The Art of …

… Sidney Sime, an early 20th Century artist, known for his vivid imagination.

from Hyperallergic – Sidney Sime – Storm; Photo via Sidney H. Sime Memorial Gallery; 

From Hyperallergic – Sidney Sime – Waves; Sidney H. Sime Memorial Gallery; 

from Hyperallergic – Sidney Sime – Illustrative; Sidney H. Sime Memorial Gallery;

from Hyperallergic – Sidney Sime – Landscape Decoration; Sidney H. Sime Memorial Gallery

If you’d like to see more work by Sidney Sime, including a video about his work, just click on the link for Hyperallergic. It will take you right to it.

via: Hyperallergic


  1. Ice Swimmer says

    These all feel explosive. And they’re gorgeous.

    There’s Japanese influence on the last one, isn’t there?

  2. StevoR says

    @ ^ Ice Swimmer : yes I’d say so too -- and in some of the others there as well esp that second one.

    Marvellous artworks, thanks for sharing these here.

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