![Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally Wednesday in Anaheim, Calif. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images).](https://i2.wp.com/freethoughtblogs.com/affinity/files/2016/05/534293926.jpg?resize=900%2C600&ssl=1)
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally Wednesday in Anaheim, Calif. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images).
Trump continues his ‘strategy’ of mouthing off, about everyone. How anyone can take this clown seriously is beyond me. I just don’t get it.
A fresh string of attacks by Donald Trump this week on rivals in the Republican establishment — including one delivered against a prominent Latino governor in her home state — raised new doubts about his ability or desire to unite the party’s badly fractured leadership.
The intraparty skirmishing began with an attack on New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez (R) during a campaign rally in Albuquerque, where Trump blamed her for mismanaging the state’s economy and suggested that she was shirking her responsibilities to her constituents.
Next, during a campaign event Wednesday in Anaheim, Calif., Trump rattled off a string of attacks that played like a greatest-hits collection from the raucous GOP primary. He knocked South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s decision to endorse Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), mocked former Florida governor Jeb Bush for his energy level and blasted 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney as a “choker.” None of the three have endorsed him.
“Poor Mitt Romney. Poor Mitt. . . . I mean, I have a store that’s worth more money than he is,” Trump said, adding later: “He choked like a dog. . . . Once a choker, always a choker.” He also called Romney “stupid” and joked that he “walked like a penguin” on stage.
It doesn’t matter what he says or does. He has already tapped into the fervent racism and xenophobia that was lying dormant because none of the establishment GOPers thought openly white supremacist stuff was okay to say out loud.
His following doesn’t care about these “minor” things. There was only one candidate openly displaying what they want in a leader.
I think he really could shoot someone in broad daylight and his support wouldn’t decline too much. He knows his base all too well.
He’s going to win by a landslide.
Saad @1:
J. Fucking C. I hope not. I really hope that there are enough reasonable people left in this country who vote. HRC may not be the unicorn that we are looking for, but she is a damn sight better choice that Drumpf.
Saad has it right. Even Obama is endorsing Trump.
I mean sure, in the article it says Obama called him ignorant and said he has a cavalier attitude… but Obama deliberately made a prepared speech in which he stated that world leaders are rattled by Trump. If that’s not supposed to sound like a ringing endorsement of Donald Trump for President, then Barack Obama is an idiot who doesn’t know how the media works and how to influence them. Do you consider Barack Obama to be an idiot with no media savvy… or a person who just made global headlines with what sounds like an endorsement of Trump? Because those are your only two options.
This is the first time I can recall reading or hearing the phrase ‘choked like a dog’, and I can’t get past it. It’s horrifying! Choking anything is horrible, but to make a simile out of choking and dogs means that he assumes that dogs choking is, like, a thing, right? Like a choking dog is normal and he expects other people to understand that dogs just get choked? I never want to be around anyone who drops a casually cruel phrase like that. Who the hell treats their pets that way?
People with choke chains? Assholes?
I’m going to stick my neck out and speculate that you never had a dog, besomyka?
They’ll eat anything. Sometimes they eat grass. And often, after they do, they choke, and vomit. There’s speculation that they eat grass deliberately to provoke this reaction when they feel sick, although it’s arguable whether dogs are smart enough to self-medicate like that.
And when a dog chokes like that it makes a loud and quite upsetting noise. Crucially, it’s not something you, the owner, do to them -- they do it themselves. To a dog owner (or anyone who ever spent much time around dogs) “choking like a dog” is a vivid mental picture of an animal loudly trying to make itself vomit. As an insult, it’s great -- you pity Romney, the poor dog who’s got something stuck in his throat and is trying to sick it up.
That was my first thought. One of my monster dogs, Jayne, tends to drink too much water, much too fast. He then vomits up a fucktonne of water. Not pretty.
Saad’s right. If they run Clinton against Trump, he’s going to shred her.
I used to say that one of the rules of politics is never to argue with a comedian. Now it’s “… or a reality TV star.”
They’ll eat anything.
I prefer to think of it as that the dogs’ll usually try anything. They’re very open-minded and their mouths/noses are their main way of interacting with stuff. So, sure, they’ll sniff at a 2 week old dead woodchuck and go “hey, maybe just a lick…” and well that’s not too bad “I wonder what just a nibble…” and after it’s mostly gone, well, there’s some fine fresh horse-poop right over there, it’d be kind of like dessert!!!
And that is how a dog sleeping under the kitchen table suddenly stands up, makes an unhappy noise, and unloads all of that right over daddy’s feet while he’s cooking breakfast.
@blf, 8:
Well, you certainly refuted my argument comprehensively -- how could I not have seen that? I do feel quite the fool now.
Or, less sarcastically: if you don’t think those are the only two options, then the rational response is to offer a third (and fourth, and fifth, if you can think of them). Simply saying “nope” and nothing further just makes you look like you know I’m right but don’t like the implications. You might as well have said “yeah but no but SHU’ UP!”
This is NOT an endorsement of Trump and it’s hard for me to believe that anyone would be naive enough about international politics to believe it is. World leaders are rattled by Trump. For example, the leaders of countries that hold literally trillions of dollars of US debt. If they’re rattled enough to stop loaning the US money and/or call in their debt, they’ll bring the US economy down. They won’t want to do that because it will bring their economies down too, but they will if Trump is elected. If I were, say, the leader of China (whatever their title is), I’d stop issuing loans to the US now and start calling in at least some of the outstanding debt. Maybe not much of it--don’t want the economy to fall and increase the probability of the disaster you’re trying to mitigate--but some.
No living president has endorsed Trump. Both Bushes have refused to participate in his campaign. Dubya, you know, old “let’s start two wars, one just for fun” Dubya? Thinks Trump “rattling world leaders” is not a good thing. Why anyone would think it was is beyond my comprehension. Perhaps it is the view of people who see the US as being the enemy of the entire world?
But the majority of voters in the US are not white men any longer. Trump has pretty clearly threatened women and all racial/ethnic minorities, not just immigrants, as well as religious minorities. Obama won on the votes of women and minorities. Clinton could too, if voter suppression laws are not enacted/effective, the infighting doesn’t discourage voter turnout, and no plausible third party candidate splits the Democratic vote.
dianne: It is an endorsement of Trump, for all practical purposes. Not to you, obviously, but your opinion is irrelevant. You, I suspect, would vote against Trump if the Democrat candidate was Kim Jong Un. There are a few people like you. There are a lot, LOT more who, presented with a candidate who, in the estimation of the sitting President, has other world leaders rattled, think “Oh yeah? GOOD.” You want to talk about naive? How about naive enough to think that there aren’t enough of those people to give Trump a landslide victory against yappy little Hillary.
Good job you’re not then, eh?
If that really is the case then I’m trying to explain the experience of colour to a blind person. /shrug/
dianne, #13
I understand that, and in an ideal election, I do believe the bigot votes would get outnumbered. But what scares me is how the turnout will look from both sides in this election. I have a sinking feeling that a lot more of the energized right-wing assholes will be turning up and plenty of (privileged) democrat voters will not see the big picture and sit this one out because of reservations they have about Clinton. Being an immigrant with Muslim family all over the U.S., I can’t help but feel gloomy. It almost feels like he has won already by coming this far with such a brazen platform and campaign.
Interesting. I do not believe that feeling is accidental. Trump behaves and talks like he’s contesting the election not as a candidate but as a sitting president. It’s terrifying.