I know some of you are fans like me. Discuss in comments. I’ll put my thoughts down there as to not accidentally spoil the episode for those of you who haven’t watched it yet. But beware, the comments will include spoilers!
– I usually can't stand any Bill/Sookie scene, but I loved their little domestic discussion at the beginning. "Sigh, cleaning up another dead body. Ho hum, we're getting stuck in a rut, aren't we, honey?"- Looks like Sookie's second cousin is a telepath too! Does everyone know what she is except her?- Loved seeing the maker interaction between Eric and Pam. They seem to be the one sane maker/makee relationship on the show. Kind of excited to see Eric go into revenge mode.- Though on that note, I loved it when Nan told him to stop bitching. Eek, the woman *does* have power.- "I just wanted to see the sick fuck who ordered the veggie burger… with bacon." I'm currently loving the Lafayette/Jesus relationship, though I'm always wary of new characters. They generally die or become evil before the season is over. Must keep teh gay going!- Tommy needs to go eat a chocolate bar or something. Blah. The only way I want him to stick around is if it results in more Sam in nothing but a dog collar.- Speaking of characters I don't like, I could care less about Arlene's little Damien On The Way. I love Terry, but Arlene is just so racist and bigotted and emotional…blargh. Don't care.- I'm so happy Franklin is dead. As much as I died laughing at his mad texting skillz, he's truly frightening. I love Sassy Voice of Wisdom Tara, not Constantly Crying Because Her Boyfriend Died and Now She's Being Constantly Raped Tara. That girl deserves to be happy. Odd that Jason, who killed Eggs, now also killed Franklin.- Speaked of Jason… that boy sure is pretty to look at, but he's so fucking stupid. Why does he care about Crystal?- Loved that Nan was drinking human blood. Damn hypocritical politicians.- But most importantly… OMFG IS RUSSELL EDGINGTON!!! His absolute insanity has been wonderful all season, but this episode was by far the best. I nearly choked on my spit when he was craddling the crystal urn of Talbot's remains… BUT THEN THE ENDING?! "We will eat you… after we eat your children. And now for the weather, Tiffany"?! Pure brilliance. I've never been more interested in vampire politics. How are they going to clean up that shitstorm?
– I usually can’t stand any Bill/Sookie scene, but I loved their little domestic discussion at the beginning. “Sigh, cleaning up another dead body. Ho hum, we’re getting stuck in a rut, aren’t we, honey?”- Looks like Sookie’s second cousin is a telepath too! Does everyone know what she is except her?- Loved seeing the maker interaction between Eric and Pam. They seem to be the one sane maker/makee relationship on the show. Kind of excited to see Eric go into revenge mode.- Though on that note, I loved it when Nan told him to stop bitching. Eek, the woman *does* have power.- “I just wanted to see the sick fuck who ordered the veggie burger… with bacon.” I’m currently loving the Lafayette/Jesus relationship, though I’m always wary of new characters. They generally die or become evil before the season is over. Must keep teh gay going!- Tommy needs to go eat a chocolate bar or something. Blah. The only way I want him to stick around is if it results in more Sam in nothing but a dog collar.- Speaking of characters I don’t like, I could care less about Arlene’s little Damien On The Way. I love Terry, but Arlene is just so racist and bigotted and emotional…blargh. Don’t care.- I’m so happy Franklin is dead. As much as I died laughing at his mad texting skillz, he’s truly frightening. I love Sassy Voice of Wisdom Tara, not Constantly Crying Because Her Boyfriend Died and Now She’s Being Constantly Raped Tara. That girl deserves to be happy. Odd that Jason, who killed Eggs, now also killed Franklin.- Speaking of Jason… that boy sure is pretty to look at, but he’s so fucking stupid. Why does he care about Crystal?- Loved that Nan was drinking human blood. Damn hypocritical politicians.- But most importantly… OMFG IS RUSSELL EDGINGTON!!! His absolute insanity has been wonderful all season, but this episode was by far the best. I nearly choked on my spit when he was craddling the crystal urn of Talbot’s remains… BUT THEN THE ENDING?! “We will eat you… after we eat your children. And now for the weather, Tiffany”?! Pure brilliance. I’ve never been more interested in vampire politics. How are they going to clean up that shitstorm?
