Here’s a mini mystery for you this fine Tuesday morning.
BLACKS: This is wrong. We’re being singled out by the police, harassed, beaten, even murdered. And the murderers are getting away with it. #BlackLivesMatter!
GUESS WHO: (*shrug*) Ah, quit whining, #AllLivesMatter.
PALESTINIANS: We need help! Israelis are bulldozing our homes, occupying our land, and murdering our children, and getting away with it. #PalestinianLivesMatter!
GUESS WHO: (*shrug*) Ah, quit whining. You probably deserve it. In fact, let’s take literally billions of US taxpayer dollars and give it to Israel, no strings attached.
STARBUCKS: This holiday season, we’ll be serving coffee in red cups.
GUESS WHO: Will they say “Merry Christmas”?
STARBUCKS: No, they won’t say anything.
GUESS WHO: Oh you evil people! How dare you subject us to such horrific persecution? Have you no decency? We won’t stand for it! It’s an absolute outrage! (Etc., etc., etc…)
Need a hint? Hmm, maybe not.
(Note: any similarity between GUESS WHO and any person(s) now living or dead is entirely their own fault.)
I was under the impression that there were strings attached, it’s just that the restrictions are routinely ignored and never enforced. So… yeah fair enough.