Don’t forget that the Secular Student Alliance board elections are tomorrow! You have until 5pm EST on April 30th to get your ballot in. And if you’re still not sure who to vote for, a chat with all of the candidates and current board members will be going on from 3 to 5pm EST. Just click the “Voting” tab after you log in for a link to the chatroom!
Regardless if you’re a member or not…what sort of things would you like to see the SSA focus on in the future? Feel free to discuss below.
The SSA should refocus its energies on the secular movement and discontinue this “interfaith” nonsense if it wants to stay relevant. It’s a severe compromise of principles that the organization has agreed to participate in a government-sponsored initiative aimed at faith-groups, operated by the same unconstitutional White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships that the Freedom From Religion Foundation spent time and treasure trying to defeat (…. I for one, am not interested in faith movements of any kind and I don’t appreciate the SSA’s contributing to the notion of atheism as “just another religion.” If the articles and comments on this and other blogs are any indication, my feelings on this issue are widely shared. The SSA should remember who it exists to serve and stop shutting out principled atheists and secularists in order to score points with religious groups. There’s plenty of work to be done strengthening our own movement without diverting resources to the aid of faith-based initiatives that already enjoy government backing. I hope the winners of the elections will carefully weigh their priorities before proceeding on this course.