– You didn’t mention Hoyt and Jessica! I rather enjoyed their interaction – even though Jessica ran off crying afterwards. But …. I’m a hopeless romantic.- Your comment about Tara made me think of her as a Barbie doll type thing. “Soon to be released: Bride of Scary Vampire Tara! Find it at your local toy store soon!”- Could Russell *get* any creepier? My expression when he pulled out the Talbot Urn was as close to o_O; as can be humanly achieved!- I’m so scared of something horrible happening with either the new-worker-lady (I can’t remember her name) and/or Jesus. Because they’re new. Which means, of course, *something* horrible has to happen to one or both of them. Or they both have to be insane. Or evil. Or something.- I agree with you that teh gay must keep going! I keep finding myself “squee-ing” over Lafayette and Jesus’ reactions to one another.- As for Jason: He’s totally whiteknighting and he can’t get over his “I need to be a hero!” thing. He’s protecting, or failing to protect as the case seems to be, Crystal because he’s seeing her as some fragile princess who needs to be protected – and of course the best person for the job is none other than him! He’s just caught up in the hero/white knight mindset. A lot. And it’s making him stupid.Also he thinks she’s kinda hot, which I hear makes people do stupid things.
– I thought Bill and Sookie’s connection in this episode was funny. How they essentially broke ties, but then still knew they would be there for one another (Or rather Bill there to try and save Sookie’s ass again)- This happened episode before last, but I loved Jessica and Bill’s relationship of maker/makee. Bill setting her free, but Jessica not wanting to go. And I love how Bill always is dumbfounded by Jessica’s lack of knowledge, when he himself hadn’t bothered to teach her anything. It was good seeing him finally realize how ironic the situation was! lol- Speaking of maker/makee, Eric/Pam! I love them together. Pam is so fiesty, so I love it when she has to heed Eric or look to him for guidance. And when she said “You’re never panicked, should I be panicking!?” was so great. One thing I found funny is when she said “We need your house…nowish.” Then at the end, when Eric was telling her what to do if he didn’t make it. It was like seeing a parent sent their child off to school.- Russel made me laugh so hard at the end of the episode. He’s really off his rocker now. Best quote ever “…after we eat your children. Now for the weather, Tiffany!?” I laughed so hard. And although he has ambition, I don’t see a lot of powerful vampire hanging around him, though. Just those werewolves that seem to be dying every time they get into a conflict. I wonder where his troops are, if he’s so dangerous… I’ve read the books, so I’m familiar with some of the things the writers are pulling from, like this whole mystery with what Sookie is. She’s not really just a telepath, which is why they’re floundering so, trying to figure it out. And why she tastes so good. Yum.
I haven’t got a friggin’ clue what you guys are even talking about. Something important, though. Surely.Ooooh, I get it, “True Blood”, that Sly flick. Yeah, well, didn’t like Rambo much. Wait, hang on, that was “First blood.” My bad.Geesh, I’ve never, ever understood human-kinds fascination with vampires. Just don’t get it, never will.
Warning: snark incoming- I don’t think this show has enough boobs in it. Couldn’t Pam and Tara have found an opportunity to strip down or something? – Was Jason going to shoot Felton with a wooden bullet?- If you were convinced that your baby was going to be born evil, but refused to get an abortion, and the nice lady consoling you said “There are other ways of resolving this,” wouldn’t the word “HOW?” be out of your mouth in about .5 seconds?- Yes, Sookie, you handled Debbie….because she wasn’t trying to kill you and didn’t turn into a wolf. Congratulations. Now you might try not being a bitch for long enough to thank the vampire who saved you from the other two wolves downstairs and almost got killed doing it by a very powerful vampire. Also, consider not bragging about your light power unless/until you can reliably use it.- Poor Jessica…her entire job this season, with the exception of learning to be a super vampire with Bill, seems to have been pulling fang at inappropriate moments. – Are Lafayette and Jesus the only happy people on the show at this point? I’m thinking so. – Talbot’s bright red entrails in the big urn reminded me of the Koolaid man. Sorry.- Tommy is about the most ungrateful little fuck on the planet. And even in saying so, I don’t believe that he could inspire the kind of Fight Club response we saw out of Sam to Crystal’s dad. Yes, people can snap, but…it just didn’t ring true for me. – I would’ve preferred that Lafayette kill Franklin, as I don’t want a reason to not consider Jason a universal dumbass. But hey, still good that he of the super long fangs is dead. I agree that Terrorized Tara needs to go away.
