
  1. says

    Thank you for giving me nightmares, dammit.That is why music should never be let in the hands of amateurs. It’s for music’s own good.

  2. fox says

    As a trumpet player I have the urge to go slaughter those folks for torturing our ears.

  3. Senseinai says

    This is the orchestra that should have played Elvis on stage during the fat years.

  4. lomifeh says

    Stanley Kubrick is rolling over in his grave. This is proof of there being no god. If there was he’d be smiting them all over the place for this sin against man, nature, and all that is holy.Edit. My cat just gave me a look of horror and murder after hearing it.

  5. says

    I used to teach middle school students to play clarinet, flute, and saxophone, and was a music performance major up until I changed my major to physics.Hey, let’s look at the positive side here (because you have to if you want to stay sane while teaching these kids) &mdash at least their rhythm was good :P

  6. Guest says

    I’m certain that my high school orchestra conductor feels like crying right now, but doesn’t know why.

  7. Alison Eales says

    This is the Portsmouth Sinfonia, led by composer Gavin Bryars. His vision for the orchestra was actually rather lovely. Find out more about them here:…This might be my favourite thing they did. The first time I heard it I actually cried laughing.

  8. the_Siliconopolitan says

    Let me give that a hardy “Fuck you!”.I’m willing to bet those players at least had hella fun doing that.(There was an interesting essay on Radio 3 last night by an author spending a year trying to learn playing the French horn.)

  9. Caitlin says

    Holy hell! I was in band in middle and high school, and played this my sophomore year. That has to be a sixth grade band or something!

  10. John Small Berries says

    Thanks for that link, Alison – sounds an awful lot like Professor Harold Hill’s patented “Think Method”.

  11. says

    That video is absolutely priceless, lol. I’ve never heard of the Portsmouth Sinfonia before!If there’s a special place in Hell for those who butcher music this horribly, the Portsmouth Sinfonia is probably there right now, accompanying Florence Foster Jenkins :)

  12. says

    Poor Strauss.I’ve played in some bad orchestras in my time, but this might take the cake.Still, I have to give them credit for trying. Richard Strauss is definitely not the easiest shit to play.

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