knew. I guess I should be thanking him for revealing this to me.
I initially went to make a comment at that site, read about 5 comments, and slowly backed away, making no eye contact. Then I read your comment, shamelessly paraphrased your comment and left the following:
Thanks for motivating me. :)
I think you just broke my brain’s stomach.
Now, now, we all know that you go vapid and girly-girl when you’re around him. Only possible explanation.
Woops, meant that comment to go to the top level, but no insult meant to happiestsaddest’s comment. :)
I do feel like I need to give warning about the acne thing though. I have never had so much freaking stress acne as my first year tenure track. Seriously, I think it’s worse than when I was 16.
But that was a problem for me… not my husband.
Heh. I’m honored.
In the game of tummy tickles you win or you die.
Dear Jen,
I clearly have a problem. All the things he cites as problems for a “real man” are turn-ons form me. I find most of them in my wife of 34 years. And my son and grandsons would have real trouble thinking of me as effeminate. What do I do?
Actually, I’m writing to remind you that not all men are ignorant, misogynist, sexist boobs. I also thought that this YouTube clip was perfect as a response.
I clicked the link. I read the comments. I’m gonna go cry in the shower now.
right on!
It’s a cat game. There is no cat game without pain. Cat people are just made of stronger stuff.
Now, it occurred to me that there was one time that my sexy lawyer partner of 11 years absolutely, unequivocally killed my precious boner, to which adheres all universal rights of bonerdom.
As a public service announcement, I wish to inform all you ladies that it is NOT ok to say the following during sexual activity:
That is all. Paroxysms of laughter are simply not conducive to sexytime.
Whoa. Awesome data, maaaan. Can I cite you for peer-reviewed publications?
Servers and artists are feminine? That would be news to some fabulously butch friends of mine.
Also, is this chart supposed to apply to men as well? As a scientist-in-training, it seems I may have an awful lot of butching up to do. Must I give up eyeshadow, mascara, and asymmetric bangs in order to get a PhD?
Ikea furniture kills boners! Who knew?
The Swedish. Those crafty Nobel-prize-giving bastards.
100% agreed.. this comment rules…
PS–what a lame specimen of humanity Jen has found.
Ha! Simultaneously argues that educated women have too much random sex AND that they are too ugly to be desirable to men.
Isn’t anything with the word “sexy” in front of it, by definition, sexy? Like, if a sexy lawyer is not sexy, we have bigger problems than boner-melting: logic simply doesn’t work any more and the universe is broken.
We don’t have to argue about whether a “Sexy unitard made of hairballs” is sexy. Otherwise, it’s not one of those.
The moron is obviously too stupid to realize the level of education nurses have. He probably think that porn provide a realistic description of nurses, you know, unnaturally huge boobs, really short tight dresses, the kind of high heels that no human can stay on for more then a few seconds and nothing better to do then to fu*k the first random person who happen to walk into the room.
Well, I don’t know what hospitals you go to, but the nurses I saw were exactly like that. Of course, I was hopped up on morphine and not particularly interested in sex at the time. Also, I may have been hallucinating. And potentially may have made up the whole thing.
You know, I only just realized that original post was over a year ago. Damn, I was looking forward to some comment thread fun. Oh well.
I just looked at the rest of his site. I don’t think I’ve seen a vile asshole of this caliber since Tom “whoriarchy” Martin on Butterflies and Wheels last year.
I have to disagree with his assessment of female attractiveness though;
“Sexy electrical engineer” and “Sexy astrophysicist” are awesome titles, both requiring some pretty hefty education.
But I’m getting a master’s in human sexuality… how does that fit into his calculations??
Oh, he probably wouldn’t like it that I’ve watched weirder porn than he has.
How do you find these things, Jen?
I really don’t understand how anybody could say the sort of things he does with a straight face. Isn’t one of the prerequisites of being attracted to a person that they be interesting to talk to?
Yep. To which address should I send your Internet?
I want a Seattle dog! C’mon, I already have the Ikea furniture, cat and option to kill bonerz.
For some reason, this is the one that really made me lose it:
I quite literally have no idea what he’s getting at here. Most of his other stupid stereotypes about smart/ unsexy women I’m familiar with, they conjure up some sort of retrograde iconic image… but I’ve been spending the last five minutes trying to figure this one out, and I’m drawing a complete blank. Only smart women like to go to the beach? I’m conjuring up this image of beach culture, as dominated by female lawyers and professors and the pussy-whipped men they’re dragging along with them. I’m drawing a blank. But admittedly, I’m not as up on popular culture and its tropes as I used to be. Is this a thing now?
Also, what do the beach and France have to do with each other?
I’m clearly putting way more thought into this than it needs.
To sum up, the guy’s a shithead.
Educated women rock.
Lemme see if I’ve got this all added up: douchebag thinks women are supposed to be… skinny, non-witty, wearing uncomfortable shoes, sexually restrained, yet also man-focused, always groomed, uninterested in larger affairs (such as the planet), dainty eaters, focused on housekeeping at the expense of careers, and be unable to assemble their own furniture, BUT, they must ALSO be able to sing, dance and play a musical instrument, AND be well-traveled!
This idiot doesn’t want a woman. He wants a LADY. Meaning, a daughter of privilege from the Victorian era or earlier. Which is only logical, as he obviously yearns for a time when women couldn’t vote.
I’m sorry, I’ll have to object to the characterization of flip flops as comfortable.
Lets forget that they won’t stay on and make a person walk uncomfortably… What’s comfortable about a hard chunk of plastic wedged between your toes? Flip flops are the devil’s footwear.
This reminds me of a guy I knew who was dumping a woman he was dating who he said was a great lover. He wanted to get married and the fact that she enjoyed and was good at sex wasn’t “ladylike.”
I called him mean names. I do that sometimes.
I find it interesting that the “masculine traits” the original article refers to is an article on things wrong with American women. In my experience the average American woman is not hugely intelligent and therefore not pursuing a career in any of the professions he listed. Even more is that most of those “masculine”/”American woman” traits lean more toward applying to the under educated female than the over educated. Don’t know about you all, but I haven’t met many female PhD recipients that are married to drugged out DJs, covered in tattoos, spend all their time reading Cosmo or watching TV, and “have the intellectual curiosity of a dung beetle.” Pretty sure he has his graph inverted based on his standards.
Just so long as they haven’t traveled to France. Or the beach.
Dude! I got to number 10, and I was like, “OMG Caroline Bingley writes a BLOG!”
But you have to believe any data that sits so wonderfully on a straight line don’t you? Don’t you?
Oh well. Looks are great, but don’t last forever, Brains generally have a longer shelf life and are more interesting in the end.
As for pets – well lets face it Pixel is way cuter than anyone’s boyfriend in that first photo.
Spambot in aisle three.
All flip-flops are not created equal. Good ones have a good hold on your foot thanks to the well-fitting side straps, and only use the between-toes-bit to stabilise the sole’s adherence to the front of your foot. Not suprisingly, this kind of flip-flop also allows one to walk instead of waddle.
(And I say this as a former total flip-flop hater… but then I moved to Australia and discovered the joy of well-designed thongs.)
I don’t generally comment because I am under-educated and hate feeling less because of it. I have a piddly little associates degree and I have quite a few of the traits the author bemoans. I hate make-up. I like to discuss a myriad of topics, I’d love to go to France and I loved to visit the beach.
But you know she only shops at IKEA.
So… is he suggesting that women who become lawyers and college professors are more likely to binge drink than the general female population?
