The Seven Forbidden Words…

Evidence-Based, Science-Based, Vulnerable, Transgender, Diversity, Fetus, Entitlement.

Evidence-Based, Science-Based, Vulnerable, Transgender, Diversity, Fetus, Entitlement.

Unfortunately, this is not at all like George Carlin’s Seven Dirty Words. Instead, the words Science-Based, Evidence-Based, Vulnerable, Transgender, Diversity, Fetus, and Entitlement have been forbidden in use of official CDC documents prepared for next year’s budget. So, we have a good idea of what the amoral regime is looking to ignore completely when it comes to funding. This is not good. Not good at all.

The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases — including “fetus” and “transgender” — in official documents being prepared for next year’s budget.

Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told of the list of forbidden words at a meeting Thursday with senior CDC officials who oversee the budget, according to an analyst who took part in the 90-minute briefing. The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”

In some instances, the analysts were given alternative phrases. Instead of “science-based” or ­“evidence-based,” the suggested phrase is “CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes,” the person said. In other cases, no replacement words were immediately offered.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the CDC, “will continue to use the best scientific evidence available to improve the health of all Americans,” HHS spokesman Matt Lloyd told The Washington Post. “HHS also strongly encourages the use of outcome and evidence data in program evaluations and budget decisions.”

The question of how to address such issues as sexual orientation, gender identity and abortion rights — all of which received significant visibility under the Obama administration — has surfaced repeatedly in federal agencies since President Trump took office. Several key departments — including HHS, as well as Justice, Education, and Housing and Urban Development — have changed some federal policies and how they collect government information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.

In March, for example, HHS dropped questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in two surveys of elderly people.

HHS has also removed information about LGBT Americans from its website. The department’s Administration for Children and Families, for example, archived a page that outlined federal services that are available for LGBT people and their families, including how they can adopt and receive help if they are the victims of sex trafficking.

The Washington Post has the full story. Yet another stone dropped on top of us, ensuring our slide down into a pit of devastating ignorance.

Love of Porn! Sexual Anarchy!

Frothy fanatic Kevin Swanson has the answer as to why the people of Alabama failed Roy Moore so miserably – porn!

Swanson, who interviewed Moore on his program earlier this year, told his audience that Alabama was among the states where people spent the most time on the website Pornhub in 2016, which lead him to conclude that it was no coincidence that Moore lost because “that state probably has significant sexual problems, especially since Doug Jones is so in favor of sexual perversion, transgenderism and homosexuality. Evidently, the state of Alabama must have a problem with sexuality. It’s obvious.”

Somehow or another, this wasn’t any sort of a problem when you thought Moore was going to win. Doug Jones is so in favour of people. People who come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and genders. Mr. Jones has the radical notion that they are all human, and deserving of the same rights automatically consigned to the straight white male person contingent. It is true that the people of Alabama did, in the end, have a problem with sexuality. Specifically, they had a problem with Roy Moore’s sexuality. It’s interesting how that troubled people enough to get out and rock the vote, but it doesn’t seem to trouble you at all, Mr. Swanson.

“Unless there is a spiritual awakening,” Swanson added, “I think these conservative states are going to become liberal in their moral values within another five, 10, or 20 years. If the fathers are doing pornography, the kids are going to turn into homosexuals. The fathers will hide their sin and the children will come out of the closet with it.

People will come out of the closet whether or not their parents might indulge in porn. That would be because sexual orientation is not caused by, or swayed by porn. Of course, you’re the idiot who thinks Disney movies will turn a whole generation of sprogs gay. (Frozen). Swanson also thinks that the death penalty is appropriate for queer folk.

By the way, the top porn search word in Alabama and Mississippi is ‘lesbian.’ So another indication that the father’s generation is dabbling in porn, the children’s generation will go head over heels for some of the most egregious sexual crimes that men ever engage in.”