Gretchen – No, he was going after Bill with the wooden bullets and I am with you on wanting to know the “other ways of resolving this”My thoughts in general-I am disappointed that she fell back to Bill. I was hoping that I would finally get to see some Sookie/Erik action-Tommy is a first class prick. I hope Sam wises up soon and really puts him in his place but if it has to be Tommy or Arlene I hope Arlene gets the boot.- Lafayette and Jesus are too cute together. I really hope Jesus doesn’t get killed off.-The only thing that Jason is good for is gratuitous chest and abs. (and that sexy accent in the cast interviews.-Russell is truly messed up and seems to get more demented every episode.-I love Jessica’s inappropriate Fang.
Oh my… Reading through the comments I have noticed I don’t know half of the characters you are writing about! Is the story in the TV series so different to Charlaine Harris’ books? Is Lafayette still alive? (He dies in book 2, and Russell appears in book 3… I am a bit confused here). I wanted to have a look at the series when they come in DVD (and I can pay them. plus), but I guess that, seeing this, I have to rethink the matter. Waiting for new releases of one Sookie’s Universe is bad enough to have to wait additionally for Sookie’s Parallel Universe… Sniff…
Ana,To give you an idea, Sookie just got back from Jackson, just met Claudine, and just met her nephew Hunter, and Jason met Crystal, within the past couple of episodes. So yes, they’ve switched up the chronology a LOT. Also, everybody loves Lafayette so much that he’s stuck around in the land of the living and even has a boyfriend now. I swear, if they ever kill him off I’ll stop watching in protest.
the only vamp love fest type story i ever got into was Buffy the vampire slayer,but i didn’t like the last 2 seasons for the same reason i don’t like twilight or true blood.i am one of those people that like my vamp fiction where the vampire dies.now werewolves that’s a horror creature i like.but ya don’t get the same kinda stories with them you do with vampires sadly.
Best ending to any episode ever, bar none. The whole thing was fantastic.Bill’s lying is going to catch up to him eventually, and I hope he and Sookie break up, at least for a decent period of time (a season or two? I can hope).Jessica and Hoyt were amazing. Those dolls were pretty scary, even compared to the spine-rippingly evil Russell.I love Jesus and Lafeyette so much. Whether something’s up with Jesus or not, I hope the relationship lasts. Besides Hoyt/Jessica, it’s probably my favorite on the show.The AVL isn’t going to be able to ignore Russell anymore, that’s for sure! Although I still hope Eric somehow gets the kill. The scene between him and Pam was really touching – great performances from both actors.
That ending was hilarious. “And now, [cheesy, smug smirk and turn to camera 4] the weather!”. Nicely done. That scene (sans the comedy) reminds me of Magneto’s TV appearance in X-Men 3 but with more eeeeeeeeevilness.I’m bored with Bill and Sookie. They’re a horrible match and neither of them are very likable anymore. I’m enjoying my new fav, Eric, who’s going with his vengeance mission thingy. I’m also glad to see Lafayette finally meet a decent guy but I’m waiting for the other show to drop on that one, like it turns out he’s a shape-shifting llama or something.
All I can say is we’re absolutely *loving* it. This is by far the best it’s been.
True Blood should officially become the “Eric, Pam and Lafayette Show” and everyone would be happier.That said, I’m dying to find out what the hell Sookie is, after they’ve built up the suspense to no end. And damn you Jason, why do you have to be such a pretty-but-dumb stereotype? Though I have to admit, after Lafayette, Jason definitely has me LOLing the most.And OMG Russell! BEST. ENDING. EVER.
They’re pretty (my FSM, have you SEEN Eric Northman??). That’s all there is to it.
are you sure that Franklin is dead. Did he end up a gooey heap? I don’t remember that. If not he’s still with us, ugggg. Arlene is a yawn, but Russell is an inspiration!!! – Tiffany. But I MUST object about Bill. I love him, he is good, and a good man (or whatever) is hard to find. Now just because CHARLAINE wrote a great sex scene, everybody is focused on Eric. Geese. I’m a Bill girl all the way!
Hot, strong, knowledgable (years of experience) and goood lovers with insance staying power.