Or, since this whole thing is at best anecdotal*, is he suggesting that educated women who meet men like him are more likely to binge drink?
*yes, I know, it’s all made up. Work with me here.
I am forced to agree with this on the basis that I am not currently anyone’s boyfriend.
France is elitist of course. Snobby and intellectual. Definitely an erection-killer. Just don’t tell the French.
I heard of that woman, too, and only did my maths PhD to grow a penis so I can finally pee standing up. But, oh horror of horrors, not only did I fail to grow said penis, I also didn’t manage to properly adjust my appearance, judging from the number of men who mistake me for a reasonably attractive woman.
Can I sue my university? Something must be wrong with the diploma they gave me!
The sexy professor …. sounds like an interesting porn movie iso a dumb one. Should be worth googling. Yeah, that’s a lady who knows what she’s doing (she knows a lot after all) and is curious to experiment (after all that’s how she got her knowledge).
The sexy lawyer …. ah, a tight lady suit with attractive legs underneath. She looks stern, which adds a light SM element. “Do as I say or else ….”
A sexy waitress though …. nah, that dumb talking about silly things makes me impotent.
So I have proven it scientifically: that graph is dead wrong. The relation is proportionate!
The sexy electrical engineer will put high voltage on my spine and the sexy astrophysicist knows how to make me see little stars.
Keep ’em coming!
Sexy waitress might be putting herself through grad school.
I thank god for my hitherto undiscovered latent homosexuality, otherwise i would be limited in my sexual interest to waitresses and given that I hardly ever eat out, my fantasy sex life would be unbearably boring.
Except when said waitress is well educated, of course.
Yeah, I forgot that option. She will immediately climb.
You missed this:
“Today, the modern feminism movement can be boiled down to one thing: allowing Western women to be fat sluts. They are fighting for the right to look as ghastly as they want while being able to ride one-hundred cocks without being judged.”
Y’know, MJ is the first cat I’ve ever met who truly, honestly just loves having his belly rubbed. No hidden trap for the foolish, gullible human. Just purrs.
Your cat is the cutest thing ever.
Don’t worry. I don’t even have an Associates, but I seem to have a lot of the characteristics he’s talking about. We must have contracted them from reading this blog! The education must be contagious!
Despite my lack of degree, I doubt that Sergeant Insecurity would like me very much. I have this obnoxious unladylike tendency to read books. How boner killing of me.
Hehe, “boner killing”. That phrase gives me a case of the 13 year old giggles.
This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve heard of all day. But Jen has a way with flipping idiocy back around into entertainment (and maybe some education for those who can be reached).
Given where they probably draw the line on “fat,” almost every single one of those traits is appealing. WTF?
Do not taunt Rule 34.
But you must understand, he isn’t attracted to people.
Things I Will Never Understand about MRAs, item #301: Don’t most of them really want to get with lots and lots of ladies? Doesn’t insulting ladies who want to have lots and lots of sex kind of, well, interfere with that goal?
I’m sure he disapproves of that, too.
So if sexy prof gives me a boner, what does that make me?..:P
but really, if these dumbasses are out of the market, that leaves more smart intelligent and sexy women for the rest of us guys…so I see all positives here..:)
>>Boner Inducing
Sexy librarian
I’m taking it he doesn’t realize that most librarians these days (sexy or not) have to have a MLA.
But surely.
If the people you don’t want to bump squishy squelchies with are exactly the same people who fail to arouse your sexual interest … isn’t that a win all round?
To be fair, “tort attorney” and “financial analyst” are pretty much turn-offs in general.
I have met sexy geologists, though.
I’m sure he finds an activity devoted solely to a woman’s pleasure to be disgusting and emasculating… probably oppressive too.
What’s that?
Not that kind of eating out… umm… well, carry on then.
I am – and it hurt to admit that I’m out-cuted by a cat. Oh the injured male pride. Still, I’ll get over it. Besides I hardly ever hack up fur balls.
Clearly this moron has never been to a French beach. Or even heard of them.
As much as I hate to agree with anything on his list – though I would give him the one about the cutting of long hair but only because I have a thing for long hair, if a woman wants to cut it its her choice and I’ll get over it – I do have to agree about the flip-flops thing.
At least in how it relates to work.
I work in a large office building, 19 stories in total, and the employees are predominately women. On my floor alone we have 200+ people, of which only 15 or so are men. Company policy is “no beach wear and no open toed shoes”. They were even flexible on what counted as “business footwear”. Yet, every summer, the majority of what I see is flip flops and sandals.
I have to continue wearing “proper business attire” while all the ladies get away with wearing comfortable shoes. When I would complain to HR for a dress code violation, and the unfair way the rules were being applied, the person taking my complaint was also a woman wearing either flip flops or open toed shoes; unsurprisingly not much was done.
I eventually managed to convince them into letting me wear some comfortable “business looking” Crocs even though they were classed as beachwear, found a nice pair which look like dress shoes but have holes along the sides for air-flow. It still bothers me though that everyone around me gets to flout the corporate dress code by wearing opened toed shoes and flip flops, knowing full well I’d get sent home to change were I to do the same.
Anyhow, that’s my rant. Rest of the list was stupid, this was really the only one on it that I could even come close to agreeing with – and even then only in the context of proper business attire as dictated by company policy.
I once met a sexy mainframe software saleswoman. Unfortunately, she was so drunk that responding to her advances was just not a good idea.
Lol, Rooshv tells it like it is.
5000 whining atheists vs the Great Prophet
Wow. How did you find this douche rocket?
He’s unusually harsh on “masculine traits”. I thought these people loved masculine traits.
1. Sees “injured male pride” and “balls”.
2. Can’t really read the rest at first.
3. Thinks for a few seconds that you wrote something completely different.
4. Stumbles about looking for his damn glasses.
Now, off that tangent, I suppose it’s a small consolation prize that every cat thinks *I’m* the cutest thing on the planet. Either that or my shoes smell like fish way more than they should.
As for #12, I don’t think he’d want them to be trying to “land a quality man” because then they’d reject him.
Also, wth, the implication is that women who care enough about themselves to pursue something outside of a boyfriend simultaneously care so little for themselves that they settle for a horrible boyfriend?
#5, maybe they don’t give a shit what you think.
#35, why don’t you do some cleaning if it’s so important to you?
I feel immature sharing this information, but given the context I hope you find it amusing rather than creepy. I developed a mild erection while reading your list of “masculine” traits and thinking about your potential as a girlfriend. What can I say? I like nerdy, laid-back, slightly chubby women. (I am aware you are taken and live far away, but it’s a mostly involuntary response.)
Can we somehow arrange to make it painful to post charts with uncalibrated axes? I mean, seriously, what freakin’ unit is “femininity” measured in?
For those (joyously) unfamiliar with the background on Roosh the misogynistic shitweasel, SLPC had a nice summary in their spring intelligence report this year:
Damnit, SPLC, not SLPC. Southern Poverty Law Center. Do that every damn time I mention them it seems like.
Dude’s never seen a sci-fi movie, or a Bond movie. All the educated women are hot — rogue soviet nuclear scientists, microbiologists who save earth from alien bacteria, and computer experts who hack the enemy’s system. He needs to watch “The Big Sleep” which has the classic scene of a sexy, educated female.
Weird. I don’t wear makeup, could stand to loose a few pounds and am tragically overeducated…. but have never had problems finding a date/s/group sex.
I’d like to see his residuals for that ‘line of fit’ he has going there. I suspect they’re ridiculously large.
My Diesel was like that. All he wanted out of life was tummy rubs. Best cat I ever had.
