I’ve had this abstract dwelling in my head, so time to get it out. Couching is very old, and there are many ways to couch, and there are near endless cultural variants. I’m not doing any particular one, or paying much attention to the rules. I’m just having fun, going where the thread wants to go. It doesn’t look like anything yet, and I apologize for the terrible photos, it’s late, and I’m out of patience. I’ll do better in a few days. This will be all shades of gray, and the size will be 18 x 24, and it will be mounted on canvas board when done. Hopefully, I won’t be so pain-induced cranky in the next few days so I can get it better seated in the frame, and do decent photos. All that said, I will be snoozing in, so it’s going to be a slow and dozy day here at Affinity.
© C. Ford.
Love it. I remember hearing about couching and was really interested. It’s cool you are posting photos as you go…
Thanks. Not much to see yet! :D Couching is fun, and relaxing. And, anyone can do it.
Any new progress?
Uh, some, yes. I haven’t been getting as much done as I’d like, but I’ll have new photos up in the next couple of days.