
  1. says

    Todt zum Cardinnal:
    Springen auff mit dem rothen Hut,
    Herr Cardinal, der Tantz ist gut:
    Wol gesegnet habt ihr die Leyen,
    Ihr müßt auch jetzund an den Reyen.

    Death to The cardinal:
    Jump up with the red hat,
    Mr. Cardinal, the dance is good.
    You have blessed many lay [people] well.
    You must also now to the dance.

    Der Cardinal:
    Ich ware mit Bäpstlicher Wahl
    Der Heiligen Kirchen Cardinal:
    Die Welt hielt mich in grossen Ehren,
    Noch mag ich michs Todts nicht erwehren.

    The Cardinal:
    I was by papal choice
    cardinal in the holy church.
    The world honoured me greatly.
    Now I cannot ward off Death from me.

    Todt zum Bischoff:
    Evwer Würde hat sich verkehrt,
    Herr Bischoff weiß und wolgelehrt:
    Ich wil euch in den Reyen ziehen,
    Ihr mögen dem Todt nicht entfliehen.

    Death to The Bishop:
    Your worthiness has been distorted,
    Mr. Bishop, wise and well learned;
    I will pull you into the dance.
    You cannot flee from Death.

    Der Bischoff:
    Ich bin gar hoch geachtet worden,
    Dieweil ich lebt in Bischoffs Orden:
    Nun ziehen mich die Ungeschaffnen
    An ihren Tantz, alß einen Affen.

    The Bishop:
    I have been very highly esteemed
    while I lived, in my bishop’s office.
    Now the freaks are pulling me
    to their dance like a monkey.

  2. says

    In the cardinal’s case, I’m not sure, but in the Bishop’s, there’s out and out mockery and scolding. There are number of variations on that conversation:

    Bishop, your wisdom and your pride
    Have turned your Reverence aside,
    There where equality’s the law
    Death’s hand is ready you to draw.

    Your dignity away has turn’d,
    Lord bishop, wise and well learn’d!
    I will draw you in to this row,
    And you will not escape your foe.

    The bishop is being severely chastised for being hypocritical and wrapped up in having power. There are variations in the bishop’s responses too, which reveal a very nasty attitude on the bishop’s part:

    The world admired and called me great
    Because I held a Bishop’s state;
    Now shapeless beings bear me off
    To where like apes they dance and scoff.

    I have been highly esteemed,
    Was well in bishop’s order deem’d;
    Now draw me the unshap’d
    To their dance like an ape.

    The responses make it quite clear, what the good bishop thought of other people, which doesn’t seem to be much at all. I kind of get the idea that Death is hinting that the bishop’s afterlife might not be a fun one.

  3. jazzlet says

    I’d guess that the cardinal’s fate would be even worse being higher in the church heirachy …

  4. says

    I don’t think the hierarchy has anything to do with it; Death comes across as being more personal. Death is quite nice to the cardinal, whereas he’s the opposite to the bishop. Death also seems to be enamored of the cardinal’s red hat. :D

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