YouTube Video: Why I Stopped Being Anti-Woke

I used to watch DarkMatter2525 in the early years of online atheism but I unsubscribed from him after his “What if God was SJW” video, because I considered it lame and daft, as I did about 99% of the anti-SJW content at the time and ever since. Today, the YuTub algorrhythm recommended this video of his.

I listened to it while gluing up kitchen boards in the workshop. I think it is good. I do not quite get his current opinion of Anita Sarkeesian, but I completely agree with his view of the current “Anti-Woke” brigade. He does admit that he was wrong in the past with his anti-sjw stance, which I consider to be a good thing. Thus, I recommend this video; it does deserve some traffic.


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