Can we have half points? I dance with all the grace of a three legged horse with colic, but I can sing.
Okay, so I dragged around for five years getting a PhD, looking dumpy and feeling worse. Got the degree, and the next thing I knew, a retired rancher asked me to sail away to South America with him on his yacht– with lots of stops on Caribbean beaches, of course. We eventually sold the yacht and bought a summer home in the South of France. Where I am now. Where there is champagne chilling in the fridge even as I type.
And this is, for what it’s worth, a true story.
If it proves I’m no longer able to attract a Real Man, why, precisely, would I care?
They want to have exclusive access to vaginas, and they want the women attached to those vaginas to be skinny, hairless and always pulled-together. They don’t want those vaginas to have enjoyed a lot of other cock. It’s kind of like asking your favorite rock band to play a concert just for you but not charge more than $20 for their time.
This guy’s got to be taking the mickey, especially when he put college professor lower than lawyer on his chart. And that list…
I’m so glad there was a graph. That makes is scientific, doesn’t it?
I thought he was a harmless little fuck, until I read his 16 different types of Game post and came across this little gem.
“Rape Game: Used for when a girl is acting either difficult or prudish. Drag her to your place and tell her you’re going to have her way with her and there’s nothing she can do about it. Throw her on the bad, rip off her clothing, and do what you promised while ignoring her fake protests. With some girls you need to simulate rape conditions to get the bang, but be careful because rape game correlates highly to unprotected sex. The last thing a girl cares about when getting fantasy raped is using a condom. Also, you might want to use a fake name and safe house when running rape game in a Western country.”
“Game is multi-dimensional so it’s rare you only use one type of game to bang a girl. For example my game is strongest when I start with Asshole Game and then end with Sleazy Game and a sprinkling of Rape Game”
What she said. I met a guy in St. Augustine a few weeks ago who makes custom flip flops and they are the most comfortable casual shoes I’ve ever worn. We spent an hour just talking shoe making theory and he really knows his stuff.
I hate flip-flops, but I never thought of it as a masculine v feminine thing. I thought of it as a flip-flops are noisy and unsafe thing. (This may be a holdover of having jobs in a horse barn and a commercial kitchen, both places where open-toed shoes were an invitation to lose some of those toes.)
WTF is wrong with France or beaches or French beaches anyway?
Sexy professor and sexy librarian, eh?
You do realize that only Men can determine what is sexy to them?
No matter of projecting from females on to males of what females think men SHOULD find sexy will have any impact.
The biggest problem of feminism has been this very notion. That females try to decide for men what they should find arousing.
it just doesn’t work that way
Female college professors all stink like yeast and tuna. Everybody knows that!
This dumb broad should learn how to make a sandwich and STFU.
You do realize that all people can decide for themselves what they find sexy without being told what they should and should not like by society?
No matter of projecting from MRAs on to human beings of what MRAs think actual people SHOULD find sexy will have any impact, even if that’s skinny, dumb women.
The biggest problem of anti-feminism has been this very notion. That anti-feminists try to decide for men what they should find arousing.
It just doesn’t work that way.
I think it’s even within disciplines. Sexy teacher > sexy professor, sexy nurse > sexy doctor, sexy maid > sexy hotel manager, etc. Really depressing.
+1000 interwebs to you Ms. Julie. <3
Attractive and happy women have no use for feminism.
Feminism allows women to feel attractive and happy without having to be validated by other people.
I’m very happy that I’m educated, so that I’ll never attract the attention of an idiot like this.
Our Winston (Maine Coon) of happy memory liked comb-outs, including of his tum. If you didn’t comb out at the scheduled time, the Paw would gently remind you.
Women will NEVER lose the desire to be validated by other people.
Why do you think Facebook and Instagram are so popular?
Everybody desires to be validated by others. But feminism tries to move to the point that women no longer *need* to be.
Maybe we can set up play dates for our mates? You know, like a day care center at a conference for boner killers?
I’ve had a thing for a very sexy college professor for 26 wonderful years. Submissive wanker that I am (decidedly not).
The beach or France are both bad… Which makes my planned trip to the beach at Normandy a double boner-killer.
or for you, given your hostility toward equality for women.
Your overall level of physical attractiveness (negative 10, if your photo is anything to go by) is enough to keep self-respecting, non-totally-desperate men away from you. Misogynistic or not. Your level of education has nothing to do with it.
I know it’s useless to say it to a feminist, but… get real.
To clarify, any time I have to see a tort attorney or a financial analyst, something very, very not-fun is either happening or about to happen.
Sure, it is possible to be a sexy phd student, you can be a sexy woman *in spite of* any credential or degree. I think its safe to say that innate sexiness has no relation to a career path. But the stress and neutralization of personality that comes with endless hours of bookwork tends to add physical toll to a sexy woman.
Roosh tends to have a lot of experience meeting new people, and he just points out his own personal preferences and observations. He spends most of his time overseas in Eastern Europe, but has spent time in South America and the Nordic countries. He has met a lot of women to make that judgement. How many girlfriends do you know in Scandanavia, Brazil, Colombia, or Eastern Europe?
In other words, feminism is in complete denial of reality.
Hmmmmmm … Where would a woman with a master’s degree & an executive position fall on that graph? That describes my wife, who is one of the hottest women I’ve ever met. I have more education than she has, but she has a more prestigious job & earns a significantly higher salary. Am I wrong to find her attractive? Please help me; I’m confused.
You’re not very bright, are you?
If your goal was to convince people that you should never be taken seriously: Congratulations. Mission accomplished.
No way, that’s a triple. It’s got *history* in it. That probably involves thinking.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned… ah yes, a defensive response of a lady who has obviously had her delicate sensibility hurt because the list of “masculine” (which should really have been labeled non-feminine) traits hit too close to home. I think you’re viewing his post as a personal attack against your way of life.
You need to view the post for what it is instead, that is, men are generally attracted to feminine women (shocker i know) and women who pursue a higher education (followed by a career path) are generally less feminine (say it aint so!). Are there exceptions to this rule? Absolutely, but the exception doesn’t make the rule.
What is the point of this post? All I see is that you don’t fit the bill of what this Roosh claims men generally find attractive and because you have a boyfriend that makes him wrong? Instead of creating a post that looks like a child who had their hornets nest of emotions rattled and thus seeks validation from her like minded followers, a real “geeky, nerdy, scientific” person (as you claim to be) might want to promote a more honest discussion of the issue at hand. All I see here is a feminist circle jerk of “evil misogyny!”
It’s satire.
You are wrong. I fully support equality for women.
“If a man is to rise to greater heights, then women must rise with him or even before him. But she must rise as woman and not as, today, she is being misled into rising – as a man. It is the hideous joke of frustrated, unvirile men to make women over into the travesty of men, which men themselves have become.“
All other shit aside, it’s really telling that you call men “men” but women “females.”
Complementarian bullshit. There is no such thing as “rising as a man” or “rising as a woman.” When you say “full equality” in that context, you’re talking about rigid gender roles and “spheres of influence” and other such nonsense. Victorian-era ideas doesn’t make you a more interesting troll, just an obsolete one.
Ahh, yes. Now the name calling starts.
I always know I’m right when the other person has to resort to childish insults.
Pssst! Nobody tell this guy that there are women pursuing degrees at the post-grad level IN DANCE AND MUSIC! It might break his brain. Or does the dance and music part cancel out the educated part, or does he not realize that the arts can be a subject of intensive academic study?
Co-signed. Though it still makes me ill to think that there are people like him who actively want to prevent women from being educated, especially because omg boner killar.
