U.S. President Donald Trump looks up during a meeting about healthcare at the White House in Washington, U.S., March 13, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque.
What a clusterfuck the regime does weave. This isn’t the proverbial web woven by lies and deception, it’s more like the spit-cement cocoons in Alien. There’s a whole lot of clusterfuck out there, here’s some of it.
If you haven’t quite figured out WTF yet, a good run down of recent events is here: James Comey, Donald Trump, Russiagate and the Mother’s Day Massacre.
Going with the theme of highly suspicious timing: Trump to meet Russia’s Lavrov day after Comey firing.
Naturally, Mr. Tweet appeared in a whirlwind to blame Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for, well, everything.
‘They fired Sally Yates. They fired Preet Bharara. And they fired James Comey.’ Yes, they certainly did, and that should make the need for an independent prosecutor clear, but I expect that will be another fight all on its own.
Kellyanne Whatsherface is back with “inappropriate to question the almighty Trumpety” and alternative facts, upsetting both Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper.
Trump advisers at heart of Russia probe celebrate Comey’s firing: “Somewhere Dick Nixon is smiling.”
I think that’s enough Alien spit cocoons for now.
Oh, I guess not, a few more to add to the spit pile:
BOMBSHELL: Comey sought ‘significant increase’ in resources for Russia probe days before firing.
Trump excludes US media from meeting with Russian ambassador — but Russian state news allowed in.
‘Game of Thrones for morons’: Bannon-McMaster feud reaches new heights.
‘President Putin can fire anybody’: Federal official says Comey ouster is absolutely about Russia.
I hope he doesn’t start a “wag the dog” next.
Or the classic Reichstag fire.
Maybe some Canadians can come and burn the White House for ya. Would that help?
A NYT op-ed had a wonderful snarky comment about the lame excuses this morning.
Canadians. Always trying to be courteous and helpful.
rq -- Can you make sure all the Trumps and the appointees are locked in before you start the fire?
@rq It’s okay. I think we Americans have burning down the whole country well in hand.
In off-chance someone doesn’t know: The War of 1812.
That’s your job. :) We’re just going to have a bonfire, didn’t know it was an important building, etc., etc.
Raucous Indignation
Midsummer is coming up. Big plans?
I’ve got the nagging feeling that around Europe there’s quite a lot of work being done behind closed doors in preparation of dealing with a rogue state USA. As if we didn’t have enough trouble with the delusional Brits…
Giliell… @ # 10 -- Maybe not that much work: “Go dig up and dust off Plan W!”