From Lofty, the person, and in this case, the photographer. Also, a longtime commenter at Pharyngula.
Holms, yup, the little mountain is just up the road, a few km to the north of my place.
Ice Swimmersays
Small world,
big leaf,
long shadows.
Whilst it is claimed not be a zucchini, or a celery, or the most worsest, a pea, it is not — as the mildly deranged penguin pointsyells out — a cheese.
It is almost a cheese. A glorious near-cheese that does best in pastries and pies.
You’ve captured a beautiful moment, Lofty!
35 deg S, “from Lofty” …You don’t mean Mt. Lofty, South Australia? Which I can sort of see from my house (if I climb a ladder)?
From Lofty, the person, and in this case, the photographer. Also, a longtime commenter at Pharyngula.
Holms, yup, the little mountain is just up the road, a few km to the north of my place.
Small world,
big leaf,
long shadows.
Whilst it is claimed not be a zucchini, or a celery, or the most worsest, a pea, it is not — as the mildly deranged penguin
pointsyells out — a cheese.It is almost a cheese. A glorious near-cheese that does best in pastries and pies.
You’ve captured a beautiful moment, Lofty!
Ice Swimmer:
Perfect. I love all the detail, I could look at these for hours.