We’re back on Harakka with Ice Swimmer, but we’re not on the top of the island as predicted in the previous post, Chapter 13 – Interlude III, Mystery Path. That chapter was mistakenly published out of order by this administrator. We’ll get to the top of the island on March 4/19 in Chapter 16 – Top and Around. My apologies to Ice Swimmer.
Chapter 14 – Wetland
There is a valley near the southeastern shore. In the valley, there are wetlands.
A boardwalk goes over the wetland, which would be quit impassable otherwise.
While the water may be dark, it isn’t muddy.
An impressionistic photo wasn’t what I was trying to take, but it was what I got.
I have always like bulrushes. The velvety spike of the bulrush fascinated me already as a kid. The kind of bulrush with the velvety spike is called osmankäämi (the name means “wolverine’s coil”, “osma” is an old word for wolverine, in modern parlance “ahma”) in Finnish.
I wonder if the person who put up the nest box managed to do it without getting wet?
I’m not sure anymore, is this a look east or west, but it is a look outside from the wetland.
In the next installment, we’ll revisit the eastern shore.
Ah yes, the boardwalks. We have them, too, and some of them have sunken a bit low so the water squishes up and into your shoes.
Where I grew up we called them “cattails”.
The wetland, which may or may not have been a bay before the post-glacial rebound (that is still going on) lifted it out of the sea, perhaps breaking the contact to the sea first intermittently and later it may have become a small lake/pond that is now in the process of being overgrown, is quite unlike other parts of Harakka.
I love the views in bogs, swamps and wetlands. Beautiful shots!
Lovely shots. I do like the Swampressionism one, but my favourite is the one before it. A really beautiful combination of colours, light and reflections.
“Reflected” also looks very swampressionistic to me. Both shots are gorgeous. The bulrushes are also nice and just like DonDueed, I grew up calling them cattails.
Thank you, all.
The name cattail suits the bulrushes well.
Voyager, I couldn’t ask for better care than you’ve taken with handling the mishap. Thank you.