Actually no, what you see here is a collection of fingers pointing and voices laughing.
As I left in comments on Roosh’s posting, there’s really only one way to read him: he’s emasculated by women he finds threatening. Plus, he has a very poor read on what professions require education (librarians typically have a Master’s degree, but he thinks they’re sexy!)
But then, I’m just one of those submissive wankers, I guess, since I’ve been living with a sexy lawyer for 11 years. Seriously, what is it like in your world? From here, it looks like a tailspin of self-hatred, projection, and hatred of women that didn’t find you particularly interesting.
Roosh has spent a lot of time traveling to other countries and is a pretty observant guy…. the graph is just a jokey way of making a totally valid point: men don’t care what women do for a living, while women care about what men do almost all of the time. And this doesn’t mean a girl with Phd can’t be attractive, he’s just make a general statement that in the dating market, women here tend to think guys actually care about what a woman does for a living, but they really don’t in most cases…it just doesn’t add any points to a woman’s value in GENERAL TERMS. A good looking guy with money will date a girl who is a HS graduate and works at Walmart if she is attractive, but the converse of that is rarely the case.
I guess he must have struck a nerve or something.
Are you aware that men and women are completely different, in terms of physique, hormones, emotions, and motivations?
Please don’t tell me you believe that men and women are exactly the same…..
That guy needs the shit kicked out of him.
Jen says: Threats of violence are unacceptable. This is the only warning you’ll receive about this
I’m a man, and I’m insulted by both your and his suggestions about the attitudes I hold. Fuck you.
Except that this isn’t a man commenting on what he personally finds arousing, this is a man telling women what they have to do to “really count” as women, as a universal statement applied to the opinions of all men.
The problems here are less that he personally finds any of these traits unattractive (some of them – the ones that can be summarized as “must have less social status than me”), but rather than he
1) takes it for granted that women should care what he finds attractive and
2) presumes to speak for all men.
As, I note, you’re doing. Fuck you again.
Unfortunately, googling ‘porn’ and those phrases just links you to a whole mess of legal documents. I think I passed under Rule 34’s radar. /phew
Err, “(some of them – the ones that can be summarized as “must have less social status than me,” ARE pretty fucked up even as just personal preferences)”
Congratulations, Jen. You’ve earned the apologetics routine from his trolls! For every apologist that posts here, you get awesomeness points.
Jen says: Link to personal information deleted
What’s so amusingly sad about this whole situation is that it’s very clear that people like Roosh are made extremely uncomfortable by any woman with intellect. Because you don’t want your lil fantasy destroyed by the possibility of her talking in words of more than one syllable.
Although your image of a good looking guy with money cruising Walmart aisles does make me chuckle. To be clear, denigrating the guy here, not the girl from Walmart, who really doesn’t deserve to be saddled with such an insecure man who only wants his women to be seen, not heard.
It’d be to laugh, if it weren’t so pathetic.
Completely different, you say? So women have hormones that men don’t? Because last I checked, humans have the exact same hormones in different levels and those vary from person to person. Also, do women have their own special emotions that men don’t? Really? I wonder why nobody ever wrote about that, because they seem to describe the exact same ones as everyone else.
And what, pray tell, are motivations unique to being a woman? I’ve very curious so I can know what women really want, as you seem to have a handle on that.
About the only thing that you’re almost right on is physique, as women tend to be less physically strong than men and built differently, but even then I don’t think the female weighlifters in London right now appreciate that you think they shouldn’t be there.
That’s not “women,” stupid, that’s “humans.” The idea that this human tendency only deserves comment when it manifests in female humans is one of the most succinct illustrations of the problems feminism actually serves to address.
What Azyroth said.
Here’s a note from another man: maybe if you tried viewing “females” as people, you wouldn’t be so tragically insecure in your dealings with them.
And just to drive it home, people like you and Roosh don’t get to tell me what I should and shouldn’t find attractive in women. Fuck off.
Men and women tend to have different physiques and average hormone levels. The influence of these on behavior is nonzero but idiotically exaggerated by Two-Humor Kooks. No one has ever presented any evidence that women’s emotions or motivations are different from men in any fundamental or consistent way, or that the patterns of difference that are observed require recourse to anything other than being treated differently by others and society as a whole based on their perceived gender. “Separate but equal” is a contradiction in terms, and essentialism is a zombie meme, and a particularly tiresome one.
How would you know what
Man, I am so good looking.
Am I supposed to be impressed that you can find a publicly available picture of me?
Jen, this is a picture of me that this particular troll just linked to. I’m not sure if this counts as a threat, but since it appears to be implied, perhaps you should ban the douche before he does more than show the world how amazingly hot I am.
Don’t pretend to speak for me, you misogynistic piece of shit.
I can’t wait for my wife to get her PhD! Oh wait, I must be one of ‘the chorus’.
The entire post in question is about a guy, man, male whatever saying what he finds sexy about women and what he does not.
sorry that this offends your sense of entitlement.
but i do believe a man is entitled to feel attracted to a woman in his own particular way…which also happens to typically be universal… symmetrical face, waist to hip ratio of around .7, and between the ages of 18 and 25 or 26…
I don’t know what’s funnier to me, the idea that one’s personality and intelligence is not a factor in attractiveness, or the idea that the arbiter of everyone’s attractiveness is gullibility and vulnerability.
Even men age, assholes. I’d rather have male and female partners whose brains I am fond of, since those last ever so much longer and the conversations are much more satisfying.
Also, Jen looks fine.
herdasperser, you should be aware that posting RL information about people (photos, email/RL addresses, phone numbers) in threads on FTB is in direct violation of the ToS here.*
I imagine you’ll be banned shortly. You can run along and congratulate yourself later for your brave stand.
More topically, you’re an idiot.
* meant to provide a link, but eh, too lazy now.
Also, saw Kaoru posted before I did (I fail at refreshing).
Good call, you are right. It is just finger pointing and laughing and of course the same is coming from their camp as well, thus everyone just continues going in on life with their blinders on to outside views (the only way to stay on the right side of things obviously).
From Roosh’s posts i gathered a different view point, rather than accusing him of being emasculated, I see him as just not finding them attractive (oh my god, a man with a preference of the type of women he likes, that is not allowed /sarcasm). Thus women not falling in that category he finds unattractive, I think it’s fair to say we all are preference’s when it comes to our potential mates. Instead of trying to attack roosh ad hominem (because he doesn’t like the women i like he must feel emasculated and thus i am superior to him), instead attack the message he is sending. Generally, men fine feminine women attractive (true or false?) and further does pursuing a higher education a ambition of less feminine women?
Here again, someone becomes defensive by the post. This is not a personal attack. I’m curious as to what is the point of bringing up your personal experience? Is this supposed to validate how you are right and i’m wrong? I did say there are exceptions to the rule and that’s really semantics as your viewpoint will be biased for your own relationship.
I’m sorry that you read into this as self-hatred, it’s not. I like to view it as evolutionary biology, sociology, why are people attracted to each other, what are the norms, whats outside the norms. It’s a cold hard look at dating and relationships. while the way Roosh conveys his ideas are uncouth, they carry some truths and that’s what i’m interested in.
Again, I wouldn’t take any of what he says personally, remove your bias and examine what he says and why, maybe challenge yourself on your current held beliefs. At the end of the day, you are in a happy relationship and are happy with your life, so why you let what Roosh says get you all worked up is beyond me.
I was admiring your man-boobs.