Lesbian porn has always been popular. It’s interesting that you focus solely on men, Mr. Swanson. Women and non-binary people watch porn too. As for the most egregious sexual crimes men engage in, that would not be watching porn. It would be things like rape and sexual assault. Like the sexual assault of a 14 year old young woman by a man in his 30s. His name is Roy Moore. Just getting your froth back on track here.

Via RWW.

Speaking of frenzied fanaticism, the Family Research Council has a special prayer going out:

“Lord, you ordained use of ‘the sword’ for national security and police protection a core role of civil government. You created the two distinct, biological sexes as fundamental to life and decreed that sexual anarchy is a serious sin with profound consequences to individuals and society. Lord, intervene! Prevent our military from further weakening and our society from further sexual anarchy via the godless indoctrination of our troops. Guide and govern our leaders in all three branches of government. You are our Judge. You are our Lawgiver; and You are our King; it is You who will save us!”

Sexual Anarchy! That sounds kinda fun.

The More Things Change…

The More They Stay The Same. This is particularly true when it comes to women’s rights. There were some comments on the anti-suffrage card used in Nag, Nag, Naggin’ into Government. A common theme heard now is that women don’t want equality, they want dominance. A lot of people seem to be of the opinion that equality is simply not achievable, it must be case of domination, and the thought of women being the ones on top is particularly terrifying to many men. This was a very common theme in anti-suffrage postcards, one could say it was the dominant theme. Men are pictured doing housework, and horror of horrors, taking care of their children. This nonsense is still bandied about, and all too often you’ll see or hear a reference to a man babysitting for a day – yet the children being cared for are his own. Parents are supposed to take care of their children, and this does apply to men too. Really. Another common theme was just how gosh darn ugly those suffragists were. Unfortunately, that anti-feminism sentiment is still alive and well.

So, in the category of yep, still happening, a sampling of anti-suffrage cards, most under the fold. There are many more to be seen at all the given links.

[Read more…]

Nag, Nag, Naggin’ into Government.

Remember Carl Gallups and Mike Shoesmith, those valiant conservachristians who railed about “Chemical Sexual Assault“? They’re at it again, with a somewhat narrower focus. Seems they are convinced that Michelle Obama will run for president in 2020, which naturally scares the shit out of these brave men. This speculation is based on a World Nut Daily article, which is a whole post of its own. I will note this one small excerpt from the WND article:

4. It’s smart to play hard to get – and that’s what she’s doing:It’s way too early for any serious candidate to throw his or her hat into the ring. Any candidate who does so now is not a serious candidate.

Uh, if that makes a candidate smart, considering that the Tiny Tyrant started campaigning for ‘020 within weeks of the election, and is still doing so…

Okay, on with the scared man show:

Shoesmith said that the recent wave of sexual misconduct allegations against powerful men is being orchestrated by a modern-day women’s suffrage movement akin to the one in early 1900s “which guilted men into giving the women whatever they wanted.”

“Women were withholding sex from their husbands,” he griped. “They nagged their way into government, into politics.

Considering how most women were treated sexually in the 1900s, there may have been all manner of reasons for not wanting to engage in sex; that said, you don’t know that, you idiot, you just assume it, because you think that’s the only power any woman has, no possibility of women using their minds or anything.  And yes, women had to fight for basic rights, a fight which has been going on for well over a thousand years (frinst., Lex Oppia), and we’re still fighting. It’s beyond asshole behaviour to trivialise what Suffragists went through. Once again, women were treated as little more than animals.

Say what you want about that, but men need to stand up for the muscular, masculine aspect of what the country needs as a whole. Women are running everything now—it’s okay that women have a say, in my mind, but they can’t run everything because now we have legalized abortion, legalized gay marriage; it’s all about feelings and emotions with these women. So men need to be a balance to all of this, but men are being shoved to the side—Matt Lauer, all of these guys—they are all being shoved to the side and the women are stepping in to take over and I believe that Michelle Obama will be the spearhead of a new women’s suffrage movement to just fully take over government in America.”

