Christian moron plans to imperil family all over again

Not long ago Sean Gastonguay almost killed his entire family by “fleeing the US’ by sea and getting lost in the middle of the Pacific.
Gastonguay claimed to be escaping an abortion friendly US government and ended up adrift for weeks. He ended up costing the taxpayers of several nations untold thousands of dollars and manhours to save his sorry ass and get home. I guess that was just a dry run, because he’s gonna do it again: [Read more…]

New poll shows public wants Obamacare to work


Pew and USA Today have a nice poll out with great cross tabs and more detailed follow-up questions on the Affordable Care Act or ACA, also know as Obamacare. The results are mixed but one thing is a little encouraging: if you combine those who outright approve of the ACA, and those who disapprove but say elected officials should seek to make the ACA work as well as possible, we have a solid majority who want this to work: [Read more…]

Ted Cruz praises Jesse Helms

I don’t know if Senator Ted Cruz has come to terms with this, but he’s foreign born and is a minority. No matter how much applause he draws dissing minorities, he will always be foreign born and have a Latino surname. But ha fancies himself a good ole boy racist nonetheless, and nothing says racism quite like praising an infamous unashamed racist: [Read more…]

Graphic view of Arctic sea ice loss

There is much joy in Teaparty-ville that Arctic ice loss may fall short of a new minimum this year. Back in the reality-based world, there’s not much in the way of good news to celebrate:

Prof Andy Shepherd, from Leeds University, said: “Now that we have three years of data, we can see that some parts of the ice pack have thinned more rapidly than others. At the end of winter, the ice was thinner than usual. Although this summer’s extent will not get near its all-time satellite-era minimum set last year, the very thin winter floes going into the melt season could mean that the summer volume still gets very close to its record low,” he told BBC News.

The bin Laden scheme

As we dutifully remember the events of Sep 11, 2001, it’s useful to tell the short story of Osama bin Laden and why he orchestrated the attack. That terrible day may seem fresh in our minds, but in the next Presidential election there will be people voting who don’t remember it. There’s a lot of young people now coming of age who were just kids, millions more not yet born, on that terrible day. And the story is as short and easy to follow as it it is tragic.

We begin with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and a young, idealistic heir to a vast family fortune named Osama bin Laden. [Read more…]