Wait, is that a vulture with jesses? You can train vultures? This is cool.
If I could, I would opt for Tibetan Sky Burial, where the vultures come to dispose of your (chopped up) corpse. I can’t think of a more magnificent end and just imagine all the places you could go!
Laughing at myself -- when the photos started loading I thought the jesses were legs! Such a beautiful bird.
Today in the Dutch news: a pair of homo Griffon Vultures are succesfully raising a chick that both of them brooded to hatching. http://nos.nl/artikel/2175939-primeur-artis-homo-koppel-vale-gieren-brengt-jong-groot.html
Wait, is that a vulture with jesses? You can train vultures? This is cool.
If I could, I would opt for Tibetan Sky Burial, where the vultures come to dispose of your (chopped up) corpse. I can’t think of a more magnificent end and just imagine all the places you could go!