They’re pretty? Um, have you seen depictions of Vlad the Impaler? This is just glorified Hollywood nonsense, completely detached from the myth of vampires. Ugh. But I can understand the point of wanting glorified Hollywood piffle … :)
Ok, you’ve set the lure, now let’s investigate each claim ;1. Hot. This is glorified Hollywood piffle, detached from vampire myth origins.2. Strong. Apparently, Quasimodo was strong, too. And Andre the Giant.3. Knowledgeable. And yet they fail to use their amazing knowledge for anything good. Where are the quantum physicist vampires?!4. Good lovers. How do you know?5. Insance staying power. I’ve got that, and I’m no vampire.Sorry, I fail to see the fascination. :) Maybe people get hooked on the shadowy playground between good and evil in one incarnate being, and perhaps some philosophical lure is at play between the tills of epistemology and determinism in what appears to be sentient beings being tied to a half-arsed defined version of “destiny”, or the more credulous notion of what it means to be eternal (all fine pseudo-philosophical ventures over a glass of wine, of course). Or what about the notion of the Gothic, that densely packed space between reality and fantasy, between history and make-believe, perhaps that’s more to the point. All good places to vent your frustrations with reality.Yeah, I don’t get invited to parties much. :)
Some willing suspension of disbelief makes these kinds of series very enjoyable. Maybe you should try it once.
If I actually turned the TV on, then yes, maybe, but … well, suspension of disbelief does not make vampires more interesting. Surely there are some compelling reasons why vampires over, say, space goblins?
I love the parallels they are drawing between the Old South and Russel’s view of human-vampire relations. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for them to do something with the antebellum south images they were bring up – like when Russel arrived on scene to save Bill from the werewolves on the white horse surrounded by hunting dogs. And then Tara running from the plantation home and being run down by dogs. The speech at the end of the episode finally pulled all that together. Finally!A big huzzah for Tara going to a rape survivor support group! After her character being so physically, mentally and emotionally abused I was really impressed that the writers put that in. They are handling her character with more grace than I expected since up until now it has been Tara falling from one abusive relationship to another to another. Watching her stand up to Franklin and take positive steps like going to a support group was powerful.I am so bored with Sookie and Bill – the less screen time they get the better the episode is. Plus, is it just me or was the sex scene at the end of the episode before this one kind of awkward? Seemed like Sookie couldn’t get any… leverage or something. Maybe I’m over-thinking it :-P
I have this feeling, that Bram Stoker is spinning in his grave so fast that if you strapped magnets to him and wrapped the coffin in a coil of copper wire, he’d be a significant contribution to a low-carbon solution for energy generation…
Franklin definitely exploded into a gooey blob of slime. Gone for good! I knew when she bashed his head and he didn’t turn to goo that he was definitely coming back! Very glad he’s gone, as well as Lorena. I loved the whiny, simpering Talbot, but so excited to see Eric go after Russell that it makes up for losing Talbot’s petulance.
There’s definitely something wrong with the new worker lady. She telepathically knew Arlene was pregnant. And she has that super-creepy look to her.
The best Jason moment this season was when he found out there were werewolves and he said, “What else is real? Santa?”
Russell Edgington is at the moment my fav vampire in this show. His uptight but wildly gay life and collecting habits are interesting , but then he goes batshit crazy and does so in public and carries the remains of his dearest talbot around in a jar….love it to death
Eh, poo on Bram Stoker, that 2-bit hack!!!
Indeed, many people would agree with that!! His other books were pretty bad! But Dracula is different, it’s excellent….As an aside, when Coppola released his film, “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”, it was so far away from the original book that the studio released a novelization of the film… Which means really, that nobody has yet made a good version of the book as a film. And with vampire stories now associated with allegories about racism, xenophobia, and forbidden love, it is unlikely any will be made for some years now, until this current vogue passes…
Even though I’m a bit late in saying this, it needs to be said.I’m so happy I’m not the only one who suffers when viewing Sookie/Bill interactions! I do have to admit though that I crack up every time he says her name.I think I will miss Franklin. He was such a wonderful brand of crazy. I might even call it adorable, like a soft fluffy rabid puppy that stares at you when you sleep. I absolutely loved Russell with the little vase of guts. I am only surprised he didn’t bring it with him to show off when he went on TV.