What’s your bra size?
you’re projecting here.
its not that he’s made uncomfortable by them, its that he is not aroused by them. see the difference?
But he has a link to it himself. Just click his name…
I thought insults meant the other person won the argument?
Half-assed threats don’t frighten me.
How fun would it be to be banned from “Free Thought Blogs”?
The people who shriek loudest about “tolerance” and “free thought” are typically the most intolerant, closed-minded, control freaks you’ll ever encounter.
What kind of man says “chuckle”? Anyway, the irony of the whole post here is that this woman has not shown any measure of intellect whatsoever. There is nothing wrong at all with an intellectual woman, but an intellectual woman would not write a whiny blog about how she’s not upset that men don’t want to bang her. An intellectual woman would not go around screaming at the top of her lungs about how smart she is and what types of degress she has. Roosh’s is actually helping women, the so-called intellectual types who show their intellect by spouting off about how misogynistic men are. If you are smart and can hold your own in a conversation, I think a lot of guys can appreciate that appreciate that. If you walk around with a chip on your shoulder then it’s going to work against you in the dating market, guy or girl.
Reading comprehension. It’s useful. From the original post:
If that had been written “Femininity is a quality that pleases some men”, then sure, fine, whatever. Though I still think the definition of femininity he provides in the link is just bizarre.
You know what, I do feel entitled. I feel entitled to determine what I find attractive without idiots crawling forth from the netherworld claiming to speak for me (and other men), calling me a latent homosexual (projection much?), and just completely fail at understanding logic or language.
If you’re going to try and engage in debate, I highly recommend a process called thinking. Seriously, the stupid, it burns!
i dont really think he cares what women think about what he finds attractive.
what is striking, is how much other people care about what he finds attractive in women.
and the reason that this is the case is because it challenges people’s frames in which they operate. why care what a guy thinks about women if you’re not that woman or that man?
again, men have every right to have their own criteria for attractiveness in women as women do for men…
men dont get to determine what women find attractive in them, do they? nope, they just play by the rules of the game!
Another asshole who doesn’t know what “freethought” is. It’s not “say whatever idiotic thing comes to your head.” It’s an intellectual movement from the Enlightenment based on reason and anti-clericalism. Since you’re incapable of reason and this has nothing to do with clerics, then it’s not “intolerance.”
The “writer” of that drivel is shallow because he comes from the shallow end of the gene pool.
Speaking strictly for myself, I couldn’t stand trying a relationship with a woman who wasn’t educated (college or school of hard knocks). People spend about 90% of their time together talking and not having sex. Except for the most shallow people, who bases a relationship on looks and sex?
If you don’t like talking to and spending time with the person outside of bed, it’s not going to work. It’s easier to become attracted someone you enjoy spending time with than enjoy spending time with someone you’re only attracted to physically.
Here’s a rough rule of thumb for you: For every hour it takes you to learn the other person’s life story, your relationship will last one year. Educated and smart people are always going to have something new to add to it, something new to talk about. Vapid people have 10 day marriages.
It’s not an insult, it’s an observation.
What’s your bra size?
Femmes (Fm), obviously, as measured by the nearest dudebro Master of the Universe.
you’re not attracted to femininity as a hetero male?
or are you just arguing to argue?
LEARN TO READ, JOHN. No one is saying what you desperately want us to be saying. You’re going to have to engage those few remaining brain cells to respond to the ACTUAL ARGUMENT.
It’s a poor observation.
DING DING DING! We have a winner! Your prize is the accolades of your peers.
Spare us the childish gender role bullshit, please. You can’t pretend to believe in equality if you think women can only wipe baby butts and mop the floor.
As I said elsewhere, reading comprehension is valuable.
Oh, so you guys use latent homosexual as a term of endearment? Suddenly, everything clicks into place!
You mean, aside from his imaginary ones?
I’m on a larger issue here, which is not any argument put forth so I don’t have to read what you’ve posted.
I’m asking, if as a hetero man, you or any of the other men posting here are attracted to feminine qualities in females/women/girls/ladies more so than you might be of masculine traits.
once we answer that question, then the rest of it is just arguing semantics and yelling at people.
PS please note i’m the only one being civil and not resorting to ad hominem or swearing. jeepers.
Idiot. He claimed to speak for all men, and he called men who disagreed with him latent homosexuals. So we have a ridiculous blanket assertion and a fairly lame attempt at an insult.
This has been amply discussed elsewhere, so either you have the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader, or you’re just a pathetic troll. Try harder, you’re not even being clever.
What is it about women that you find so incredibly threatening and scary that you ignore everything said – including the metric fuckton of jokes at the whiny bigot’s expense – just to trot out that old tired sexist stereotypes?
What is it about you fucking cowards that makes in incapable of addressing what people actually say and instead cower behind convenient strawmen?
because he’s a terrified little man who’s terrified everyone will find out how inadequate he believes himself to be.
HIs posts scream that.
As do yours.
Addressed, addressed, and more than addressed.
Intelligence != masculine
Education != masculine
Ambition != masculine
Accomplishment != masculine
If you find these things unattractive in a woman, it’s because you’re clearly threatened in your own masculinity. Also, again, if you approve of calling men who find these things attractive “latent homosexuals”, it’s beyond demonstrated that you’re threatened in your own masculinity.
Anyway, you’re obviously just trolling, so whatever. It’s been an experience, I’ve never been live at one of these things. :)
Thats not what he’s saying. He’s just saying its not attractive to him.
Do you think there is any correlation between the rising number of unwed childless women and the increased levels of education attained by said women?
how many 30 something women do we all know, heck even 40 something, who lament the fact they havent found ‘the one’ and don’t have any children to show for it yet but they do have a masters and a career?
i think it is worth examining the potential influence the two data points have on each other, don’t you think?
or is it just all happenstance?
There’s nothing to unpack. The hatred is strewn all across the floor.
Except that Roosh has explicitly said that conversation is something you have with your friends, not the person you’re trying to bang. Your point is invalid.
And he does get extra special bonus points for accusing men who don’t share his views of latent homosexuality. It’d be funny if it weren’t so truly pathetic.
A good troll knows how to at least stay somewhat on point.
Back to the netherworld with thee, o odious one.
see here is the problem
Ambition as you’ve used it can only mean to achieve “things”
and these things include what? careers? professional oriented accomplishments? building a business? making a difference?
Well, why couldn’t raising children and fostering a home life for them be heralded as an achievement and something with aspiring to?
I think feminisms biggest mistake was glamorizing male pride and work instead of pushing to make female achievement on the same level…
i.e. as much societal praise for raising a family and home making as i dunno, being a middle manager in a fortune 2000 company
I say we cherish these differences because it takes both for us all to be human
That was actually in reference to my response. I apologize if that wasn’t clear enough. But seriously, you’re going to take a blanket statement from a post on the interenet personally? It’s the internet man.
You see a forest.
> enter forest
A troll appears.
> kill it with logic
Logic MISSES the troll. What now?
> kill it with sarcasm
Sarcasm MISSES the troll. What now?
> kill it with fire
A troll goes bleating through the forest, but will most likely return.
> stop caring
No longer caring CRITS the troll for OVER 9000!!!!
> go eat lunch
Your plan to eat lunch appears satisfying. Have fun!
Herdasperser really needs to learn the actual definitions of words like “tolerance” and “freethought.”
And “strawman.”
Good, so you won’t mind me pointing out that his post and his defenders are pathetic.