:violent headdesk: First of all, you fucking idiot, suffrage means the right to vote. We got that one, so there won’t be a “new womens’ suffrage”. Christ. You muscular masculine types have been running things, forfuckingever. You’ve made one hell of a mess out of everything, too. Now you spend all your time with muscular masculine moaning. We supposedly have the right to bodily autonomy and choice, but it seems you haven’t been paying attention to just how effing difficult it is to get a termination these days. Well, I guess you muscular masculine men wouldn’t have any particular reason to pay attention. As for same sex marriage, I don’t know how to break this to you, dudely dudes, but a whole lot of people involved in that one were *gasp* men! A person might conclude that men have feelings too. People like Matt Lauer and “all of these guys” are being “shoved to the side” because they are abusive assholes who have committed crimes for an appallingly long time.

Gallups shared Shoesmith’s “angst” about a Michelle Obama candidacy, saying that he knows “so much” about the corruption within the deep state thanks to his role as a “special deputy” on disgraced sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate that he is “terrified that Michelle Obama will be the next president” due to massive electoral fraud.

None of you assholes know one damn thing. You pull shit straight out of your asses and treat it like absolute truth. The only electoral fraud going on is illegal voter suppression, which white male conservachristians are wholly in favour of, because women, people of colour, oh no!

To make things worse, Gallups and Shoesmith agreed that Michelle Obama would also benefit from the “demonic forces at work here” that want to see her back in the White House.

Oh yes, demons. Of course, demons. Okay, today, we have Orobas:

Orobas is a powerful Great Prince of Hell, having twenty legions of demons under his control.
He supposedly gives true answers of things past, present and to come, divinity, and the creation of the world; he also confers dignities and prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes. Orobas is faithful to the conjurer, does not permit that any spirit tempts him, and never deceives anyone. He is depicted as a horse that changes into a man under the conjurer’s request.

Via RWW.

Killing ALL The Fun Of Christmas! Creepy as fuck.

Now that the ‘war on christmas’ has been won, the conservachristians have a new complaint. You just knew this was coming, right? Life is no fun for conservachristians unless they can gripe and whine. Fox News host and Trump cheerleader Laura Ingraham is concerned about women. She’s concerned that women, those awful killjoys, might suck all the fun out of christmas parties, because what else so typifies christmas as the drunken office party?

“Is the #MeToo movement becoming a spoiler for this season’s Christmas parties?” Ingraham asked Friday evening during a segment on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle.

Speaking with comedian Jimmy Failla, Ingraham said she was worried that women who feel empowered to report sexual misconduct might ruin the holiday season by making office Christmas parties less festive.

“I can see this year it might be — a little less festive, let’s say that. No alcohol and no fun and no lampshades and, I don’t know, maybe that’s better,” she said.

“Is this just killing all the fun of Christmas?” she wondered absurdly.

Maybe that’s better? Unbelievable, especially coming from the SHN (Sexual Harassment Network). If your party hits the lampshade point, you’ve gone too far. Seriously. The next day will be flashes of very embarrassing behaviour, always remembered by at least one person, who will spread it all over the place, massive headaches, and someone will get stuck cleaning up all the pools of vomit. If you want to do that sort of thing in your own house, go for it. When it comes to office parties, which many people feel obligated to attend, having a lower key affair will come as a relief to many a person.

As for killing the fun of christmas, gosh, I thought your celebration was supposed to be Christ centered, and you all should be getting pickled in Jesus juice.  Ah well, the truth always outs – christmas, it’s about being a drunken lout!

Failla and Ingraham then turned their attention to Vox, which they ridiculed for imposing a two-drink limit at this year’s office holiday party in an effort to keep things under control.

Limiting the alcohol limits the fun, Failla argued, offering an enthusiastic endorsement of drunkenness at office parties.

“I’m pro-holiday Christmas party,” he said. “I think it serves a purpose, which is to build camaraderie over someone getting trashed. You know, you get that one night a year to be like, ‘Simmons took his shirt off and jumped in the the water fountain.’”

