
When Grover Cleveland, an assimilation supporter, started his first term, an estimated 260,000 American Indians lived on 171 reservations comprising 134 million acres of land in 21 states. Whitehouse.gov

When Grover Cleveland, an assimilation supporter, started his first term, an estimated 260,000 American Indians lived on 171 reservations comprising 134 million acres of land in 21 states. Whitehouse.gov

The day before Grover Cleveland took office as the 22nd president of the United States, Congress passed the Major Crimes Act of 1885, providing for federal jurisdiction over seven major crimes committed by Indians on their own land.

The act came in response to Ex Parte Crow Dog, an 1883 Supreme Court decision that upheld tribal sovereignty over criminal matters. The case, which marked the first time in history an Indian was tried for the murder of another Indian, began in 1881 when Crow Dog, a member of the Brule band of the Lakota Sioux, shot and killed Spotted Tail, a chief on the Rosebud Sioux reservation.

In a unanimous and condescending decision, the Supreme Court found that federal courts lacked jurisdiction over Indian-on-Indian crimes on reservation land and that Brule law—not federal—governed the reservation. Subjecting Indians to federal law, the court ruled, would “impose upon them the restraints of an external and unknown code” that Indians lacked the ability to understand.

“It tries them not by their peers, nor by the customs of their people, nor the law of their land, but by superiors of a different race,” the justices wrote in their opinion. Doing so would amount to “measur(ing) the red man’s revenge by the maxims of the white man’s morality.”

Congress reacted to the ruling with the Major Crimes Act, claiming the high court undercut federal efforts to assimilate Indians into mainstream America. The act placed under federal jurisdiction the crimes of murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, maiming, rape, incest and assault with intent to commit murder.

The act was one of three devastating measures enacted during Cleveland’s first term in office that undermined tribal sovereignty and robbed Indians of land. Cleveland in 1887 signed the Dawes Act, which authorized the President to divide Indian land into individual allotments. Two years later, he signed the Indian Appropriations Act, officially opening “unassigned lands” to white settlers.

The Full Article is Here.

Photographing the Real Barack Obama.

Hat tip to Opus. Amazing, wonderful photos of our president, taken by Pete Souza.

Feb 2016 – Obama touches the face of three-year-old Clark Reynolds, in one of Souza’s most moving photographs.

Feb 2016 – Obama touches the face of three-year-old Clark Reynolds, in one of Souza’s most moving photographs.


Oct 2009 – The president jostles with congressmen during a basketball game at the White House.

Oct 2009 – The president jostles with congressmen during a basketball game at the White House.

More photos and full article here.

Bible Emoji: Scripture 4 Millennials

Bible Emoji translates the holy text into a language millennials can understand. Photograph: Bible Emoji/Twitter/Twitter

Bible Emoji translates the holy text into a language millennials can understand. Photograph: Bible Emoji/Twitter/Twitter


It’s a holy book, it’s $2.99 and it might just save religion among young people.

“Bible Emoji: Scripture 4 Millennials” was released Sunday in the iBooks store. It’s exactly what it sounds like: an adaptation of the King James Version of the Bible using internet slang and emoji, the adorable emoticons frequently used in text messages and tweets. Translated over the past six months by a person who identifies himself or herself only as the sunglasses-guy emoji, the objective of the emoji Bible is to make the text more appealing to people of various backgrounds and age groups.

I already hate this thing. I am not a fan of emojis.

The 3,282-page emoji Bible includes interpretations of all 66 books in the Bible and advertises itself as a “fun way to share the gospel.” But it’s already causing controversy, pointing to a larger challenge facing modern Christians: How do you engage millennials without being cheesy?


The millennial generation, which includes people between the ages of 18 and 34, is famous for bucking trends, and religion is no exception. … “It’s not as if young people today are being raised in a way completely different from Christianity,” Pew researcher Greg Smith told CNN last year. “But as adults they are simply dropping that part of their identity.”

Theories vary as to why this is happening  — millennials distrust institutions, or they’re getting married later, or they think the church is too antiquated — but the trend is a near-universal concern for Christians. So they’re frantically searching for a remedy.

