
From Voyager & Jack, so very sweet of you! I was momentarily afraid Rick was going to just drink the maple syrup, then I tasted it…ohhhh. I’m gonna be wanting pancakes. And I just ran out of Burt’s Bees! I could never go wrong with Wonder Woman at my side, and my thanks for the tea! And all the rest – Rick gave me the raspberry & orange chocolates, and oh, I don’t even have words for how utterly om nom nom it is. Thank you so very much.


  1. jimb says

    Well, to be fair to Rick, it does look like a single serving container. :-)

    Good job Voyager & Jack.

    Hope you’re doing well, Caine. Sorry I’m not up-to-date -- this month is already very busy (sigh).

  2. says

    Hahahaha, yeah, it does. That’s some amazing syrup, recommended to everyone! I am doing remarkably well, thanks to figuring out that hydration (IV fluids) was the key to feeling okay. It took 10 liters (over 3 weeks), that’s just how bad it was.

  3. says

    Thank you so much again, Voyager! Rick & I were like little kids, made for a great time. :D

    Marcus, yes, loot is the best!

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