Healthcare is upheld, Chief Justice Roberts sides with White House

Presidential signature on the ACA. Click image for round up on Daily Kos. Obama and Romney scheduled to address the nation within the hour.

The Affordable Care Act was upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court today. Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed by President George Bush, provided the key swing vote. Want to know more? The live coverage at SCOTUS Blog is just superb. The actual decision is complicated, but everyone I’ve heard from so far is calling it a huge win for the White House: [Read more…]

SCOTUS Immigration ruling & Healthcare decision

Update 10 AM: Word is no HCR decision today, probably Thursday. No way to know if that’s true, it’s just a plausible sounding rumor being passed around the new media community in the last few minutes. If so I’ll be nailed to my chair blogging the injustice of the Justices here. And I’ll be wearing something nice, this time, because I like to look nice when I get $*#%&-ed by creepy old men in black hoods …

Update 9:21 AM Central: Mixed decision on the Immigration Law but sounds like the Papers Please part was upheld, at least partially. I’ll leave the rest to the legal eagle bloggers like Ed Brayton. [Read more…]

And I thought I was having a tough week

I guess that puts my little struggle over FMLA paperwork in context. This guy is amazingly lucky.

HuffPo— A Miami teen who was impaled in the forehead in a spearfishing gun accident in early June is very, very lucky, according to surgeons who were able to remove the long piece of metal that was lodged all the way through his brain.

16-year-old Yasser Lopez is recovering well; doctors with Jackson Memorial Hospital said at a press conference Monday he will likely rehabilitate without additional surgery.

Haunted dreams and guest bloggers

I should probably quit smoking. And please, before anyone jumps into comments with their former-smoker zeal and personal horror stories, you cannot scare me anymore than the Terrie the Smoker ad already has, she scares me plenty. That poor, incredibly brave gal’s rasping voice now haunts my dreams and swims in my blood. Other than that, I’m looking straight down the barrel of another insanely long day in the middle of another insanely long week. Hopefully I can grab a few minutes and find some tidbits to post in between crises.

Speaking of time management and lack thereof, are any of you regs interested in guest blogging for this site? I haven’t worked out the details or even thought much about it, but it’s probably time to tap some of the talent around these parts.