Dance Of Death: Duke and Duchess.

Click for full size, text translations in the comments. The 3rd image is a surviving fragment of the original wall, featuring the Duchess. Hess could have done a much better job with the dress, and he left out those amazing braids!


  1. says

    Todt zum Hertzog:
    Habt ihr mit Frawen hoch gesprungen,
    Stoltzer Hertzog ists euch wol g’lungen:
    Das müßt ihr an den Reyen büssen,
    Wol her g’lust Euch die Todt’n zu grüssen.

    Death to The Duke:
    Have you jumped high with women,
    proud Duke, it has succeeded well for you.
    For this you must atone in the dance.
    Well then, be pleased now to greet the dead.

    Der Hertzog:
    O Mordt muß ich so flux darvon,
    Land, Leut, Weib, Kind dahinden lon:
    So erbarm sich Gott in seim Reich,
    Jetzund werd ich meim Täntzer gleich.

    The Duke:
    Oh murder, must I so soon from here?
    Leave land, people, wife, child behind?
    Then may God have mercy in His kingdom,
    now I’ll become like my dance partner.

    Todt zur Hertzogin:
    Fraw Hertzogin sind wolgemut,
    Ob ihr schon sind vom Edlen Blut,
    Hochgeachtet auff dieser Erd,
    Hab ich euch dennoch lieb und werth.

    Death to The Duchess:
    Mrs. Duchess, be in good spirits.
    Even though you are of noble blood,
    highly esteemed on this earth,
    you are still dear and precious to me.

    Die Hertzogin:
    Ach Gott der armen Lauten Thon,
    Muß ich mit dem Grewling darvon,
    Heut Hertzogin und nimmermeh,
    Ach Angst und Noth, O weh O weh.

    The Duchess:
    Alas God, the tone of the poor lute.
    Must I go away with this terrible creature?
    Today duchess, and never more.
    Alas, terror and distress, oh woe, oh woe.

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