Oh, the horror, the normalisation of sin, alas! Back in July this year, Zales Jewelers started selling their love and pride line, wedding jewelry for all those splendid queer folk who decide to marry. Going by this article, they are happily spending on this line, too. Personally, I never had any use for engagement/wedding rings, but for most people, this is an important part of their love declaration, and it’s nice to see jewelry designed to show pride as well as love. Zales put out a recent ad which has Christians all over the place popping a monocle, because there’s about one second out of the 30 second ad which features a same sex couple in a sea of mixed sex couples:
One Million :coughs: Moms and other irrational Christians are up in arms, terribly offended, and screaming for a boycott of Zales for this absolutely horrible normalisation of sin. It would be nice if they worried about the normalisation of fascism and nazis, but they’re probably okay with those.
From Some Moms:
Zales Jewelers should be ashamed of attempting to normalize sin by featuring two women getting married in their latest commercial. It shows two women in wedding gowns exchanging vows and wedding bands. Zales is promoting same-sex marriage and their new “Love and Pride” Collection. The “Love and Pride” wedding band collection, designed for the LGBTQ community with rainbow and matching bands, is “promoting Equality, Diversity, and Unity” and “celebrate their Love with Pride” as stated on their website.
Oooh, yes, how dare they sneak two lesbians in amongst all the hetros! Goodness, I just don’t know how you’ll sleep at night. I suggest a closet.
Zales is using public airwaves to subject families to the decay of morals and values, and belittle the sanctity of marriage in an attempt to redefine marriage. Even though homosexuality is unnatural, this advertisement is pushing the LGBTQ agenda. An even greater concern is that the commercial is airing when children are likely watching television. To make matters worse, this ad has aired during family viewing time such as football games and primetime shows.
Well, you’re using access to the ‘net to publish your awful screeds, spreading your hate as far as you can. I’ll bet you’re a bit jealous your reach isn’t as big as a major retailer. Oh, there’s that gay agenda again. I’m still waiting on mine, so I don’t see how you could possibly have yours yet.
Zales crossed a line that should have never been crossed. Even if 1MM didn’t disagree morally with the decision to air this ad, it is not a retailer’s job to introduce so called “social issues” such as this to our children. That is a parent’s decision, not theirs. Zales is glorifying sin, and no sin should be placed in the spotlight and honored. This goes for homosexuality as well.
Sigh. Listen, this one is on you. Who showed up at your door and strong-armed you into purchasing and hooking up a television set? I understand that you can have advert free television with TIVO. I’m sure there are other options, too. This would be known as tailoring your life to suit your particular sensibilities. These things can be managed, easily. Not everyone on this planet buys into or believes your evil concept of sin, and marriage is a social issue, so I expect you had better get busy railing against any and all references to marriage. Get yourself in that closet, Cupcake, and leave the evil television and computer outside, it’s the only way to be safe. The rest of us will be happily celebrating love in all its infinite diversity. May open minds and open hearts live long and prosper.
This one always gets to me. Just shows an ignorance of the kind of stuff animals get up to. Homosexuality is not just natural, it’s everywhere in the animal kingdom, including and especially among the great apes.
There is, however, a sexual practice that is deeply unnatural, practiced by hardly any creatures in the animal kingdom -- the only great apes that do it are gibbons. Hardly any people do it. People say they do it because of peer pressure, but they don’t really, because it’s unnatural. We’re not predisposed to it genetically -- it’s definitely a “lifestyle choice”. If everyone did it, it would lead to an unnatural narrowign of the gene pool. In certain circumstances, it would lead to people being unable to have children at all. People forced into practicing (and there are some who are) can become stressed and depressed as a result.
Given all the above, I just don’t get why it is Christians are in more of a lather against the whole concept of monogamy, nasty, unnatural practice that it is.
“aren’t in more of a lather”, obvs.
That’s true, monogamy is not the norm throughout species. It’s not the norm among humans, either, given the sheer amount of supposedly godly, moral people who indulge in affairs and other lusty escapes.
There is nothing in the Bible about lesbians.
And, really, there is nothing about ‘homosexuals’ either.
Just a couple of mentions about certain sex acts and cross-dressing.
Chigau, no that terminology isn’t present, to be sure. My favourite gay love story in the bible is Jonathan and David, among others.
If one tries hard enough, one can use bible to justify about any hate there is. I did not read all of that book, only most of it, but as far as I remember it is a complete mess of contradictions so it is not particularly difficult to have personal preference as one point, bible as another, and then simply draw a line between them.
However homophobia is deeply entrenched even in Czech republic, where christianity is not particularly powerfull or popular for over a hunderd years now. Despite that, the legacy of hate, the nonsense about “natural family” and all that remains strong. There is even here strong opposition to gay marriage (which we still did not legalize, only the half-assed “partnership” is legal) and adoption of kids by gay couples,
CZ in itself is a proof that atheists on average can be just as bigoted as christians.
The ‘net also affirms daily the bigotry and assholism rampant among atheists and skeptics.
It seems to be an even more fundamental disconnect than that -- that humans aren’t part of nature.
Humans are just as much a part of nature as any other animal, so anything we do is by definition “natural”.
That is the Christian view though, that humans are not a part of nature, but this whole planet and everything on it was created for humans to fuck with, fuck over, and screw up beyond repair. Christians get unbelievably annoyed when you point out that we are animals, we just happen to be highest on the food chain, for the moment. We’re animals who are very busy destroying the food chain right out from under us, and all the other animals, too.
Repeat after me: you don’t have the right not to be confronted with gay people existing.
chigau… @ # 4: There is nothing in the Bible about lesbians.
Not by that name, no -- but Paul (probably the real one, not one of the forgers) ranted in Romans 1:26-27:
Pierce R. Butler #12
Go to Leviticus.
Women doing unnatural is about bestiality.
The only mention of females doing unnatural sex involves animals.
There is NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE any mention, any hint
girl -- on -- girl
chigau @ # 13 -- My quotation from Romans does not contain any reference to animals, and describes the women’s behavior as “likewise” to the men who “burned in their lust one toward another”.
As the Leviticus scolding comes from Hebrew and the Romans from Greek, comparing the two “unnatural”s gets quite iffy; my (and many others’) reading of Paul here works with much more simplicity than does yours.