Anyday now they’ll start calling us angry

When the pampered Wall Street CEO class nuked the economy, shown by the red-colored needle shaped drop in corporate profits just before 2010, it was US wage earners who rode to their rescue, securing their multimillion dollar bonuses and cushy jobs. The same working middle class whose wages shown in blue never recovered. At first the CEO class strutted around and scolding us for taking on the debt to save them [Read more…]

Embassy attack

Update 11 AM Central: Mitt’s cynical ploy is starting to blow up in his smirking over-privileged face. Romney was already a touch behind in most polls, in retrospect this may turn out to be the day that sealed his electoral fate.

Most people around the world and especially at home are deeply saddened and shocked to hear of the death of four Americans inside our own embassy in and near nations we helped freaking liberate. Hell, even some of the more radicalized Egyptians and Libyans know this was a first class fuck up.

But you better believe there will be one group here in the US who will barely be able to contain their glee at the massacre: [Read more…]

Facts are pesky things

Facts are annoying to a snake oil slaesman, they can threaten and even topple a foundation built on anti-facts. It may sound strange to those of us who dwell in the reality based universe, but many in the Teaparty wingnut division of the GOP are just now hearing how out of step they are with that reality. Paul Ryan offers a window into the dissonance [Read more…]

THIS time the conservatives are REALLY gonna do it!

Yes, we’re right back to that old saw. Elect Mr Romney and he will singlehandedly — along with Ryan and the America people — slash taxes, slash regulations, strengthen Social Security and Medicare, bolster defense, balance the budget,and pay down the deficit. Like any snake oil pitch, this one begins with a tiny element of truth, a teensy-weensy admission that’s supposed to make us think, hey, maybe they’re finally coming around to reality: [Read more…]

Romney to Founding Fathers: You didn’t build that

Speaking in front of a dazed and confused grassroots conservative crowd today, Mitt Romney waded into the usual rhetorical gumbo so favored by the right, saying that America was the best economy in the world because of our freedom, and he mentioned that good ole chestnut, ‘rights don’t come from government, they come from God-eh’! Now, elementary logic here: [Read more…]

I paid way more in taxes than Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney seemed proud, proud I say, that he paid “about 13% in taxes”. We have no way to know if that’s true or not, nor is it clear what taxes on what income he is referring to. Does that mean income taxes, did he include state taxes, was sales tax somehow factored in, perhaps he didn’t include any comp that ended up in his $100 million IRA as income? Or, seeing as Mittens has lied about his taxes before and been stone cold busted, it could be complete bullshit through and through. But here’s the thing, even if it’s true, I pay more income taxes percentage wise than Romney. Odds are so do you. [Read more…]

Failing upward in the GOP hits a new jaw-dropping record

Remember Dan Senor, the man who was dead wrong about, well, everything when he was the Bush-Cheney head PR honcho in Iraq? Senor was so incredibly wrong and at such tragic cost that off course Mit Romney had to snatch him up for that foreign policy expertise! But the guy who’s been making economic forecasts and was involved in crafting the disastrous Mittastrophe plan now being panned makes Senor look like fucking Nostradamus. There’s more, oh so much more. [Read more…]