Case in point: Though the emoji Bible appears to be the first of its kind to be published, it’s not the first to crop up on the internet. In 2014, artist Kamran Kastle launched a $25,000 Kickstarter campaign to make an emoticon Bible, according to the Inquisitr. It raised only $105.

IBT Story. Inquisitr Story.

I now pronounce you: Jack Daniels.

From left; Dan Mathews kisses his husband Jack Ryan on stage in Raleigh as Alex Ebert looks on; Photo courtesy of Pawel Malyszko.

From left; Dan Mathews kisses his husband Jack Ryan on stage in Raleigh as Alex Ebert looks on; Photo courtesy of Pawel Malyszko.

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros show how to do a concert in NC without compromising your principles.

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros considered canceling a concert scheduled in Raleigh, N.C. on Friday, but ultimately decided the show must go on — to make a statement.

The indie band was torn over whether to play in North Carolina in light of the state’s sweeping anti-LGBT law known as House Bill 2, which requires trans people to use bathrooms that do not correspond with their gender identity, rescinds all LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinances, and bars residents for suing for discrimination in state court.

“HB 2 was passed by an immoral minority – North Carolina has many thriving, creative, modern communities,” lead singer Alex Ebert said in a statement reported by Rolling Stone. “We were tempted to cancel the show, but decided at the last minute to rally the crowd instead by renewing the vows of our good friends onstage.”


“Then Jack, and Daniel,” continued Ebert. “I now pronounce you: Jack Daniels.”

Full Story at The Advocate.

The Libertarian Presidential Nominee is…

Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson.

ORLANDO, FLA. — Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson won the Libertarian presidential nomination on second ballot at the Libertarian National Convention today, and while he expects socially liberal voters will gravitate toward his candidacy, particular constituencies like LGBT activists will need to come to him rather than the other way around.

“It’s never been my tactic to reach out to anybody,” Johnson told The Advocate after securing his party’s nomination. “The message that I have is the same message no matter whom I’m addressing, and the most effective reach-out is just saying the things that should be said. In that context, the LBGT [sic] community should embrace what it is that we’re saying.”

Late in the afternoon, the party also nominated former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, Johnson’s hand-picked running mate, as the vice presidential nominee. That came a day after Weld made a direct appeal to LGBT voters, noting his history of nominating the first state Supreme Court justice to hold marriage equality as a constitutional right.

Normally, I’d say doesn’t have a snowball’s chance, but with Trump splitting voters all over the place, nothing is certain anymore.

The Advocate has the full story.

Nearly Winter at 35 Degrees South.

From Lofty, garden pics. There’s a good number of them, so I’ll be posting them over several days. All photos are 1500 x 996, click for full size.

Around here autumn and winter are important parts of the growing season, the European exotics drop their leaves while the rest of the plants get busy. I put the old manual 80-200 macro zoom lens back on the Pentax Kx to get some close ups.


Carpet of Leaves. © Lofty.


Elder Bush and Naked Nest. © Lofty.


Lemon. (Seriously delicious looking!) © Lofty.

Stay tuned for more.

Renaissance Technologies

youtube screencap.

youtube screencap.

If the public library was the proto-internet, then the book was both a trusty storage device and an early website. This is essentially how MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences approaches books in the course “Making Books: The Renaissance and Today,” in which students learn about bookmaking technology.

The course, led by MIT historian Anne McCants and Jeffrey Ravel, sees students making paper and building a handset printing press. The idea is to illustrate that people in the distant past were also clever technologists, while also reconnecting students to the notion of making instead of merely consuming.


This semester past, MIT Hobby Shop director Ken Stone led the students in the building of the printing press. First, students milled a huge reclaimed wooden beam from an old building, then they worked the wood in various ways until they had assembled a screw-type letterpress printer commonly used throughout the early modern period. During the build, students toured a Colonial-style print shop in Boston called Edes & Gill, paying particular attention to an early handset press like the one they were building. There they picked the brains of printmaster Gary Gregory.

The full article is at The Creators Project. Very, very, very cool, this. I’d love to learn how to do this.