Sunday Facepalm


Thousands of couples have married across all 50 US states since last year’s Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell V Hodges, which brought equality to all 50 states.

But the National Organization for Marriage is still not happy – and plans to march on DC later this month to protest the decision in a ‘March for Marriage’.

A release confirmed: “This year’s March will protest the outrageous, anti-constitutional and illegitimate decision of the US Supreme Court redefining marriage.

“This was a decision wholly unsupported by the law and lacking any legal foundation. The majority simply legislated from the bench, imposing their own values on the country.

“In the process, they stripped over 50 million voters and countless legislators in states across America of their sovereign right to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”.

They did? How did they do this? Wait, I have sovereign rights? Okay…I have a sovereign right to define marriage as the union of adult people who love one another! Hey look, that works. No idea what their problem is, perhaps they aren’t proclaiming correctly or something.

It adds: “The 2016 March for Marriage… will send a powerful message to the elite, including those in Congress and on the federal judiciary, that the American people continue to believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and that we reject the dangerous gender-bending ideology that has been the inevitable aftermath of redefining marriage.

Gosh, I have sovereign rights and I’m elite now. That seems about right, since going by the above, I’m not an American person, as I do not believe in that one man/one woman shite, nor do I reject gender-bending of any kind, even when it is wicked…fun.

“We must focus our elected officials and the American people on reversing these developments, and the March is a tremendous opportunity to do so.”

And I will do everything in my power to see that you keep being reduced to irrelevant cranks on the sidelines of life.

PinkNews has the story.

And, an infuriating Sunday Facepalm:

Alex Radita on his 15th birthday. He weighed 37 pounds due to untreated Type 1 diabetes (Court exhibit/CBC)

Alex Radita on his 15th birthday. He weighed 37 pounds due to untreated Type 1 diabetes (Court exhibit/CBC)

A 15-year-old Canadian boy suffering from severe effects of insulin-dependent diabetes died because his religious parents refused to seek proper medical care, the CBC reports.

Emil and Rodica Radita are on trial for first-degree murder after their son, Alex, died in 2013 from what prosecutors say were the effects of his parents’ refusal to seek medical care and rely on prayer and home treatment instead.

Alex was diagnosed with diabetes as a 3 year old. The condition can be controlled by monitoring blood glucose levels and giving insulin. But his parents believed that doctors caused the condition by treating him for it and left his diabetes untreated.


Soon after his diagnosis, Alex had been seized by child services for a year after he had been hospitalized three times because his parents refused to treat his condition. But he was returned to them. They complied with a court order to treat his condition with the help of a doctor — until they failed to show up for an appointment, the CBC reports.

The family could not be located, until they were discovered to have moved to a different province — but there was no communication between the two social service departments.

When in the hell is this going to stop, allowing parents to willfully murder their child, just because it’s in the name of a religion? Not only murder, but torture. This poor child’s life, from the time of diagnosis, had to be such misery. This could have been a happy, healthy child, but apparently, not one person cared enough to stop this in time to save Alex’s life.

Via Raw Story and CBC.

Aaaaaaaaaaand, one more. This one is brief:

God paid him [Muhammad Ali] back with Parkinson’s disease.

Christians. You can all go fuck yourself.


  1. Johnny Vector says

    …we reject the dangerous gender-bending ideology that has been the inevitable aftermath of redefining marriage.

    I bet you do. I bet you also reject the dangerous uppity ideology that has been the inevitable aftermath of redefining slavery.

    All those people killed by gender-benders! Okay, maybe not killed killed. But, severely injured. Why, um, just last week I was brought to tears watching Shirley U. Jest singing “Just Before the Rain”. Sure, they were tears of joy that someone I know has pipes and writing chops that good, but still. Tears, I tell you!

  2. rq says

    Ah yes, Muhammad Ali, the greatest reverse-racist of them all. Never fought for his country, my pinkish-white ass. I bet he fought more for what USAmerica and the mythical American Dream stand for than any of those jerks talking shit about him right now.

    I have a really hard time reading about parents killing their children in the name of religion. It’s not even accidental, you can see your child is suffering. And if you don’t have the humanity to properly care for that child in any way possible, even if it goes against your beliefs, and give them a chance at life, then fuck you and your god. If your god prefers law-abiding folk more than compassionate ones, he’s no great god of love at all.

    Oh, hey, look, allowing everyone to get married, no matter who they love, totally destroyed my marriage!!!! Not. Jerks.

  3. says

    When in the hell is this going to stop, allowing parents to willfully murder their child, just because it’s in the name of a religion?

    Parent’s authority over children is excessive. They can choose to raise the child ignorant, forgo medical treatment, be racist or homophobic, etc. It’s not just religion, though religion has a lot to do with it -- there are a lot of unwanted kids who are abused horribly.

    It’s kind of freaky to think of but much of modern attitudes toward child-rearing are from Rousseau, filtered through victorian class spectacles. If that doesn’t set your alarm bells ringing, I don’t know what can: Rousseau was probably one of the worst parents ever. His views on child-rearing ought to be right up on your shelf next to “Rumsfeld on Nation-Building” whatever he says to do, do the opposite. Or ignore him completely. Victorian attitudes about child-rearing brought in a lot of religion in the guise of science as a reaction the T. H. Huxley’s curriculum reforms. Of course the only kids that ever mattered were the kids of the rich (and aspirationally) the middle class. Still, in far too much of the world, children are capital: labor on the hoof, so to speak.

    I’m on the fence about daycare. Professionalizing and democratizing daycare would make a big improvent for everyone -- most of all the kids. And the republicans, who are so concerned about whether a kid might go into the wrong bathroom -- to protect the kids…. Ah, fuck educating them or caring for their medical needs. We need to see if they have a penis!

  4. Bruce says

    I was unclear with your posted quote:

    > God paid him … back with Parkinson’s disease.

    I thought maybe this was going to refer to god paying back pope John Paul I I for tolerating abusive clergy, by giving JPII Parkinson’s.

    While more logical than relating to Ali, it is still false to assume an imaginary frienemy. (Is that how you spell it?)

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