Yes, this series is starting at its end, in my kitchen.
Today I took a day off of knifemaking. And by that I mean completely day off, I tried to not even think about knives (at which I failed). I went on a long walk to the forest to look if there are some mushrooms to collect. And there were, enough for me and my father to have a big lunch and a whole bunch that was cooked and put into the freezer for future use.
I did take my camera with me, but we already had a series of mushroom species. And anyway, what I collected was about 90% blushers and other species were sparse or not there at all yet – the true season comes in August/September.
Blushers are one of those mushrooms that have their own very specific taste – a bit like meat. So the recipe that I have used was very simple – I chopped them up, salted them, added a bit of cumin, basil, oregano, and a tiny amount of ground pepper bolete. Then I softened some onion on lard, added the mushrooms and I stewed them for at least thirty minutes with frequent stirring until most of the water was gone.
So if you cannot expect pictures of mushrooms, what can you expect? Well, I made random pictures of flowers and roadside stuff that I will post one-two a day until I am done. Unfortunately, there were not that many interesting insects around either, but that might be because I was looking for mushrooms, not for bugs. Do not expect some great art, but some of those pictures would look quite good as a screen background, in my opinion.
That sounds delicious, Charly. I’m looking forward to seeing your photos.
So. Jealous. We are going through yet another year of drought and the woods are tinder dry. Apparently some species came up as the snow melted off but I could not get up high enough to see them, alas. Please enjoy them extra just for me, I’d appreciate it.