– I usually can't stand any Bill/Sookie scene, but I loved their little domestic discussion at the beginning. "Sigh, cleaning up another dead body. Ho hum, we're getting stuck in a rut, aren't we, honey?"- Looks like Sookie's second cousin is a telepath too! Does everyone know what she is except her?- Loved seeing the maker interaction between Eric and Pam. They seem to be the one sane maker/makee relationship on the show. Kind of excited to see Eric go into revenge mode.- Though on that note, I loved it when Nan told him to stop bitching. Eek, the woman *does* have power.- "I just wanted to see the sick fuck who ordered the veggie burger… with bacon." I'm currently loving the Lafayette/Jesus relationship, though I'm always wary of new characters. They generally die or become evil before the season is over. Must keep teh gay going!- Tommy needs to go eat a chocolate bar or something. Blah. The only way I want him to stick around is if it results in more Sam in nothing but a dog collar.- Speaking of characters I don't like, I could care less about Arlene's little Damien On The Way. I love Terry, but Arlene is just so racist and bigotted and emotional…blargh. Don't care.- I'm so happy Franklin is dead. As much as I died laughing at his mad texting skillz, he's truly frightening. I love Sassy Voice of Wisdom Tara, not Constantly Crying Because Her Boyfriend Died and Now She's Being Constantly Raped Tara. That girl deserves to be happy. Odd that Jason, who killed Eggs, now also killed Franklin.- Speaked of Jason… that boy sure is pretty to look at, but he's so fucking stupid. Why does he care about Crystal?- Loved that Nan was drinking human blood. Damn hypocritical politicians.- But most importantly… OMFG IS RUSSELL EDGINGTON!!! His absolute insanity has been wonderful all season, but this episode was by far the best. I nearly choked on my spit when he was craddling the crystal urn of Talbot's remains… BUT THEN THE ENDING?! "We will eat you… after we eat your children. And now for the weather, Tiffany"?! Pure brilliance. I've never been more interested in vampire politics. How are they going to clean up that shitstorm?
– I usually can’t stand any Bill/Sookie scene, but I loved their little domestic discussion at the beginning. “Sigh, cleaning up another dead body. Ho hum, we’re getting stuck in a rut, aren’t we, honey?”- Looks like Sookie’s second cousin is a telepath too! Does everyone know what she is except her?- Loved seeing the maker interaction between Eric and Pam. They seem to be the one sane maker/makee relationship on the show. Kind of excited to see Eric go into revenge mode.- Though on that note, I loved it when Nan told him to stop bitching. Eek, the woman *does* have power.- “I just wanted to see the sick fuck who ordered the veggie burger… with bacon.” I’m currently loving the Lafayette/Jesus relationship, though I’m always wary of new characters. They generally die or become evil before the season is over. Must keep teh gay going!- Tommy needs to go eat a chocolate bar or something. Blah. The only way I want him to stick around is if it results in more Sam in nothing but a dog collar.- Speaking of characters I don’t like, I could care less about Arlene’s little Damien On The Way. I love Terry, but Arlene is just so racist and bigotted and emotional…blargh. Don’t care.- I’m so happy Franklin is dead. As much as I died laughing at his mad texting skillz, he’s truly frightening. I love Sassy Voice of Wisdom Tara, not Constantly Crying Because Her Boyfriend Died and Now She’s Being Constantly Raped Tara. That girl deserves to be happy. Odd that Jason, who killed Eggs, now also killed Franklin.- Speaking of Jason… that boy sure is pretty to look at, but he’s so fucking stupid. Why does he care about Crystal?- Loved that Nan was drinking human blood. Damn hypocritical politicians.- But most importantly… OMFG IS RUSSELL EDGINGTON!!! His absolute insanity has been wonderful all season, but this episode was by far the best. I nearly choked on my spit when he was craddling the crystal urn of Talbot’s remains… BUT THEN THE ENDING?! “We will eat you… after we eat your children. And now for the weather, Tiffany”?! Pure brilliance. I’ve never been more interested in vampire politics. How are they going to clean up that shitstorm?
All I know is Kevin Allejandro is insanely hot.
