
  1. davisgabriel2 says

    GOD damn it…The original version is like aural cancer…I’ll be singing this for 2 weeks :P

  2. J. Mark says

    Little known factoid….the kids get two weeks out of school at Easter because when Jesus rose from the grave, he saw his shadow….

  3. says

    I lol’d, sent it to a friend of mine who is obsessed with Rebecca Black (He has no taste in music) and now I wait for the results.Sent to yet another friend who was not as amused as I was. Sadness.

  4. says

    So… The internet troll in me came out. I had a facebook friend post: He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him. And by his wounds, by his wounds we are healed.And directly under it I shared this video. This is how you make friends. Or clear out your friends list. I’m not sure which.Edit: She didn’t comment or defriend me. She just removed the link. :/ <– This is my ‘I am disappoint’ face.

  5. says

    Christians Celebrate good friday once a year.Everyone else knows that every friday is a good fridayMaybe this explains why so many Christians are too uptight. They don’t understand TGIF like the rest of us do.

  6. Digibin1 says

    My fundamentalist family (Independent Baptist–no women talking in that church) introduced me to Ms. Black during an excruciating Easter holiday visit. Our outrage and disgust over her musical ‘talents’ were a rare moment of family unity. I wonder if they’d get as much of a kick out of this version???

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