I am thankful that by chance of birth I have running water, proper sewage systems, electricity, and enough food that I’m going to feel sick after eating it all, and then still have left overs for a week.
I am thankful that by chance of birth I have two parents that wanted me, love me, and continue to support me; that I have grandparents, an uncle, brothers, nephews, and in-laws who are all amazing people, none of which I’d want to distance myself from.
I am thankful that by chance of birth first class medical care is available to me, that dying from a curable disease is a foreign concept, that I actually have health care unlike so many others, and that I still have room to complain that it should be better.
I am thankful that by chance of birth I live in a country where my freedom of speech is protected; I can write and blog and criticize religion without wondering if I’ll lose my job, end up in jail, or suffer serious physical harm.
I am thankful that by chance of birth I was born in a century where I’m not seen as property to a man, that I haven’t been forced to bear multiple children by age 22 (or died in the process of doing so), and that I’m not viewed as less intelligent or capable of a scientist for having a uterus.
I am thankful that by chance of birth my greatest concerns in life right now are where I’m going to graduate school (not if I’ll have education at all) and that the internet at my parents’ house sucks.
Am I blessed? Did some omnipotent being want favor me while making other suffer through disease, starvation, poverty, and genocide?
No. I am merely lucky, and humbly thankful for that.
Happy Thanksgiving
miguel says
Wow… You do have a great way with words. Very nice "prayer?" haha (just joking). Happy Thanksgiving. Very well written.
miguel says
Wow… You do have a great way with words. Very nice “prayer?” haha (just joking). Happy Thanksgiving. Very well written.
Urban Wild Cat says
"Bare"ing children is something the police tend to investigate…
Urban Wild Cat says
“Bare”ing children is something the police tend to investigate…
Sili says
Sili says
Jaki says
I'm thankful that I have such an amazing blog friend such as yourself to make me laugh, compel me think, and entice me to actively fight for what I know is right.
Hope you have a wonderful break!
Jaki says
I’m thankful that I have such an amazing blog friend such as yourself to make me laugh, compel me think, and entice me to actively fight for what I know is right. Hope you have a wonderful break!
Anonymous says
Jen, I am thankful for the work you do on this blog and in your community.
Anonymous says
Jen, I am thankful for the work you do on this blog and in your community.
Veritas says
Jen, that's beautiful. Thank you for writing that. It mirrors much of my own thinking, but summates much of it better than I ever could.
Thank you, and have a great Thanksgiving.
Veritas says
Jen, that’s beautiful. Thank you for writing that. It mirrors much of my own thinking, but summates much of it better than I ever could.Thank you, and have a great Thanksgiving.
uzza says
Hey I like it. I kinda did the same thing too.
uzza says
Hey I like it. I kinda did the same thing too.
陳珊妮sammi says
cool!i love it!AV,無碼,a片免費看,自拍貼圖,伊莉,微風論壇,成人聊天室,成人電影,成人文學,成人貼圖區,成人網站,一葉情貼圖片區,色情漫畫,言情小說,情色論壇,臺灣情色網,色情影片,色情,成人影城,080視訊聊天室,a片,A漫,h漫,麗的色遊戲,同志色教館,AV女優,SEX,咆哮小老鼠,85cc免費影片,正妹牆,ut聊天室,豆豆聊天室,聊天室,情色小說,aio,成人,微風成人,做愛,成人貼圖,18成人,嘟嘟成人網,aio交友愛情館,情色文學,色情小說,色情網站,情色,A片下載,嘟嘟情人色網,成人影片,成人圖片,成人文章,成人小說,成人漫畫,視訊聊天室,性愛,a片,AV女優,聊天室,情色