The reason so many people get wasted at office parties is anxiety and nervousness. That kind of ‘camaraderie’ always comes at someone’s expense, so it shouldn’t be that gosh darn hard to dispense with it.

Via Share Blue.

The Hobnail Boots of The Homosexuals.

Anti-LGBTQ hate group C-Fam sent this meme in a fundraising email about its United Nations work.

Dear Friend of the Friday Fax,

A teacher in Canada shows a video of a free speech hero who stood up against the homosexual fascists.
The Teacher is about to lose her job.

Also called teaching inappropriate material, i.e., bigotry, intolerance and hate. This is not about a freeze peach superhero.

The state of Michigan just took a child from the home of a Christian family because they refused to
allow their daughter to transition into a boy.

Good, that’s doing right by the child. Your ‘good’ christian family would have condemned that child to abuse, agony, and misery.

The state of Colorado wants to shut down the Christian baker because he won’t celebrate a gay wedding.

He doesn’t have to celebrate anything, you fuckstick. He just has to bake a fucking cake, because that’s his business.

Friends, we are living in fascistic times except this time the hobnail boots are worn by homosexuals and
their allies in government and major corporations.

Yes, we are surrounded by fascists and nazis. I’m looking at a fine example of such zealotry right now.

These fascists are out to get Christians who view men and women as God made them and who live their lives
that way. They seek to stamp us out.

:near fatal eyeroll: Oh please, no one is out to get you. We just want you to mind your own damn business. You’re free to have any view you like. A bit of advice though: If you’re going to act like cockroaches, don’t be surprised if people start looking at you like you need to be stamped out.

Want to be shocked? Would you like to know the one place where you are free to stand up to the LGBT fascists?
Want to know where Christians actually win victories against the LGBT fascists?

The UN that’s where. How do I know? Because we do it every single day and we have many goverments behind us.

You have no business peddling your desire for an inquisition anywhere, and it’s a travesty you are able to spread your poison at the UN.

Keep us going!

[Donate Button]

And I will tell you the secret. It is because we are brave. We are fearless. We will not be bullied, we will not
step back, and we will always call homosexual behaviour sinful, offensive, and deeply harmful to the individual
who practices it and to society at large.

And I will tell you the secret. We are brave. We are fearless. We will not be bullied, we will not step back, and we will always declare we are human, deserving full rights, bringing light, love, acceptance and inclusiveness to all within our community and to society at large.

Keep us going!

[Donate Button]


[Donate Button]

You will not find “mainstream” religious conservatives speaking this way. They talk about religious freedom.
Let me tell you another secret. If we are having to defend religious freedome, then we are fighting the enemy
in our own house. We are not on offense. We are on defense. And we are going to lose.

Well, we are on offense. Want to be on offense with us? Tired of being on defense? Then help us now. Join us!

You certainly are offensive. And disgusting. And repellant. Altogether, quite vomit-worthy.

Yours in Christ,

Austin Ruse
Publisher/Friday Fax

PS Keep in mind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights uphold free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly,
all the freedoms and rights the fascistic left wants to take away. I promise you we will stop them.

No one is looking to take your rights away. It would be you fucking fanatics who are looking to take basic rights away from others. Also, I hate to break this to you, but all manner of queer folk are religious. Most of them manage to hold onto their beliefs without trying to infringe on the rights of others, and aren’t looking to start an inquisition.

Ruse has also said that all countries should pass laws against homosexual behavior “even if unenforced,” in order to “help society to teach what is good” and “prevent such truly harmful practices as homosexual marriage and adoption.” According to GLAAD, Ruse has claimed that, rather than bullying and social stigma, LGBTQ people and activism are the real cause of LGBTQ teen suicide and alcoholism.

Brennan Suen has the full story, and it’s important reading. These asshole christians are those who applaud imprisoning gay people, executing them, and if nothing else, want to make being queer unlawful. Regressive doesn’t cover them. (Any errors in the transcription are mine.)

