
One of our cacti has blossomed this year, one whose blossoms open only for one night. So I had to take the picture in late evening sun.

And as I was walking from the glasshouse, I took a shot of the elderberry too.

©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

Rock, Paper…Plant.

Last week, a colourful bucket full of hand painted stones was on the reception desk in 7 (infusion). The stones were painted by a 3rd grade class for all the people undergoing chemo. We chose our rocks, they are lovely little tokens, like carrying good wishes with you. We also brought home books, and a lovely plant. I will probably be snoozing most of today, having been up all night with the big, bad butt pain again. It’s a right pain in the arse, literally. As usual, click for full size. As for the books, I finished Bird Box, reading it on 7, and the ride home. It was interesting. The concept was certainly intriguing, but fell a bit short on execution. There were questions which never get answered, leaving me with a vague sense of dissatisfaction. Notwithstanding, it was still a good tale, and it was a quick read. It’s a debut novel by the lead singer of the band The High Strung, Josh Malerman. A movie has been made, and will be released by Netflix this December.

© C. Ford.

Advantages of an Unkempt Lawn

On a short mown lawn, boringly green,  you do not get to see these. The orange flowers are Hieracium aurantiacum, which is to my mind the most handsome dandelion relative growing here. It is also an endangered plant in CZ so we are mowing the lawn in a way as to allow them to flourish. There are only a few patches around where it prospers.

©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.