– You didn’t mention Hoyt and Jessica! I rather enjoyed their interaction – even though Jessica ran off crying afterwards. But …. I’m a hopeless romantic.- Your comment about Tara made me think of her as a Barbie doll type thing. “Soon to be released: Bride of Scary Vampire Tara! Find it at your local toy store soon!”- Could Russell *get* any creepier? My expression when he pulled out the Talbot Urn was as close to o_O; as can be humanly achieved!- I’m so scared of something horrible happening with either the new-worker-lady (I can’t remember her name) and/or Jesus. Because they’re new. Which means, of course, *something* horrible has to happen to one or both of them. Or they both have to be insane. Or evil. Or something.- I agree with you that teh gay must keep going! I keep finding myself “squee-ing” over Lafayette and Jesus’ reactions to one another.- As for Jason: He’s totally whiteknighting and he can’t get over his “I need to be a hero!” thing. He’s protecting, or failing to protect as the case seems to be, Crystal because he’s seeing her as some fragile princess who needs to be protected – and of course the best person for the job is none other than him! He’s just caught up in the hero/white knight mindset. A lot. And it’s making him stupid.Also he thinks she’s kinda hot, which I hear makes people do stupid things.
– I thought Bill and Sookie’s connection in this episode was funny. How they essentially broke ties, but then still knew they would be there for one another (Or rather Bill there to try and save Sookie’s ass again)- This happened episode before last, but I loved Jessica and Bill’s relationship of maker/makee. Bill setting her free, but Jessica not wanting to go. And I love how Bill always is dumbfounded by Jessica’s lack of knowledge, when he himself hadn’t bothered to teach her anything. It was good seeing him finally realize how ironic the situation was! lol- Speaking of maker/makee, Eric/Pam! I love them together. Pam is so fiesty, so I love it when she has to heed Eric or look to him for guidance. And when she said “You’re never panicked, should I be panicking!?” was so great. One thing I found funny is when she said “We need your house…nowish.” Then at the end, when Eric was telling her what to do if he didn’t make it. It was like seeing a parent sent their child off to school.- Russel made me laugh so hard at the end of the episode. He’s really off his rocker now. Best quote ever “…after we eat your children. Now for the weather, Tiffany!?” I laughed so hard. And although he has ambition, I don’t see a lot of powerful vampire hanging around him, though. Just those werewolves that seem to be dying every time they get into a conflict. I wonder where his troops are, if he’s so dangerous… I’ve read the books, so I’m familiar with some of the things the writers are pulling from, like this whole mystery with what Sookie is. She’s not really just a telepath, which is why they’re floundering so, trying to figure it out. And why she tastes so good. Yum.
I haven’t got a friggin’ clue what you guys are even talking about. Something important, though. Surely.Ooooh, I get it, “True Blood”, that Sly flick. Yeah, well, didn’t like Rambo much. Wait, hang on, that was “First blood.” My bad.Geesh, I’ve never, ever understood human-kinds fascination with vampires. Just don’t get it, never will.
Warning: snark incoming- I don’t think this show has enough boobs in it. Couldn’t Pam and Tara have found an opportunity to strip down or something? – Was Jason going to shoot Felton with a wooden bullet?- If you were convinced that your baby was going to be born evil, but refused to get an abortion, and the nice lady consoling you said “There are other ways of resolving this,” wouldn’t the word “HOW?” be out of your mouth in about .5 seconds?- Yes, Sookie, you handled Debbie….because she wasn’t trying to kill you and didn’t turn into a wolf. Congratulations. Now you might try not being a bitch for long enough to thank the vampire who saved you from the other two wolves downstairs and almost got killed doing it by a very powerful vampire. Also, consider not bragging about your light power unless/until you can reliably use it.- Poor Jessica…her entire job this season, with the exception of learning to be a super vampire with Bill, seems to have been pulling fang at inappropriate moments. – Are Lafayette and Jesus the only happy people on the show at this point? I’m thinking so. – Talbot’s bright red entrails in the big urn reminded me of the Koolaid man. Sorry.- Tommy is about the most ungrateful little fuck on the planet. And even in saying so, I don’t believe that he could inspire the kind of Fight Club response we saw out of Sam to Crystal’s dad. Yes, people can snap, but…it just didn’t ring true for me. – I would’ve preferred that Lafayette kill Franklin, as I don’t want a reason to not consider Jason a universal dumbass. But hey, still good that he of the super long fangs is dead. I agree that Terrorized Tara needs to go away.
