Another quarter has started

Which means I’ll be geeking away with new classes!

Proteomics – This will be interesting, mainly because I know nothing about it. Well, I mean, I know what proteins are, but I’m not familiar studying them in a large-scale way. We’ll see how it goes.

Introduction to Statistical Genomics – Just an introductory statistics course, so it shouldn’t be too bad. I heard it’s pretty similar to what I took in undergrad, so it’ll mostly help me actually remember what I once learned.

Science Communication – I’m really excited about this class! It’s about communicating science to the general public through science journalism, blogging, and public speaking – could I have found a better class for me? I’m taking it as an elective since it’s offered through the Communication Department instead of Genome Sciences. It should be a blast, and hopefully improve my science blogging abilities!

I also have our “Journal Club” training class – basically prepares us to give a less sucky presentation to the department later in the quarter. I’m not too worried since I’m a sick, twisted person who does public speaking for fun, so it should be alright.


  1. MagneticPsycho says

    Proteomics? Statistical Genomics? That’s where I’ve a viking! Sounds like the perfect quarter.

  2. Vanessa says

    I think proteomics is pretty cool. Not sure if you’ll like it though. It’s certainly interesting, but there’s a lot to remember. Good luck with your new quarter!

  3. the_Siliconopolitan says

    So now I can add statistics to the stuff I’d like to see you blog about (alongside Python).

  4. redValkyrie says

    Oooh, I wish my school offered a Science Communication class. People tell me I’m decently good at it, but they’re mostly friends and family, so it’s hard to tell.The other classes look interesting, too–though as a physics student I’d probably be a bit lost if I were to take them. It’s amazing how so much of science comes down to statistics.

  5. Pode says

    Science Communication is awesome – was the best class I took when I was at university (doing Physics the rest of the time, which turned out to be a mistake). Learned some cool stuff – writing press releases, presenting skills, rhetoric and all sorts of fun things like that :)


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