I apologize to Avalus for taking so long to post these photos. I received them near the end of August when things were hectic for me and I didn’t have consistent access to the internet. They’re beautiful pictures and I’m delighted to share them today.
Here is a beautiful butterfly. It might be a popular monarch (Limenitis populi) or a white admiral (Limenitis camilla), but I am not sure. In German they are called big and small Eisvogel (Kingfisher).
Marcus Ranum says
I wonder if it was thinking “sun feels good”
What does “feeling good” even mean to a bug? Perhaps all it can feel is pure joy.
voyager says
@ Marcus,
I like the idea of a butterfly being all blissed out on joy, but it’s not going to live long if there’s not a bit of fear now and then.
Giliell says
Wonderful pictures, avalus. They seem to come by occasionally here as well
avalus says
Don’t worry, voyager. I took the photos in june I think, so they must be used to wait in storage :D
@Marcus: I wondered something similar: “I don’t care about that ugly pinkish lump and their black box and just enjoy sunshine and this yummi nectar.”
Thanks Gilliell :)