I disagree. Roosh’s whole vibe is about having a casual, laid-back, and conversational approach. I’ve read several posts where he talks about the good conversations that he’s had with different girls about different subjects, women who were feminine, friendly, and could hold their own in a conversation. His problem is not intellectual women, it’s women who are not feminine (that doesn’t mean submissive by the way) and have crappy attitudes (i.e. American women).
And “man-boobs”. My pecks are fabulous.
this is really the larger question here.
there is a breakdown in household formation, marriage and child production that seems to correlate directly i.e. be caused by the increased levels of education by women and the subsequent career paths chosen.
i’m offering that perhaps this breakdown has come because women have assumed masculine identities in their pursuit of careers.
thus minimization of the feminine has made it harder for couples to come together
for whatever reasons, maybe men dont like it, maybe women dont like men now that they’ve gotten more educated.
what is likely the case is that women have always wanted to marry equal or better. and with 60% of college grads being women….
that means that a huge chunk of women will not find that equal or better, thus no marriage, and no kids
what good is that?
Would you advocate the same for men who choose to stay at home and dedicate their time to raising a family? The problem is with your idiotic idea that this is the only path for women and that a woman who doesn’t conform to your medieval concept of gender role is somehow not-feminine.
Roosh? Is that the same Roosh who likes to brag about treating women’s bodies “like garbage receptacles”?
LOL oh yeah, he’s TOTALLY not a derrange bigot. nosiree!
Well there is nothing I find threatening and scary about women, I guess I looked past his uncouth presentation to understand what exactly was the message of his post. I mean this is the internet, I rarely expect polically correct presentation of ideas. I trot out nothing, merely expounding the general point of his post. He obviously used the vernacular and colloquialism that would resent with his “MRA” readers.
Are you not guilty of your own strawman in that you are attacking his presentation of his message instead of the message itself? Sexist stereotype, sexist yes, but by the association alone does it make it wrong? I guess instead of name calling or taking pot shots (like people of Roosh’s camp), i merely want to provoke thought out discussion.
I find it slightly ironic that you reply to my post calling me a coward for not addressing what people actually say only to disreguard the contents of my post. Well played.
Resent should = Resinate
I apologize for this unedited typo
yes please note i said elevated the two to the same level rather than diminishing the role of the caregiver at home.
i never understood why women , feminists, wanted to make the act of being a mother and caregiver somehow less important than what men did outside of the home
What would be the point? I’m trying to get pas the pointlessness of the discussion and get to the meat of it.
However, if it makes you feel better, Roosh, from one anonymous person on the internet to another, i feel that your post was not well presented and held a misogynist tone that has obviously prevented discussion of what could be a interesting topic. Roosh’s followers, what’s the point of taking pot shots at blag hag? It’s just a waste of your time and is just mental masturbation that proves nothing.
Can we move beyond the pointless part of the issue at hand now?
Wouldn’t uneducated women be the ones to “go on about the stupidest shit”? Or would that just be MRA bloggers?
His problem is women. NEWSFLASH: He’s written other things, people here are quite correct to dismiss him and his supporters as all the mean names you’ve been called that hurt your feelings and supposedly impeded debate.
(Link shamelessly stolen from Z below.)
And you seriously wonder why nobody here thinks you’re worth talking to?
And on that note, as much fun as it’s been to engage in this real live trollfest (it’s my first time!), I should get back to doing productive things.
I will close by once more saying:
Quadruple. It’s way too masculine to be interested in military history of all things.
So they think Librarian isn’t an educated person? I have a primary degree and a post graduate diploma in Library Science. People who work in Libraries without degrees aren’t Librarians.
Also no heels, hate daily makeup for me, and fail a lot of his other checklist. I also believe that my husband should cook as well as me which he probably would find a turn-off.
I never really thought myself to have good emotional maturity. But I am glad that MRAs like you exist, cause it makes me aware I am definitely not at the absolute bottom in that regards.
Minus 10! Wow. You forgot to mention also that you are a mirror and thus any criticism done to you will be reflected on us!
Yeah, I can’t think of more stereotypically “feminine” travel destinations than the beach and France. Except, I don’t know…Lesbos? Does that count?
Maybe he’s got it in his head that REAL TRAVEL means seeing all those manly man places in the mascUlinited States. Like Mount Rushmore and the Washington Monument and Willis Tower and the Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota. But then, France has the Eiffel Tower.
It’s probably a good thing that MRA mindsets utterly baffle me.
He’s been banned. Publicly outing personal information (including photos) is not acceptable here.
Thank you, Jen. I appreciate it.
Actually, diddums, I was calling you ALL cowards, because you all do the exact same thing: ignore what is actually said – because you can’t refute it – and cower behind sexism as if anyone is fooled by that.
Your word salad has done nothing to disprove this.
Congrats, Donny on refuting your own point within the same post! Well done!
I can assure you that my college professor girlfriend stinks of neither tuna not yeast….
Illuminata, what are you talking about?
LOl Why did I give an MRA the benefit of the doubt that he’d be able to comprehend simple English?
But, those are girly skills, amirite Donny? For girls ewww.
FSM almighty, you’ve slain the troll! He’s reduced to nothing more than “Buh, I no understand.”
What do you think treating a woman like a garbage receptacle means? If you actually read Roosh you would understand this is comedy, hyperbole. How do you have sex with your “beautiful sexy lawyer”? Staring into each other’s eyes and expressing your egalitarian love for one another? Doesn’t she like it a little rough every once in awhile? Oh wait, she’s a lwayer..she LOVES it rough. The tone of your writing is just so judgy and above it all, as if some great offense is taking place here. Women like to be fucked. Men like to fuck. That’s all this is..quit making it out to be some sort of shameful thing, and enough with the shaming language..it’s not working.
Okay, I get that this guy obviously gets off treating women like they’re servants, but waitress? Really? That’s what he thinks is the sexiest occupation in thew world? Is it the tacky uniforms or the constant smell of fried food that turns him on?
That and the fact that they make less than minimum wage. Such a spineless coward would want a woman who’d (presumably) be financially “inferior” to him, because his teeny weeny can’t handle not being king of his teeny tiny hill.
Illuminata, as far as I can tell you’ve done nothing but rant about how he is intimidated by an intelligent woman. This is not true. What a man is not interested in is a woman with an insecurity complex who goes on and on about how smart she is and how men can’t handle her intelligence. This is why men are fleeing the country and going to live in Europe and Central America. Women in the US are angry and bitter for some reason, and men are tired of dealing with it.
Seriously, how did I refute myself?
I was speaking in general terms. Seriously I don’t know any guys that actually care about a woman’s career. Doesn’t mean they don’t care about their wife or gf, but it’s just not really something that most guys think about IN GENERAL. For real, who says “my girlfriend is so great, she’s a CPA..isn’t that fascinating?”
Some guys care, sure, but most don’t. It’s at the low low end of consideration for most guys when they are considering a partner.
And why are you so angry?
And we’ve come full circle. We’re not at Rationalia any more, are we? Women just like it rough, amirite? How else would a woman like it? And even if she likes it, it’s because a man is being rough! Dudebro!
You sad little troll, I’m not going to discuss my sex life with you. (Well, maybe just a little: it’s quite satisfying!) Here’s why I’m just going to completely insult your worth as a man, a human being, and as anybody even worth considering as a rational person:
You’re absolutely so full of shit no enema in the world could possibly cleanse you. Fuck off and die alone.
PEOPLE like to fuck. PEOPLE like to be fucked. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
The best sex ever is consensual sex. Try it sometime, you might be surprised.
I’m not even sure why I’m trying. That’ll be my last impassioned attempt.
