Skypixel Winners!

 Equipment: Phantom 4 Pro Location: Aperture: 3.2 Shutter Speed: 1/320s Focal Length: 8.8 Comet Into Darkness 2017-12-27SkyPixel Use Only2017 SKYPIXEL PHOTO CONTEST-Professional-Landscape One of my favourite shots. An early morning in Newfoundland, I was hiking on the East Coast Trail when I heard a bunch of seagulls. I quickly launched my drone to find-out what was causing the mayhem. It was a small cod fishing boat steaming towards the harbour, a truly magical moment.

Equipment: Phantom 4 Pro. Aperture: 3.2. Shutter Speed: 1/320s. Focal Length: 8.8
Comet Into Darkness by Drone Hikers. 2017-12-27 SKYPIXEL PHOTO CONTEST-Professional-Landscape.
One of my favourite shots. An early morning in Newfoundland, I was hiking on the East Coast Trail when I heard a bunch of seagulls. I quickly launched my drone to find-out what was causing the mayhem. It was a small cod fishing boat steaming towards the harbour, a truly magical moment.

Equipment: Mavic Pro. Aperture: 2.2. Shutter Speed: 1/200s. Focal Length: 4.7. Waterfall Hero by 夜雾深沉. 他是一位年过六旬的长者,他是吉尼斯瀑布跳水世界纪录保持者,在中国著名的黄河壶口、黑龙江吊水楼大瀑布他惊鸿一跃,令世人为之赞叹。在空中,他舒展矫健的身姿与神奇壮美的大自然融为了一体,“御”见英雄,定格那震撼人心的一瞬,将这飞跃化为了永恒…… He is over sixty, he is the world record holder for the Guinness waterfall diving. In China's famous spout of the Yellow River and the great falls of the water tower in Heilongjiang province, he surprised the world with his leap. In the air, his action stretches the beautiful. Freeze the moment of the shock, take this leap into eternity.

Equipment: Mavic Pro. Aperture: 2.2. Shutter Speed: 1/200s. Focal Length: 4.7. Waterfall Hero by 夜雾深沉. 他是一位年过六旬的长者,他是吉尼斯瀑布跳水世界纪录保持者,在中国著名的黄河壶口、黑龙江吊水楼大瀑布他惊鸿一跃,令世人为之赞叹。在空中,他舒展矫健的身姿与神奇壮美的大自然融为了一体,“御”见英雄,定格那震撼人心的一瞬,将这飞跃化为了永恒…… He is over sixty, he is the world record holder for the Guinness waterfall diving. In China’s famous spout of the Yellow River and the great falls of the water tower in Heilongjiang province, he surprised the world with his leap. In the air, his action stretches the beautiful. Freeze the moment of the shock, take this leap into eternity.

Just a couple here, all the photos are utterly stunning, take some time out to look at all the Skypixel winners, you won’t be disappointed! Lots of inspiration, too.


  1. johnson catman says

    I liked the “Popular Prize” category. Those grabbed me more than the others, but I am not a photographer. The first two mountain shots in particular, but the tropical one looks so inviting! The jet in the middle of the jungle makes me wonder what the story behind it is.

  2. says

    Yes, there were some tantalizing mysteries! I loved all the photos, truly magnificent. Opening up aerial shots is a whole new plane for photographers.

  3. Ice Swimmer says

    Beautiful pictures.

    Caine @ 2

    Opening up aerial shots is a whole new plane for photographers.

    I see what you did there.

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