Everybody get out your patented Gullibility Boots, you’ll want them buckled up to about mid-thigh for this one:
“Every cell in my body tingled with pure joy,” that is a common statement made by anyone who just entered “The Zone” state of consciousness. The euphoria reflects the fact that anti-aging and stress hormones are surging through our body, a signature of “The Zone” experience. Faith-based athletes are more likely to experience this elevated state of consciousness, simply because they have streamlined their thoughts and emotions to be focused on the highest vibration frequencies.
Mmm, faith-based higher vibration frequencies, oozing into your bloodstream and cleansing away all those icky, stinky toxins. But wait, I left off the last sentence of that paragraph.
We see this focus, each time they do the “Heart Pump” and point to the Heaven’s, a gesture birthed from my book.
OMG, this article is written by the guy who invented fist pumps? Wow! Like, I mean, wow, man.