Gretchen – No, he was going after Bill with the wooden bullets and I am with you on wanting to know the “other ways of resolving this”My thoughts in general-I am disappointed that she fell back to Bill. I was hoping that I would finally get to see some Sookie/Erik action-Tommy is a first class prick. I hope Sam wises up soon and really puts him in his place but if it has to be Tommy or Arlene I hope Arlene gets the boot.- Lafayette and Jesus are too cute together. I really hope Jesus doesn’t get killed off.-The only thing that Jason is good for is gratuitous chest and abs. (and that sexy accent in the cast interviews.-Russell is truly messed up and seems to get more demented every episode.-I love Jessica’s inappropriate Fang.
Oh my… Reading through the comments I have noticed I don’t know half of the characters you are writing about! Is the story in the TV series so different to Charlaine Harris’ books? Is Lafayette still alive? (He dies in book 2, and Russell appears in book 3… I am a bit confused here). I wanted to have a look at the series when they come in DVD (and I can pay them. plus), but I guess that, seeing this, I have to rethink the matter. Waiting for new releases of one Sookie’s Universe is bad enough to have to wait additionally for Sookie’s Parallel Universe… Sniff…
Ana,To give you an idea, Sookie just got back from Jackson, just met Claudine, and just met her nephew Hunter, and Jason met Crystal, within the past couple of episodes. So yes, they’ve switched up the chronology a LOT. Also, everybody loves Lafayette so much that he’s stuck around in the land of the living and even has a boyfriend now. I swear, if they ever kill him off I’ll stop watching in protest.
the only vamp love fest type story i ever got into was Buffy the vampire slayer,but i didn’t like the last 2 seasons for the same reason i don’t like twilight or true blood.i am one of those people that like my vamp fiction where the vampire dies.now werewolves that’s a horror creature i like.but ya don’t get the same kinda stories with them you do with vampires sadly.
Best ending to any episode ever, bar none. The whole thing was fantastic.Bill’s lying is going to catch up to him eventually, and I hope he and Sookie break up, at least for a decent period of time (a season or two? I can hope).Jessica and Hoyt were amazing. Those dolls were pretty scary, even compared to the spine-rippingly evil Russell.I love Jesus and Lafeyette so much. Whether something’s up with Jesus or not, I hope the relationship lasts. Besides Hoyt/Jessica, it’s probably my favorite on the show.The AVL isn’t going to be able to ignore Russell anymore, that’s for sure! Although I still hope Eric somehow gets the kill. The scene between him and Pam was really touching – great performances from both actors.
That ending was hilarious. “And now, [cheesy, smug smirk and turn to camera 4] the weather!”. Nicely done. That scene (sans the comedy) reminds me of Magneto’s TV appearance in X-Men 3 but with more eeeeeeeeevilness.I’m bored with Bill and Sookie. They’re a horrible match and neither of them are very likable anymore. I’m enjoying my new fav, Eric, who’s going with his vengeance mission thingy. I’m also glad to see Lafayette finally meet a decent guy but I’m waiting for the other show to drop on that one, like it turns out he’s a shape-shifting llama or something.
All I can say is we’re absolutely *loving* it. This is by far the best it’s been.
Russell is pretty amazing. His speech at the end of the episode blew my mind!
AAAH. You too, with the vampires? >:|
True Blood should officially become the “Eric, Pam and Lafayette Show” and everyone would be happier.That said, I’m dying to find out what the hell Sookie is, after they’ve built up the suspense to no end. And damn you Jason, why do you have to be such a pretty-but-dumb stereotype? Though I have to admit, after Lafayette, Jason definitely has me LOLing the most.And OMG Russell! BEST. ENDING. EVER.
They’re pretty (my FSM, have you SEEN Eric Northman??). That’s all there is to it.
are you sure that Franklin is dead. Did he end up a gooey heap? I don’t remember that. If not he’s still with us, ugggg. Arlene is a yawn, but Russell is an inspiration!!! – Tiffany. But I MUST object about Bill. I love him, he is good, and a good man (or whatever) is hard to find. Now just because CHARLAINE wrote a great sex scene, everybody is focused on Eric. Geese. I’m a Bill girl all the way!
Hot, strong, knowledgable (years of experience) and goood lovers with insance staying power.
