Coach Dave is teachin’ and preachin’ – about lying. Like lying for Jesus, lying for Jehovah is right good too.
Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire said that Roy Moore has no obligation to tell the truth regarding multiple allegations that he pursued sexual relationships with teenage girls when he was in his 30s and that, in fact, it is better for him to lie about it if doing so will help to advance the kingdom of God.
Daubenmire, who has been an ardent Moore supporter for years and even interviewed Moore on his program back in 2013, likened Moore’s efforts to become a U.S. senator from Alabama to using misdirection in a football game, employing subterfuge during a military battle or hiding Jews from the Nazis, saying that deception and dishonesty in such endeavors is acceptable because doing so furthers a greater good.
Lying through your teeth about being a skeevy asshole with a taste for teenagers is not the same as strategy, sportsball or military, and it’s certainly not the same as hiding Jews from Nazis. The finely fucked up morals of a christian, right there. (Yeah, yeah, #notallchristians, but you all still aren’t standing up against these fanatical asses.)
“When I hear people say, ‘Well, Judge Moore is not worthy of the office if he’s lying about what he did,’ I want to grab ’em and I want to slap ’em upside the stinking head,” Daubenmire said. “Judge Moore is trying to infiltrate an ungodly system and the stakes in this campaign are so great for the cause of Christ and Judge Moore is being lambasted by the holier-than-thou Christians who think [the Bible] says we can never lie.”
Golly, such language! Tsk. Infiltrate? He’s running for senate, not trying to pass a super secret seal test or anything. Any idiot can run for the senate. You’d think there’d be requirements or something, but no. (You have to be 30 years old, been a citizen for at least nine years, and live in the state you wish to represent, that’s it. That would be why so many lying idiots.)
“It’s best to lie if it advances the kingdom of God,” Daubenmire stated. “There, I said it.”
Yes, you did, and thanks, Coach Dave, for having the spine to admit that, unlike most christians, who believe firmly in lying, but always deny that.