From Lofty, hot pink abuzz with bees, click for full size.
© Lofty, all rights reserved.
Another little skink from Lofty, and what a gorgeous little fella he is, too! (Or lady, reptile sexing is not something I’m good at.) Lookit those long toes! Makes me miss my prehensile-tailed Skink, who was not tiny. Click for full size!
© Lofty, all rights reserved.
Think twice before you swat that mosquito. It just might be a delicate glass sculpture, at least if you’re in the presence of Yuki Tsunoda, a young sculptor who shapes glass into insects and plants that are almost exactly to scale.
The 26-year old artist first began working with glass in 2012 when she attempted to visualize the disgust and aversion most people have to insects, especially when they swarm together. But as she studied them more and more she began to take note of the beauty of each individual body part. Tsunoda eventually shifted her focus to emphasizing the beauty of insects by recreating them in realistic forms, and to scale, using glass.
Beautiful work! There’s much more to see and read at Spoon & Tamago.