They’re pretty? Um, have you seen depictions of Vlad the Impaler? This is just glorified Hollywood nonsense, completely detached from the myth of vampires. Ugh. But I can understand the point of wanting glorified Hollywood piffle … :)
Ok, you’ve set the lure, now let’s investigate each claim ;1. Hot. This is glorified Hollywood piffle, detached from vampire myth origins.2. Strong. Apparently, Quasimodo was strong, too. And Andre the Giant.3. Knowledgeable. And yet they fail to use their amazing knowledge for anything good. Where are the quantum physicist vampires?!4. Good lovers. How do you know?5. Insance staying power. I’ve got that, and I’m no vampire.Sorry, I fail to see the fascination. :) Maybe people get hooked on the shadowy playground between good and evil in one incarnate being, and perhaps some philosophical lure is at play between the tills of epistemology and determinism in what appears to be sentient beings being tied to a half-arsed defined version of “destiny”, or the more credulous notion of what it means to be eternal (all fine pseudo-philosophical ventures over a glass of wine, of course). Or what about the notion of the Gothic, that densely packed space between reality and fantasy, between history and make-believe, perhaps that’s more to the point. All good places to vent your frustrations with reality.Yeah, I don’t get invited to parties much. :)
Some willing suspension of disbelief makes these kinds of series very enjoyable. Maybe you should try it once.
If I actually turned the TV on, then yes, maybe, but … well, suspension of disbelief does not make vampires more interesting. Surely there are some compelling reasons why vampires over, say, space goblins?
I love the parallels they are drawing between the Old South and Russel’s view of human-vampire relations. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for them to do something with the antebellum south images they were bring up – like when Russel arrived on scene to save Bill from the werewolves on the white horse surrounded by hunting dogs. And then Tara running from the plantation home and being run down by dogs. The speech at the end of the episode finally pulled all that together. Finally!A big huzzah for Tara going to a rape survivor support group! After her character being so physically, mentally and emotionally abused I was really impressed that the writers put that in. They are handling her character with more grace than I expected since up until now it has been Tara falling from one abusive relationship to another to another. Watching her stand up to Franklin and take positive steps like going to a support group was powerful.I am so bored with Sookie and Bill – the less screen time they get the better the episode is. Plus, is it just me or was the sex scene at the end of the episode before this one kind of awkward? Seemed like Sookie couldn’t get any… leverage or something. Maybe I’m over-thinking it :-P
I have this feeling, that Bram Stoker is spinning in his grave so fast that if you strapped magnets to him and wrapped the coffin in a coil of copper wire, he’d be a significant contribution to a low-carbon solution for energy generation…
Franklin definitely exploded into a gooey blob of slime. Gone for good! I knew when she bashed his head and he didn’t turn to goo that he was definitely coming back! Very glad he’s gone, as well as Lorena. I loved the whiny, simpering Talbot, but so excited to see Eric go after Russell that it makes up for losing Talbot’s petulance.
There’s definitely something wrong with the new worker lady. She telepathically knew Arlene was pregnant. And she has that super-creepy look to her.
The best Jason moment this season was when he found out there were werewolves and he said, “What else is real? Santa?”
Russell Edgington is at the moment my fav vampire in this show. His uptight but wildly gay life and collecting habits are interesting , but then he goes batshit crazy and does so in public and carries the remains of his dearest talbot around in a jar….love it to death
Eh, poo on Bram Stoker, that 2-bit hack!!!
Indeed, many people would agree with that!! His other books were pretty bad! But Dracula is different, it’s excellent….As an aside, when Coppola released his film, “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”, it was so far away from the original book that the studio released a novelization of the film… Which means really, that nobody has yet made a good version of the book as a film. And with vampire stories now associated with allegories about racism, xenophobia, and forbidden love, it is unlikely any will be made for some years now, until this current vogue passes…
Even though I’m a bit late in saying this, it needs to be said.I’m so happy I’m not the only one who suffers when viewing Sookie/Bill interactions! I do have to admit though that I crack up every time he says her name.I think I will miss Franklin. He was such a wonderful brand of crazy. I might even call it adorable, like a soft fluffy rabid puppy that stares at you when you sleep. I absolutely loved Russell with the little vase of guts. I am only surprised he didn’t bring it with him to show off when he went on TV.