If you have even an ounce of humanity in you, Donny, you’ll respond to my questions about Roosh and consent first. Explain to us how his constant rhetoric is even remotely consistent with the concept of “consent”.
Otherwise you can just go fuck off.
On that note, a note to Jen, I’ve clearly fallen victim to troll-fu.
Still mean what I said, and still vehemently challenge the basic decency and humanity of this troll, but if I’ve crossed the line for this moderated blog, please let me know.
I will say that felt damn good, however. Trolls make for excellent catharsis. Thanks, troll! I’d had a stressful day and you made a useful punching bag.
But yeah, back to more important concerns, do let me know if I crossed a line here, Jen!
Donny, you’re not so much refuting yourself as embarrassing yourself. Just stop while you’re miles and miles behind.
See Patrick, you are the kind of guy I thought you were. Do you assume that because I’ve had that experience with women that it wasn’t consensual? Or that both parties didn’t enjoy it? What if I told you that the experiences I’ve had with these women were experiences in which they told me up front that they not only like it rough, but prefered it that way, and couldn’t get off otherwise? What would you say to that? What would you say if I told you that many of my friends have had similar experiences. You are living in a cave if you think that women don’t enjoy this type of sex (ever heard of 50Sshades of Gray?). And let me be clear, you can have this type of sex with a woman without treating her or abusing her. In fact, I’ve had a few where I wasn’t being rough enough, and I kind of had to back off b/c it was beyond my limit. And unless I’m doing it wrong, in every case, I was doing the fucking, she was being fucked, and we both enjoyed it immensely, and consentually. Now I’m going to have to ask you to fuck off b/c you have completely lost your credibility.
You are doing a disservice to women by speaking for them.
Point of my post: Roosh. Defend his concept of consent. I asked you to. Specifically. I even used bold tags in asking you do defend his position.
And if you’ll read carefully, you’ll notice I said very pointedly that consent was the issue, not behavior.
You didn’t address the first, and you ignored my points re: the second. Fuck off, troll.
PatrickG: I’m happy to let you respond to stupidity instead of me having to do it :P
Thanks, Jen. I’m still sort of navigating the various social niceties around FTB. Too many blogs, too many different rules. As I said over at PZ’s place, I need a cheatsheet as to what’s appropriate where, because it gets confusing.
Er, I mean, wait, I’m not adequately tapped into the hivemind. ASSIMILATE ME.
That’s r-e-s-o-n-a-t-e, dumbass.
You sure? Resinate means “Impregnate or flavor with resin.” Maybe that’s exactly what he meant. ;)
Because, having a degree in chemical engineering and being the six-figure income director of a multi-million dollar energy company isn’t at all attractive. Especially with a pre-nup.
Well that ruined my day. Another Karl out there and he’s a complete fuckwit. Guess I’m going to have to change my login name.
The argument is that the (potentially) mentally-ill individual who posted his “list” claims a) to define objectively what “femininity” is (which is bullshit in and of itself), and b) that all men who don’t subscribe to his viewpoints are latent homosexuals.
And I would argue that even what is popularly conceived of as “femininity” is not universally attractive to hetero cis men.
That aside, you’re a troll.
You’re not very good at logic, are you? Equality is not a zero-sum game. Saying that women can also succeed in careers outside of the home != treating homemaker/caregiver roles with less importance. It just means that women can have careers outside of the home, too, and do not have to be mothers or primary caregivers in order to participate in society. Also, being a mother and/or caregiver doesn’t mean that one can’t also have a career outside of the home. Plenty of women do it. And feminists sure as hell aren’t the ones treating motherhood and being the primary caregiver as “less important than what men did outside of the home.”
As a woman who has a Bachelors, is going for her Masters, and is happily married to an intelligent, empathetic, talented man who never completed his Bachelors with whom I will not have children because neither of us want them: FUCK YOU, YOU ARROGANT, JUDGMENTAL, PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING.
A degree is not the defining characteristic of a person’s inherent worth. A degree does not guarantee a person’s intelligence, integrity, creativity, compassion, empathy, or any number of other qualities a person might seek to find in a life partner (assuming one wants a life partner to begin with). Women don’t necessarily look for a man who is “better” and many women (and men) understand that “equal” != “having the exact same qualifications/experience/earning power as them.” My husband and I view each other as equals because we value each other as equal individuals who possess a myriad of attributes and faults that are unique to ourselves.
Not every woman wants to be married. Not every woman, whether married or no, wants to have kids. Not every man has a college degree and that says nothing absolute about the quality of his intelligence, character or talent. You are continuing to spout unsubstantiated, gender essentialist assumptions about both men and women that are insufferably insulting to us all. STOP.
Is it bad that the only thing I thought when I read that was “Wow … he’s clearly never met any female lawyers.”
Because really – we all dress to the nines. Every day. All of us. It’s called “professional dress” and I don’t think he’s ever seen a female attorney run to court in her robes and three inch heels, hair proper and makeup done. :p
Since you want to sidetrack I’ll oblige. Define consent or point out the Roosh rhetoric that presents a problem for what you consider consent. Try to avoid ad hominem attacks and shaming language. Go.
My girlfriend in grad school was the smartest woman I have ever known – she blazed through a Genetics PhD at Columbia in 3 years. Was she sexy? Of course, ‘cuz brains are sexy.
I kinda like letting them keep digging. Always the chance the walls will cave in on them with every new foot.
Unlike the stress and neutralization of personality of waitressing, or being a personal assistant for the elderly, or a child care worker…
So, should women just not work at all and pet kittens all day, lest they become unsexy (Oh noez!)?
Oh dear imaginary gods no. Don’t preserve the MRAs in resin!
On the other hand, they would go nicely in my collection next to other pests like mosquitos and ticks. Helluva job to fit a slide cover over them.
Well so much for a 13-year-old’s standard of beauty. Mine starts with common interest, or a shared, unspoken joke. Maybe I notice she rolls her eyes at a Fox News headline on a TV. Or if I see she’s wearing an archaeopteryx pendant or reading Demon Haunted World, I am interested. Supposing of course a rather long chain of hypotheticals, in which I were single among other conditions. So instead I just smile and consider the world a pretty good place.
… >.> Of COURSE that kind.
“Femininity” doesn’t mean what you and Doosh want to pretend it does, dipshit.
…what the fuck.
I think the “Rape Game” part might be a good place to start.
I don’t need to sidetrack, I’m going to play the “FUCK OFF TROLL” card.
Try harder next time, but thanks for playing!
Thanks for being predictably emotional and unspecific, Patrick. You can’t be a guy..no way. If you are, you sure argue like a girl. Either way, I’m out beetcheez! Too much estrogen in this room (unfortunately it’s not emanating from the women). Ahem, *chuckle.
As you (sort of) point out, “sexy nurse” (often bachelor’s level), “sexy librarian” (usually master’s level), and “sexy teacher” are standard icons in erotic, erm, literature.
Well I’ve stopped chuckling finally and still haven’t come up with a witty rejoinder, so you win this time damn you coyote!
I geuss thee MRAs want the female equivalent of Justin Bieber: completely vacuous.
Here is the thing about Roosh. He is someone to be pitied. Lets take what we know:
– He is blogger, a full-time blogger. He talks about how much he hates feminine men – but he writes a catty blog about women. He should get a job at shamepuff.com judging girls footwear.
– He posted a picture of his new haircut to get his fans approval/opinion. He is going to get his period soon, I just know it.
– He is an awful writer. And this is his all he has.
– He likes dance music. Dance music.
– He routinely pats himself on the back for going to the gym and learning new languages. Wow impressive, so does my grandmother.