J.K. Rowling: Defending Abusers.

When Johnny Depp was cast as Grindelwald, I thought he’d be wonderful in the role. However, around the time of filming his cameo in the first movie, stories had appeared in the press that deeply concerned me and everyone most closely involved in the franchise.

Harry Potter fans had legitimate questions and concerns about our choice to continue with Johnny Depp in the role. As David Yates, long-time Potter director, has already said, we naturally considered the possibility of recasting. I understand why some have been confused and angry about why that didn’t happen.

The huge, mutually supportive community that has grown up around Harry Potter is one of the greatest joys of my life. For me personally, the inability to speak openly to fans about this issue has been difficult, frustrating and at times painful. However, the agreements that have been put in place to protect the privacy of two people, both of whom have expressed a desire to get on with their lives, must be respected. Based on our understanding of the circumstances, the filmmakers and I are not only comfortable sticking with our original casting, but genuinely happy to have Johnny playing a major character in the movies.

I’ve loved writing the first two screenplays and I can’t wait for fans to see ‘The Crimes of Grindelwald’. I accept that there will be those who are not satisfied with our choice of actor in the title role. However, conscience isn’t governable by committee. Within the fictional world and outside it, we all have to do what we believe to be the right thing.

Given Rowling’s love of colonialism and her staunch embrace of bigotry, this comes as no surprise to me. I walked away from her some time back, when she made it clear that her bigotry was more important to her than respecting indigenous peoples and portraying their traditions and stories correctly.

People everywhere are demanding that senators, congress critters and various public personalities to resign over harassment and abuse. But not Ms. Rowling, no. She makes it more than clear that she does not believe Ms. Heard, given her understanding of the circumstances. Uh huh. Rowling & Co: “Did you do that, Johnny?” Johnny Depp: “No! Bitches lie!”

Fantastic Beasts director David Yates previously defended casting Depp, calling Heard’s domestic abuse allegations “a dead issue.”

There’s a sweet sentiment for you. There has been, of course, quite a reaction, but I doubt it will be enough of one to put a dent in Ms. Rowling’s pockets.

There’s more at Raw Story.

“Basically Enslaved”, “Indentured Servitude”, and “Scary Things”.

Engaged gay couple Dave Mullins, second from left, and Charlie Craig, left, were joined by a small group of supporters in Lakewood on Saturday, August 4, 2012 to protest and boycott the Masterpiece Cakeshop.  Kathryn Scott Osler, The Denver Post.

Oh, the conservachristians have their collective knickers in a knot over cake, and the fervent desire to discriminate. We’ll start with Tony Perkins, the despicable leader of the Family Research Council.

Yesterday, on FRC’s “Washington Watch” program, Perkins hosted anti-LGBTQ activist Jon Scruggs, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom to discuss the Supreme Court arguments in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. Perkins told Scruggs that requiring business owners not to discriminate against LGBTQ people seemed like a “slippery slope and there’s really no end to what the government could then force you to do.”

No, it’s not a slippery slope, and there isn’t any ‘beastly’ thing awaiting which the government wishes to force on you. It’s very simple: if you have a public business, in which you contract with the public to supply ____, then you should supply it, with no prejudice towards any paying customer. It’s not like the government is gonna come knockin’ on your door and tell you that you have to host a gay wedding or anything.

Scruggs said he agreed because the attorneys arguing for nondiscrimination protections believe that calligraphers should be forced to write wedding vows and that bakers should have to write “bless this marriage” on a purchased cake if requested, which Scruggs called “scary things.”

Oh, all the gods ever! Calligraphers with a public business might have to copy wedding vows! ‘Bless this marriage’ might have to come out of an icing tube! The horror, why those are the scariest fucking things ever! Couldn’t possibly be anything scarier, no, no.

“That sounds like to me, John, that sounds like indentured servitude. You have no choice in the matter. Yes, they’re compensating you, they’re giving you something, but you have no say as to what you do with your talent, your ability and your skills,” Perkins said.

