President Donald Trump, right, meets with leaders of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in the Oval Office of the White House on Monday. CREDIT: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais.
Too much stupid. Too much open hate. Too much bigotry. Too Much. DeVos, the secretary of education…yeah, just go read. Oh, and what are people upset about? That Kelly Whatsherface had her feetsies on a white house couch! Oh Fuckin’ My. I could not possibly express my scorn for this country and the people in it.
Following President Trump’s meeting with leaders of Historically Black Colleges and Universities on Monday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos released a statement applauding the schools as “real pioneers when it comes to school choice.”
“They are living proof that when more options are provided to students, they are afforded greater access and greater quality,” she continued. “Their success has shown that more options help students flourish.”
One HBCU president who met with Trump and DeVos on Monday was frustrated with how things went.
In a blog post, Walter Kimbrough, president of Dillard University in New Orleans, wrote that plans for the day “blew up” after the HBCU leaders were taken to the Oval Office to meet with Trump.
The whole fucking mess is here.
Not sure if I am reading this correctly, but it sounds like she is saying that HBCUs are not quality schools.
Also, soup kitchens are pioneers in food choice.
Kellyanne Fuckface’s behaviour is still a complete show of disrespect.
Those people could have spent some time asking some pointed questions, instead of kissing the ring.
As far as Kellyanne’s behavior: what does anyone expect? She’s a horrible professional liar who has already demonstrated that she’s beyond shame (that is, actually her job: to exist beyond the border of shame) -- she could bite the head off a chicken and it wouldn’t make things any worse.
They weren’t given the chance.
As for the whole feet on the fucking sofa thing, with everything going on, who in the fuck cares? For Chrissakes.
Point being -- who cares if someone’s feet were on a damn sofa? This illustrates the American focus on trivialities, on shit which does. not. matter. Are people talking about the disaster of De Vos? No. It’s all about feet on the fucking sofa.
It matters because it communicates something just the way words do. It says that she doesn’t consider these people worthy of some basic respect. It says that her boss is OK with that. Black Twitter reacted to this as if she’D slapped these people. It’S not a triviality to them but a high profile micro aggression.
Yes, okay, I get that. In the face of much worse, it seems to me to be way too distracting, but that’s me, I guess.
Yup. When I saw that picture, that she sits on the sofa and plays with ther phone struck me as disrespectfull even before I knew what this is about.
It is a minor thing, but it shows that she does not give a fuck about respecting these people. This body language says “this is my territory, and I am ignoring you”.
The absolute disdain and disregard this regime has for people of colour has hardly been kept a secret. If this mobilizes people, then a good will come from it. In the meantime, the fascists have completely taken over, our government is a thing of the past, it’s gone, being quickly dismantled and tossed onto the rubbish heap of history.