– He routinely talks about women failing their biological destiny. The male gender is hardwired to hunt and protect. He is a failure at this as well. He doesn’t build anything. Or create anything. He doesn’t have a family to protect. Or a skill. He hates kids and women. Total failure.
– He drinks vodka and redbull (frat girl juice) and picks fights online. He might be a long lost Lohan sister.
– He has a post claiming feminists are trying to make it illegal to insult people – but look at his response to you! I think he better pick up some tampons.
So, the point is, ignore what this loser says about you. He hates himself and everyone around him but uses his enormous inflated ego to cover it up. Come on, this guy thinks he is a legend for having sex and writing e-books. Impressive – – – to a 14 year old boy maybe. He is the very feminine, hamster, beta, loser he rails against everyday.
What a sad lil troll you are.
Don’t forget that in modern scifi & horror films, if there’s a scientist character it’s very likely that character will be played by an attractive woman who wears revealing clothes under the lab coat and is often the romantic lead. So “Sexy Unspecified Scientist” is definitely a thing.
I’ve always found intelligence to be an important part of a woman’s attractiveness. Apparently that makes me a latent homosexual or something.
Damn the luck. Why doesn’t anybody tell me these things?
So if education is inversely proportional to education, does that mean this guy is aroused by pre-school age girls? Because they’re even less educated than waitresses.
I think I’ve FINALLY figured out what really drives these MRAs. They are apparently deathly afraid of losing their boners.
no offense, but you would kills boners even if you were dumb
no offense, but you would kill boners even if you were dumb
This moron dares to make a list of forty two items?! Let him be subjected to Vogon poetry for all eternity.
The guy who wrote that is a massive loser.
I’m a waitress with a degree. Do I break his chart?
I know this isn’t the point, but as an artist my level of education is deemed to be that low? Rargh! I’m educated above degree level and haven’t the money for an MA, ok I probably couldn’t do a PhD and my grammar is terrible but are you assuming my level of education is related to how much money I can earn because that’s also damned annoying.
Totally off-topic rant over.
Yeah, that was confusing. I mean, it almost seems like it defines the upper and lower limits of “travel” as a concept, right? If you have a limited concept of travel, you think of going to the beach as travel. If you have a grander concept of travel, you think of traveling to a foreign country. So what’s left? What’s the appropriately feminine definition of travel? Maybe real women think of a walk around the block as “travel.” Or maybe they don’t consider it travel unless it involves escape velocity?
I guess we have to go with the former. He must mean that a desire to leave the house is masculine. Traveling from the bedroom to the kitchen is the only kind of travel a sexy woman desires.
Everything this guy said is stupid, and he knows it. I’m not sure it’s healthy to indulge his appetite for negative attention.
So Roosh is so bad, so vacuous, so pathetic, that he can now be classified as a woman? Thanks.
You know that they’re obviously trolling right?
You know that’s the excuse of every chickenshit bigot on the net, right?
you are buttfuck ugly.
God damnit. While I may not agree with everything that guy says, I gotta give him one thing. You are butt ugly!
OMG. This chick is as ugly as a dog’s ass. Listening to her rant and rave is pathetic. I’m a Ph.D student myself. I only date 8’s and up. And I like women with looks AND brains. They exist.
Reading through all of these comments really gives me a feel for how feminist women and the white knighters who stick up for these women’s bad behaviors think. I am astonished by the idiocracy and am appalled by the level of “modern” western thinking that is going on here. This whole article is proof of how easy it is to get a rise out of an angry hypersensitive feminist. And now to sit back and watch the flood of haters post comment upon comment of shaming language through a facade of “political correctness”. Time to study and analyze. :)
I like how you actually validated his list. Cats, feminist supremacist, Ikea..you fit his description to the letter. Did you just pwnd yourself ?
No, he just hate your kind of “girls”. You ask everything from man, but give nothing in return.
Your the failure and your mere existence is only possible in the feminazi artificial environment called The West.
Try travel to southamerica, asia, africa. You would get so outclassed in ever department that your hamster brain would never understand what hit you. You daily attention whore kick would stay absent and you would soon be cramping in withdrawals.
Guys here have no choice thats why your still in the game.
I am not an atheist(christian) and I am against abortion(not advocating killing people or standing outside abortions clinics , but I am against it) but I hope you will allow for our differences ans allow me to voice an opinion. These men will never experience love. This makes it clear that they do not see women as human beings, but more like some kind of biological robot who if they have any semblamce of a personality is malfunctioning. They will never love a woman because to them women are things. I’ve been to websites and these people are not in any way normal. They seem to be sociopaths or have mental issues to the point where they do no longer knows what’s real. I am also mentally ill so i see no shame in it, but I do worry because these men are so warped that they may be dangerouss. Maybe I’m overreacting, maybe it’s mostly in fun, but the slurs that these men use are staggering. They refuse to see women as anything other than a tool to fulfil their needs and they refer to women as sluts and overweight women as not even human.
It’s so disappointing to see what all your education has gotten you people. Donny was making intelligent, well-thought out posts and you could do nothing but respond with ad homimen and strawman attacks.
Like seriously, how does preferring femininity in a woman cause you to respond with “I guess you’re intimidated by intelligent women”? Are your reasoning skills the product of mental handicap?
Anyone who has been through a Logic 101 class would laugh at you clowns and your attempt to argue. I don’t follow either or these bloggers very closely, but Donny showed himself to be far more capable of expressing lucid thought that the Blag Hag’s followers. So if that’s representative of the reader base that the writers attract respectively, I know who I would be more aligned with.
I have a degree from an accredited university, and am dedicated to serious thought on meaningful subject matter. Therefore this has nothing to do with ego feminism, masculine chauvinism, or misogynistic thinking, which runs both ways. If you want to “troll” me then have at it, as I used my real name, few of you cowardly keyboarding Machiavellian egomaniacs have had the courage to do the same.
Have you ever heard “beauty is in the eye of the beholder?” Why is being desirable to people who do not like what and who you are so important that you have to give it time and effort?
If you have adopted the central theme of education and never put the time and effort required to synthesize knowledge on your own.
Let me tell a story, from history, to illustrate my point. The first time Haley’s comet appeared in recorded history (early 1900’s) people thought it was going to hit the Earth. People committed suicide, and did other self destructive things thinking they would not have to suffer the consequences of their actions. The second time none of those foolish actions were repeated. But the comet was recorded in texts of the educated unknown to Western Civilization at the time the comet first appeared. The people were acting on knowledge they had been educated to believe was the truth and on that knowledge they thought the end of the world would had come
But what was the truth? We all know it now and their foolishness is obvious in retrospect. The truth was always the same but knowing the truth was the hard part. The truth is there has been much arguing and taking sides over two people who differ in their opinions of each others gender, and have made an issue of it. The truth is I would not give two pennies for the opinions of either of them, they are playing out their personal dramas on the internet and arguing non-sequiters as if education, religious opinion, social consciousness, political correctness and point of view have anything to do with beauty.
Physical beauty fades with age and it is how one treats others that matters, not which camp they belong to. From my point of view this argument and the people involved in it are disgustingly ugly, judging by their posts.
Actually Halley’s comet have been recorded in western history going back at least as far back as the battle of Hastings in 1066. It is known as Halley’s comet because Edmund Halley was the one who realized that all these historical reports are of the same comet that have a 76 year orbit, that was back in the 1700’s. If you going to try the pseudo intellectual pose you should spend 5 minutes on Wikipedia to avoid looking even stupider.