That is not indentured servitude, it’s not even close. You fucking white christians are so damn desperate to come across as though you suffer on par with those who have been enslaved. It’s beyond offensive, and it’s arrogant assholery to the nth degree. Stop it. Of course people have a say as to what you do with your talent, your ability, and your skills. If you want to exchange your talent, abilities, and skills for money, well, then you have to deal with people. All kinds of people. If a cake baker lives in fear of the day a non-hetero couple walks in to their store, well, they could turn their talents to writing cookbooks. Then they wouldn’t have to fear facing gay people in person, and they could pretend no one but straight christians buys their cakebook. I’m an artist. I’m an atheist, bisexual artist. I’ve had plenty of christians as clients, and if someone wanted me to do a prayer in calligraphy, I’d do it. Who the fuck cares? I don’t have to believe in that crap to do my job, and I don’t have to like my clients, either. That’s kind of how business works, fellas. I’ve also had clients who decided they weren’t comfortable working with an atheist (Christians always ask), and I don’t run off screaming and crying about it.  It’s not even worth a shrug.

Scruggs agreed, adding, “And even worse, not just that type of servitude based off of something that’s irrelevant, but something that cuts against the core of who you are.”

Mmmm, and cutting against the core of a happy couple in search of cake, well, that’s okey dokey, right? It won’t hurt any of the bakers or calligraphers out there to just do their fucking job. They can always fall on their knees later and pray or something.

Via RWW.

Moving on to Mat Staver:

Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver joined Florida radio host Joyce Kaufman yesterday to discuss the Supreme Court arguments in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, which Staver said dealt with whether a baker, Jack Phillips, would be “basically enslaved” to be a spokesperson for views he disagrees with by being required to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.

No, he would not be enslaved. Nor would Mr. Phillips be a spokesperson in any way, shape, or form. All he was asked to do was make a fuckin’ cake, something he does in his store, which caters to the public. Soon as the cake is done, his part in it is over.

You know, [Phillips] doesn’t bake Halloween cakes either. So, you know, it’s not like he’s just picking on one person or another, he’s an artist, he’s a person who doesn’t want his business and his life basically enslaved to be the mouthpiece for some issue or ceremony or message that violates his conscience and religious beliefs, and he should have the right to do so.”

Well, if you want to go that route, then the solution is simple: Mr. Phillips can stop making wedding cakes. Once again, there is no enslavement here. If Mr. Phillips wants to have a store in which he contracts with the public, then he must deal with the public. All of it.

Via RWW.

Yer Not Trad!

(Composite Image/Screenshots/

A few days ago, we had a bunch of drunk nazis singing about trad [traditional] women. Today, we have two white supremacist women who sing praises to trad women being taken down by the audience they cater to, because it turns out, they aren’t trad.

Lauren Southern, a conservative activist and media personality who is frequently praised by the alt-right sympathizers on YouTube and 4chan, thought it was necessary to explain to her viewers earlier this month why she was not married and did not have children despite being one of the most prominent new media voices promoting “traditionalist” lifestyles where women marry early and are relegated to housekeeping and child-rearing.


“I don’t usually respond to comments because in my opinion comments don’t represent what I say, however I have gotten so many comments lately that have misinterpreted the message  I’m trying to put out there that it’s gotten to a point where unfortunately I think I do need to address it,” Southern said, going on to explain that she is not married at 22 years old for many of the same reasons other women do not get married in their early 20s and that it would actually be “degenerate” of her to get married right now.

Southern described the attacks against her as “shocking” and “insane,” which is a bit odd given that she has conditioned her audience with video after video promoting traditionalism among women, mocking women who are happy being single, attempting to embarrass protesters marching for women’s rights, among other generally anti-social-justice messages. When her most ideologically devoted fans tested her commitment to the views she espouses, Southern conceded that she speaks in “generalities.”

