Rats Present.

This is Angel. “How do you get this open?” There’s a constant parade of girls trying to figure out this doorknob business, which is why it looks a mess, in spite of being cleaned every day. There are boys on the other side of the door, y’see. Yes, I keep it locked. Just in case. (They do manage to unlock it now and then.) Click for full size.

© C. Ford.

Rats Past.

Ash, the rescue rat who started it all in 2006. In the first photo, Ash was busy working on thieving my ring. He was successful in pulling it off, and immediately scampered off to Rat HQ to stash his lovely ring. I recovered it later, after distracting Ash with Jaffa Wars (breaking out my precious supply of London Jaffa Cakes, and getting into a ferocious tug o’ Jaffa cake war with Ash.) The ring I still have. Wish I still had Ash.

© C. Ford.