Brought to you by the party of “Family Values”

Oh. My. Fucking. God. Lets say you’re a self-righteous, overbearing fundamentalist grifting snot-wad of a political party whose members brag about their superior family values on every mic they can hijack 24/7. And now let’s say you’re gonna investigate the website crashes afflicting the ACA earlier this month. And let’s add in that you’re desperate to rehabilitate your public image after a recent screw-up. Who would you pick to be the public face and technical expert advising you on that effort? [Read more…]

So many conflicting emotions on the ACA website

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Twenty-four billion up in flames as Cruz plays the fiddle


There’s something distinctly wingnutty about the party that just lit $ 24 billion on fire in a useless shutdown whining about a few hundred million spent on the Obamacare website. But for the rest of us, by which I mean me, it’s more complex. For starters, computers suck, networks suck, and that’s not a judgement on those of you who make them, it’s a factual observation of what earnings-obsessed CEOs and cash strapped project managers shovel out the door to inflict on us, the using public, every fucking day of the week. [Read more…]

Pope takes another shot at wingnuts posing as Christians


If he keeps this shit up, there’s a surely a Teaparty lunatic backed by a creepy zillionaire ready to primary the Pope. Update: I realize his words are vague as shit. But they’ve been being widely interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as urging Christians to cool it on the negative social issue stuff and look more toward helping the poor, the sick, that more Jesus-y stuff.

The drug war is lost & it always was


I realize we’re supposed to say drugs are bad, you shouldn’t do them, yada-yada-yada. We’ll they can be bad; I’ve seen more people fuck up on alcohol than just about every other vice or leisure activity combined. But if there’s one drug that is clearly in its own class as far as producing a pleasurable psychoactive effect without extracting too high a price, it has to be marijuana. Anyone who has been around drugs in general and pot specifically knows this.

It seems majority of the American people, sans one group, are finally coming around to that view as well: [Read more…]

One of these things is not like the others

How about a little good news, for me anyway? It appears my insurance company is weary of fucking around and has paid out on some of the work I’ve missed due to health issues over the last few weeks. Which means there will be no more blegging until my usual holiday season hit-up. And speaking of money and health, one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong: 1) 9-11, 2) Iraq War, 3) Hurricane Katrina, 4) slow website, and 5) Great Recession. Here’s a helpful hint: all but one happened under the previous administration and most of those ended up costing a trillion taxpayer dollars or more with thousands of lives lost or ruined for good measure.

But you know what is a little more like a slow loading healthcare website, happened under the Bush WH, and has also cost in the neighborhood of a trillion tax-bucks? It’s not web pages that time out, like the WordPress edit screen, Youtube, and pretty much every other site I visit on a daily basis. It’s this blast from the recent past: [Read more…]

A customer service reality check for Morning Joe

Watching the crew on Morning Joe this morning it struck me, the celebrities on panel must have a ton of personal assistants taking care of their chores. Or something, because even for the ones on “my side,’ it almost appears they haven’t had to call a typical customer service line, you know, the kind normal non-rich people are condemned to rely on, in a long, long while. They’re up there on camera implying the private sector delivers some kind of instant, mythical service meeting an idealistic standard only found in the fevered delusions of pampered site directors and those who ass they kiss.

Let me tell you something about TPS reports … [Read more…]

Cooking data vs burning it


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I shared my healthcare nightmare on Daily Kos yesterday, right on cue the usual suspects are brandishing new supposed data intended to kill millions of people like me before we become really unprofitable. It should not come as breaking news around these skeptical parts that telling powerful people the answer they want to hear is good business, even when everyone knows that answer is wrong. But there’s a difference between artfully roasting data and shoveling it into a blast furnace.

I’m talking of course about that new PR scheme, being widely passed off as a study today, hyped by the usual harpies from Heritage Foundation and beyond shrieking that, indeed we-told-you-sotm, Obamacare will raise most people’s insurance premiums! There’s just one thing wrong with that: [Read more…]

The insidious plot to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids

We are facing virtual Armageddon, the Republic may not survive. It started out as a full frontal assault on America and apple pie, but the situation is even now dire: there is a website on the Internet that is slow to load, it often times out and, worst of all, it is taken down for maintenance on a weekly basis. But some people are getting through: [Read more…]