Shocking! Insane! It’s very difficult for me to believe any of this could actually come as a shock. I suppose a person could put themselves in an intentional bubble, parroting evil shit to make money, without paying attention to their audience. I seriously doubt this is the case, though. These women had to know the sort of views their audience had and supported, and that their audience is highly misogynistic.

As for the hypocrisy, well, that’s nothing new. “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Tara McCarthy, a YouTube pundit who describes herself as an ethno-nationalist and a member of the alt-right, has been facing similar attacks. McCarthy received so many comments attacking her for not having children that she locked her Twitter account right after posting that she was going to “take a break from Twitter because I need to think without being inundated by notifications.”

Tara McCarthy: I had no idea that the Alt Right was a designated ‘male space’ but at this rate I’ll happily leave the Alt Right. I have no desire to stick around in a place where I am unwanted.

She was responding to #DSA Melancholia: Oh look, another slit trying to police male spaces.

Slit. There’s lovely language for you.

Last year, McCarthy and her husband were outed by the YouTube vegan community as insane racists, spurring a backlash that forced McCarthy to delete her channel. Since then, McCarthy has created a newer YouTube presence to provide a platform for white supremacist activists who openly identify as neo-Nazis, such as Greg Johnson and Andrew Anglin, to advocate that women produce as many white children as possible, and to decry feminism and encourage women to get married early.

It’s easier for me to believe McCarthy is in a self-made bubble, doing whatever she can to gain a following and monetize whatever she goes on about. Even so, it can’t be any sort of surprise that the ‘alt-right’ takes a dim view of women in general, relegating them to background, doing all those trad things: poppin’ out babies, and hanging out in the kitchen, cooking for those hard working nazis.

RWW has video and a tonne of links.

Yer So Trad…

Prairie Dress.

I’m not entirely sure how to introduce this one. Okay, a bunch of Nazis were hanging out in a garage, drinking and smoking cigars, listening to Tom Petty, when they decided to write their own song, set to Petty’s Yer So Bad.

Before you click play, you might want to read the lyrics:

My girlfriend Stacy wants lots of babies
Maybe in five years or so
While I’m in the basement she larps as a peasant
Soon we’ll go live in the woods

In Fashy Dating she pretends she’s a lady
Yer so trad, liftin yer skirt for chad
In a world gone mad, yer so trad

She reads Evola, a lesbian chola
What kind of wheat fields are these?
A culture or fetish? A THOT with a purpose
Fishnets under the prairie dress

Oh Nazi Lady, oben bobs and vagene
Yer so trad, best lay I ever had
In a world gone chad, yer so trad

Incels and autists, virgins and kissless,
Too good to wed single moms

Oh Nazi Lady, oben bobs and vagene
In Fashy Dating (in fashy dating!), She pretends she’s a lady
Yer so trad, givin it up for a chad
In a world gone mad, yer so trad

Yer so trad, best lay I ever had
In a world gone mad, yer so trad

They described the song as “funnier than the original” and “about the scene of trad thoughts that are out there.”

Could just be me, but I don’t find that to be funny at all. Then again, I’m not a Nazi. You can read more at RWW.

Victorian London’s Dirty Book Trade.

19th-century “French postcard” from the personal collection of the German-Austrian psychiatrist and early sexologist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing — Source.

Title page to an 1891 edition of The Story of a Dildoe! — Source. The full book is available, in English.

The Public Domain has a fascinating article on Holywell Street, home of the Victorian porn trade. There’s much to see, and read.

Victorian sexuality is often considered synonymous with prudishness, conjuring images of covered-up piano legs and dark ankle-length skirts. Historian Matthew Green uncovers a quite different scene in the sordid story of Holywell St, 19th-century London’s epicentre of erotica and smut.

(Tentative warning: the essay includes some mildly explicit content, both text and image, which may not be suitable for all ages and dispositions!)*

*Having read the article, there’s some very explicit language, not all of it nice. If you’re sensitive to that sort of thing, have a care. And there are a host of pictures, lots of nudity.

Via The Public Domain.