I Am Spartacus!

kdA very happy 100th birthday to Issur Danielovitch Demsky, also known as Kirk Douglas! Mr. Douglas, as well as gifting the world with a wealth of wonderful movies and performances, is, along with his 97 year old wife Anne, a noted humanitarian and philanthropist. They have given a great deal to the world, and continue to do so.

There’s a lovely article up at Raw Story, and if you’re unfamiliar with Mr. Douglas’s work, get acquainted!

Kirk Douglas at Wikipedia. * Kirk Douglas at IMDB.


  1. multitool says

    He’s STILL ALIVE?!?? I just assumed I missed his obituary. Is Clara Bow still out there too?

    I heard him on NPR once in the 1990s, he was a pretty strident liberal. I like it when people get really old without losing their moral system.

  2. says

    Yes, he’s alive. Also, as someone who is a mere 41 years away from 100, I’d like to point out that old people don’t lose their moral system, they keep the one they have had most of their lives. That will most likely happen with you too, so I hope you have a decent “moral system”.

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