By Wendy Onofrey
Webmaster for the Bolingbrook Babbler
Our neighbors here at Freethought Blogs love to blog about Evolutionary Psychology. HJ Hornbeck has the latest on a new EvoPsych paper.
I’m not a fan of EvoPsych. It manages the feat of misunderstanding both evolution and psychology, its researchers are prone to wild misrepresentation of fields they clearly don’t understand, and it has all the trappings of a pseudo-science. Nonetheless, I’ve always thought they had enough sense to avoid promoting scientific racism, at least openly.
[CONTENT WARNING: Some of them don’t.]
It’s a great post, though it probably means that if he ever visits Bolingbrook, we’ll have to keep him away from the EvoPsych house.
Thank you.
[quietly starts researching bus routes to Bolingbrook]