From Ice Swimmer: This crow was sitting in spruce tree in an island, eating a small fish (probably a perch, caught by somebody fishing on the sea ice). The crow is there in the first picture, but the branches obscure it. The bird was worried that I might take its seafood meal and flew to another tree (a deciduous one). Click for full size!
© Ice Swimmer, all rights reserved.
MINE. Mine mine mine mine mine.
It’s amazing how he can spread his tail feathers in an almost perfect half circle. That looks pretty cool.
I had the opportunity to feed a fish to a black-throated monitor this vacation. Raucous Spawn Omega was supposed to do the feeding, but became distracted and ran off as Young Spawn will.
Perching on trees.
kestrel @ 1
Ah, the tail thing is cool. Not only are crows smart, but they also have a few aerodynamic tricks up their proverbial sleeves.
lumipuna @ 3
Why didn’t I think of that pun.
The island is Läntinen Pukkisaari (could be translated to “western buck island”), between Seurasaari and mainland, in Helsinki.
There’s also a smaller island called Variskari (crow skerry), to the west of Seurasaari. I wonder if one could find crows there.